Ask a major in psychology anything

Ask a major in psychology anything.

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does phenibut work

why don't you study a real science instead?

that would be more in the psyquiatry field, my friend

Why do you hate your parents so much that you would take that major?

Med school plans or nah

Does liking traps make you gay?

Oregano, I love psychology because (to put it simply) it can be applied in many different ways and it's pretty interesting the effects some comments or habits or any small detail can have on someone and how the brain can protect or embrace those details/habits or whatever, and how every human reacts differently to some stimuli. I also want to get a major in psychiatry.

Hell yeah

extremely origami

Why are you paying thousands of dollars to end up working at McDonalds?

Why are you wasting your time and money on such a useless major? If you want to major in something useless like that, double major in business or some shit.

Most likely. The way you can be attracted to people can work in fractions, you can like women aestheticaly and even think you are sexually attracted to them, but when it comes down to it you just simply don't like vaginas or whatever. Or the same for guys, or maybe you don't like the masculinity of guys but you like dick. Then maybe that golden ratio of femininity and having a dick is good for you. I would recommend seeing if you like more masculine men. Or try to have some sort of sexual encounter with a man of your liking. But yes, you are at least 20% gay. And there's literally nothing wrong with it as long as the reason is genuine and not because you hate your mom or you have a shitty complex.

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I actually want to major in other things! I'm not so stupid as to get only one major and in psychology of all things!

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I loved psychology way before my relationship with my parents declined in quality. Actually psychology helped me realise what incompetent, unsuccessfull and disgusting people they were.

Why do single moms raise either school shooters or autist weaboo loners?
>t.autistic loner weaboo raised by a single mother

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>applying psychology to memes
Arigatai Freud-chan

I was asked about it!

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Long story -really really really- short, women who end up single moms were most likely roasties or women who, for any reason, either princess complex, unmeetable standards or just plain shitty, just aren't good enough to get a husband to raise the child with. Women can't carry the burden of a male role and a female role, unlike single fathers can (barely) do it. Since the male rolemodel is DEFINING in the growth of a man. Since he is the first demonstration of healthy love with the first person you will love (your mother). Also discipline is way better when it comes from the male figure. Women aren't as good as disciplining children, that's why most of them just go for jobs where they play or teach or read, without any REAL authority over the kids.
>durr hurr I don't love my mother
Up to 7 months the baby thinks they're the same person as their mother. That goes along with love n shit. (boring subject cut short)

tl;dr; you need a father for discipline and to teach you what success is and how to healthily love another person. Most of the time, school shooters did what they did because they felt shunned and shit on by women, and that's due to the fact that another woman is the only example they had on how to get women, and women don't know what they want. That's why you should NEVER listen to advice from women on how to get women.

If there's anything I left out let me know

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Why does my soldier stand up when I touch him too much?



Is the opposit true for girls? Do they need a womanly figure?

Can I have some fries with that?

I'm planning on getting my bachelors to become a physians assistant, but im also interested in psychology. Would a psychology major be worth it?

>thinking about what women need
Just kidding. The manly figure matters just as much in men as in women growing up, but for different reasons. The motherly figure is also important but not nearly as much as the male figure. But yeah, balance is always good. If there's only a male figure with the woman growing up she runs the risk of turning into a defying roastie who dyes her hair and has to prove something by rebelling. She needs to know how to be a lady. And there needs to be a father to keep her 'ladyness' in check, along with other traits that are better to be checked by the father instead of the mother.

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Is okay to have a brap fetish?

How do I leave a strong, positive impression in conversations with people?

Go get your tendies, user. Also isn't your Mt. Dew getting warm? Go make a thread about how girls go to chad instead of the good guys like you. Or go mastubarte to your waifu. Just don't bother us

What are you gonna do for work?

How does it feel to make money by being an armchair advisor with meme degree?

No, my friend. Doing something you can fall back on is the smartest choice when going into medical school. Currently doing biomedical engineering with business administration as a minor. See what I mean?

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Why do I still struggle with girls even tho I've had sex more than 20 times?

>Would a psychology major be worth it?
Yes but only if you truly enjoy psychology. But I would recommend going first for what you most enjoy, always consider if you're gonna have job options, but the most important thing is that you enjoy what you do. It's really not a meme

depends on how old you are and how much it has bled onto your actual life and overall personality.

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I don't want to do shit but I also don't want to do nothing. How to fix this

am i really all that wrong?

Be yourself in a non-overwhelming way and try to get people to talk to you about things they are passionate about. Try your best to be genuine with what you think and how you react to things. Also learn about body language and how to be open, welcoming and relaxed, it's one of the two most important things to manage to not be an autist. And the 2nd most important thing is the DELIVERY, a joke/nice comment can be COMPLETELY different depending on timing, tone and delivery. It's really really really important! You can study these subjects on the internet really easily. Bottom line is; never be afraid to fail or sperg out, as long as you learn what you did wrong and recreate conversations in your head to practice.

How do I trick people into thinking I'm confident

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18. I have never told anyone and right now I don't want to relate it with my girlfriend.

Nah. You have hope, user. Don't give up.

This. I want advice too. I just want to seem chad.

How to get rid of brain fog, mr psychology man?

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18 is a pretty normal age to be into particular things. It will most likely wear off. And my advice would be that you talk to it SLOWLY with your girlfriend. Test her beforehand to try and have an idea of how she will react to it. You have to ease into it.

when was it that your realised you should have taken another subject and when did you realises how much of a dissapointment to your parents you are?

Because maybe you don't excell at social situations since they can have way many more connotations than sex, if you're in a situation where you are going to have sex there are not that many /social queues/ that make you sperg out. So maybe that comes easier to you and with social situations you tend to overthink or just be shy. My guess is that you're a sweet guy and you have a hard time keeping up a regular conversation with a girl. Always remember that they are people the same as you, your mother or anyone on the street. And they are experiencing the same conversation as you. My advice would be that you take it slow and do your best to shift the roles of the conversation, try to have the other person tell you things about themselves or that they are passionate about. Try to be casual and don't be afraid to try being funny or passionate. Bottom line is, if you've had sex more than 20 times you're not doing things too wrong.

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Set yourself small goals each day. Say you're afraid of going out, one day go outside for a few seconds, the next day go outside for a few minutes and stand in the front door. The next day take a few steps outside. Etc etc and so on, it's all about progress and building up an attitude of not giving up and having a drive to better yourself. Find a small goal and reach it by taking tiny steps. Also failing should not be something to be afraid of. It should be seen as an oportunity where your mistakes are laid in front of you so you can learn and /improve/. Never forget that. Too many people stop when they reach the point of "I don't know" or "I can't". I fucking hate it

I've never had an interest in perusing anyone romantically or sexually. I still fap and shit but that's it. Rarley I'll get 'crushes' but they're nothing more than an annoyance, because I have no interest in acting upon them. I'm like bizarro world human where being alone makes me happy and being around other people makes me depressed. What in the world am I? I don't want to be 'cured' I'm just curious if you could provide any insight.

Try to improve yourself in private, work out a little, don't pay so much attention to vidya, waifus and anime (just to give broad examples of some of the things people in this board commonly like). When you are on a constant state of improving and becoming the best version of yourself possible you stop being afraid of people thinking you're ugly or you're fat or you have a shit lifestyle or whatever shit like that, because you will eventually, internally and inevitably know that it does not matter because you are improving yourself. And what flaws you may have today you don't have next week or next month. With true improvement you start to shed off insecurities and underconfidence.

aside from being a psych major I am also a fitizen, and let me tell you guys it's so fucking worth it, more than you will EVER know or even dream of

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I struggle immensely with social phobia. What kind of therapy or medication could help me?

No just be yourself xD-tier advice, please.

I really enjoy psychology more than PA, im only studying for being a PA because its kinda what my parents want and although i dont mind it i dont love it as much as psychology

Meme degree review

Understand that people think about you way less than you think they do. You are NOT that importante, my friend. Also try to improve your life by taking tiny steps and setting yourself small goals. Don't get rid of it, that's like saying there's something wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you, you just have things about you that could be better. And they can be if you make them so. The thing is, people convince themselves that they cannot, and that's exactly what's stopping them.

Speaking of which, what causes people to have social phobia? Is it early childhood trauma? I remember being afraid of other people ever since I was 5 or so.

I don't want to ask you anything


I'd say it's due to the fact that you haven't experienced the upside of social interaction on any level. (there's most likely more reasons but I don't know you and have no info on you so I'm working on a bare bones case here) My advice would be that you try it for a few months to actually have an argument for not liking society. Also the depressed thing is really sad. That could most likely relate to you feeling bad about yourself (even if you don't consciouly know it or admit it). And when you're alone those factors of you don't shine and are not seen by other people. You would be way happier improving yourself slowly and not being afraid of doing things wrong or sperging out a little from time to time. Pople tend to overestimate their failures and underestimate their capabilities to achieve or improve. But if you don't want to change and you're inmovably convinced that you're happier this way then do whatever you want. Just know that you'll later regret it greatly.

answer this wizard

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Is it really a bad thing that I have trust issues, especially with women? I avoid getting close to people because I feel like they'll use what I've told them against me, or hate me when I show them my real personality.

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>No just be yourself xD-tier advice, please.
If I gave that advice I would fucking fail as a psychologist.
I would say that you should try to find at least ONE social situation where you are comfortable and don't feel threatened, since it must feel almost unbearable to feel people staring at you and being judged.
Since I dealt with this myself I could give you millions of advices but I'm going to keep it short since I have to answer to a lot of more people.
People pay way less atention to you than you can even imagine. People think about you or talk about you behind your back way less than you think. Also social phobia is mostly caused by your insecurities preying on your will to improve and go out (considering social interaction is one of the healthiest things other human can experience). So I'd recommend trying to improve yourself on your own and for your own sake. Be it working out a little, letting go of unhealthy food, not paying so much attention to vidya or waifus or anime or chan boards. Slowly detach yourself from those habits that are killing you. And set yourself on a path to improve yourself, since insecurities are rooted on a feeling of not improving yourself. Find the things you are insecure about and attack them head on (This is normally done by setting yourself small goals each day). And when you are actually improving yourself you will start to shed off your insecurities and become more confident. Also read

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Brain fog, not depression
I feel spaced out all the time, like i hear people talking to me but can't understand them

Why cant I initiate anything? I make plans, but never get them started. Is there a strategy I can use to make starting things easier?

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There are many causes. Be it childhood abuse or trauma, a feeling of not being worthy, a feeling of being judged(and being overwhelmed by that alleged "judging" by others). One's insecurities preying on you and making you believe you can't go out or make friends or X or Y or whatever. This can be commonly deafeated by getting busy with things or improving yourself. Since if you don't have anything in your life providing you of a sense of improvement or at least the tiniest bit of success, eventually the only thing that you're left to think about are the things you are doing wrong or the things you don't like about yourself. And extreme overthinking of said things can really really really damage a person's sense of self worth or overall confidence.

I have a question. Why do so many fucking people major in psychology? Legitimately. What jobs are most of them going after? They can't all want to be therapists.

I'm in a gen Ed class this semester and half of the other students are psych majors.

Lol that's the problem with questions not being fleshed out or clear haha. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Those can be symptoms of things like autism or shit like that. I don't really know you and don't have any further information so I don't want to assume anything. Go to a psychiatrist.

It's not that bad. It happens to a lot of men. You have a hard time letting go and opening up. And you have a devalued sense of self-worth. I can't say anything about this because it's really simple. Just remember women are ordinary people too and try to let go more often, worst case scenario people don't like you, big deal, move on and try to find social situations where you can feel safe and try to work on your skillz there. Try to show your real personality at first, just don't be too overwhelming when first meeting someone.

Does psychotherapy actually help people? If so, how?

Hahah no idea, user. Maybe it appeals to people because of memes or because it seems simple at first glance. Personally, I love psychology because it's what helped me improve myself and discover how to get over many of the things keeping me from being happy and not killing myself. So I have always been fond of it.

It's still developing. There's not enough base to call it a respectable science. Also considering that anything related to psychology hast a different result in every person, it's difficult to say yet.

Try to start off by doing small things and achieving tiny goals every day, it helps with getting used to actually doing things and being active. I've already answered this type of question about 3 times in this thread. Look it up, pls.

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alright, thank you. I have already been trying this with some success, but I think the things I am stuck on are more of a leap-of-faith type situation. They arent really things you can do in small amounts. I want to quit my job so I can spend all my time going kayaking and hiking and dating girls like all the other uni students I see.
you have very nice reaction images btw

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>you have very nice reaction images
thanks :)

How to get rid of oneitis?
I tried forgetting, I tried hating her guts/negative association, but I can't fucking get her out of my mind.
And before you say "go meet other girls", do not forget where you are posting.

It will wear off eventually. Focus on yourself. Work out, read, learn something new, shit like that.

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That was included in the "I tried forgetting" part.
I am seriously at a point were I consider pharmaceutics instead, know of any that could work?

>know of any that could work?
That's more in the psychiatry field.
I repeat, I would recommend waiting a few more months and try to improve yourself. I can't think of any other advice

kk, thanks for trying.

>There's not enough base to call it a respectable science.
Person with a psychology degree completed here. Spotted the poser or 1st year. Therapies from the CBT family have been shown to both have comparable effects to drugs and last longer after discontinuation.

But then, you want to go into psychiatry anyway, so of course you'd downplay any treatment that isn't a pill.

is OP still here?
why do people on the internet try to diagnose me as being a narcissist, when i only meet one or two of the criteria for it? i certainly have my fair share of issues, but narcissism isn't one of them.

who cares die



Why do I have a mommy fetish. I don't want to fuck my mom, I just want to call a girl to treat me like her baby that I can call mommy.

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would a diagnosis of BPD 15 years ago still be valid today? i didn't meet enough criteria then, and i meet even fewer of them now. but i was a cutter, and that's the label they give to all cutters.

What makes you think that you and other psychologists are qualified to heal traumas in patients if you haven't thoroughly examined and healed your own traumas in the first place?

Just curious about what field of study is the most popular for us robots.

Me personally I am in school for a bsba in supply chain / logistics with minor in MIS.

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Obviously because your mother did not give you enough validation as a young child, so you project your mother onto every GF prospect you see

Why are transgenders transgender?

How (original) do I fix it?

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I know this girl. Shes good looking, fun to talk to. Was at a party the other night. She makes out with this guy we both know. Now shes known this guy a while. I'm probably jealous at least subconsciously but thats besides the point.
This guy is objectively not attractive, not smart, borderline dropout, drinks, smokes, does cocaine, MDMA and anything short of heroin and meth, hes not physically fit or good at anything. Why would a girl ever find this attractive?

he sounds tall