Is there a more cope combination?
>girls like money so I'll go into tech and make a lot of money
>girls like muscles so I'll get into bodybuilding and get a lot of muscles
Muscles and money can't fix a lack of personality
Is there a more cope combination?
>girls like money so I'll go into tech and make a lot of money
>girls like muscles so I'll get into bodybuilding and get a lot of muscles
Muscles and money can't fix a lack of personality
damn you're right I'm gonna quit today and do couch 5x5
I dont even bother keeping up with technology and the internet anymore as I get older. I just call over the asian IT staff to fix all my shit. Working out is all I need
you don't know shit about that dude and already shit talk him he probably mogs you like hell
Why is this bad?
>tech = high-ish salary and work life balance, especially with remote work catching on
>lifting is healthy, especially combined with other activities
So you're already a fit dude with a bunch of free time to hike, vacation places, read a fuckton, explore the world, volunteer, spend time with your dying parents, a LOT of constructive stuff. A dude literally has to take his glasses off, develop some sense of humor and he can have a very high QoL, even if he is a backend bitch for 30 hours a week
Or would you rather be an "alpha" banker/lawyer who has a beer belly, works 80 hours a week and has a family that hates him because he's never there?
This guy looks good in normies eyes, but hes still incel inside. No amount of muscle can give you the Chad vibe..
sad to see such a man sitting in front of a screen
> girls want personality
You say this like you don't need some actual baseline personality to achieve the stated points.
Nothing wrong with having money and nothing wrong with looking good. But this dude is coping with something and any average who does it “for the women” and not because they enjoy it is neither based nor redpilled.
Niggas who got nuts don’t need to flex them. That picture screams insecurity.
>the meme
>No amount of muscle can give you the Chad vibe..
Meh. Depends. Was all that muscle built in an air conditioned gym while listening to techno? Probably incel.
Was that muscle built by getting choked over and over and over again during bjj? Was that muscle built at the bottom of a 500lb squat with a black dude in the back yelling "YEAH BUDDY"? On the football field?
"Chad dgaf" vibes are built by putting yourself in stressful situations over and over and over again.
>spend a lot of time inactive on a computer
>into fitness to avoid health problems
should have known /fitlit/ is the true path to enlightenment
delete this shit
I’m basically a help desk/system admin so the only IT staff at my job. We have an outsourcing company that handles all the actual technical things like the servers, active directory, networking etc. I literally do 2-3 hours worth of “work” a week and shitpost and read E-books the rest of the day. How many other jobs can you get away with this?
You’ll never be chad
>t. someone posting behind a screen
Is there anything more cope than focusing on others shortcomings? People only build strawmen to knock them down. Worry about yourself cuck
But I do both of those things because I enjoy it and it gives me pleasure
Girls like personality so I'm gonna "self improve"
desu I regret getting a CS degree. It's incel tier and actually really boring
Im in this situation. Its pretty comfy desu. Since you work with 90% sois you can mog them all after only 3 months of lifting. Then they get jealous and "start running again" to get back in shape, quietly quit after a month... repeat endlessly.
I'm technically /gfit/ and only a tech illiterate brainlet would think any of us do it for women.
Tech is a hobby and by association, the perfect industry for work. And we're fit for the same reasons as everyone else, improving our quality of life
/gfit/ master race reporting in.
I also do achrobatics and calisthenics since bitches like cool stuff
>get a tech degree
>work from home for 3 years, have tinder girls suck your dick while you dial into daily scrums, work out during lunch breaks at a gym near your house or garage gym
>get an MBA, drink and fuck people
>work from home for 3 more years
>move abroad
>continue to work from home, have more girls suck your dick during conference calls
Why the fuck do people think tech workers are all incel pajeets? If I had a nickel for every time I creampied a girl while working from home dialed into a conference call I wouldn't have to work
Corporate normies will never make it
>Things That Totally Happened
Please explain why this is hard to believe.
Like actually, I want to hear your reasoning.
>have fuck buddy from tinder, grad student
>call her over your place on a Thursday evening
>fuck all night, work from home on Friday
>wake up, have more morning sex
>"hey I need to dial into this call but I don't actually need to pay attention"
>dial in from your bed
>get your dick sucked
>girl leaves at like 10am
>get work done during the day. Sign off at 6 and enjoy weekend
Like what?
>be uneducated, get IT tech job by personality/strong resume with sufficient buzzword use
>Spend most of my day driving company car between our offices and installing windows on a laptop or plugging in a keyboard for a retard desk jockey
>Lift daily during work hours, and HR actively pushes me to keep this up as it is good for company image, met the head of HR when i upgraded her laptop and suggested the company could use a gym in some of the offices, for staff use which if it gets rolled out will save on gym costs for me.
>some of the offices are 200km apart, so get to drive most of the day and work out in random gyms and meet lots of people both in and out of the company
>do not even speak the language i only use english
>somehow paid 30 euros an hour for what i do
>always put overtime in due to driving back from offices that are not my local one at 2x rates
Personality got the door open, I get to maintain and improve my physique through lifting, and also get paid a huge chunk of dough for what is essentially entry level IT work.
All this arguing over if this kids incel or not but if you square is jaw up a tiny bit and extend his chin outward a centimeter, and now you’ve got a 9/10 Chad.
>men like money
>men like muscles
tinder shill...please.
It could be a girl you met at a house party or a bar. Point still stands. If you live in a city and have a tech job and aren't a total incel this isn't hard to pull off.
I'm an indie game/app dev and I lift because I spend 8+hours a day on a pc. Seriously, if you work a sedentary job then you are in for a world of hurt when you get older. I'm 30 and feel like 16.
Most people in tech circles are active in some way or another. Upper-middle class tech workers are almost always ex-swimmers, track athletes who do outdoorsy shit like hiking or rock climbing. Lots of engineers and managers I know do powerlifting and cross-shit
Honestly the meme of the fat cheetos IT worker is old.
OP must live in a shit hole city
i'm 31 and i feel like i'm 45
Yeah but that anons a loser
>watching t1 rage in stream the other day
>manlet spam is in full force
>wife walks back
>drapes over me
>makes comment about how the cool thing for nerds nowadays is try and lift
>squeezes my bicep
>walks off
fucking bitch
I look 47 but I'm 24
Nah. If he's away from the computer you'd assume the same things about him that you'd assume about anyone else that looked like that. Until he spergs really hard people will think he's a jock.
>Tfw 30
>Feel 45
>Look like I'm 15 still
Kill me
hello shill-kun you're on the wrong board
pussy sport shit, full of homos
>football field
literally full of tryhard pussies, bonus faggy point if they play rugby to overcompensate for their lack of personality, only chads are the frat boys that don't even play football at all, they just pretend they do
they definitely can, are you mad?
>a lack of personality
This is what bluepilled normies pull because they need an invisible whiffly factor to not be objectively inferior.
The reality is that most people's personalities suck ass and paying attention to PUA dynamics can allow you to outperform all but the most inherently charismatic individuals in terms of "personality".
>Muscles and money can't fix a lack of personality
No, but they CAN make the difference between girls deciding you're not worth the time before they even talk to you, versus after you've already ejaculated inside them several times.
>doing anything for girls
Get a load of this chump.
/fitlit/ is the best combination, to master both brain and brawn makes you nigh untouchable. Too bad /lit/ is full of fucking overeducated Jow Forums virgins and not enough grounded and sensible men.
You can't be into tech and exercise? Why? I'll settle for even a bullshit answer
it's 2018 and people still put women on pedestals, once you actually get into a relationship you'll realize it sucks dick, happiness comes from within
Muscles and money is a huge confidence boost which can help build your personality
Jow Forums doesn't have chins
>Implying pol hates lifting
More like
a relationship won't give you happiness.
But if you're happy from the get go and the same holds true for your partner a relationship can be very fulfilling
Why are you trying so hard to convince him?
Even if you still imagine people care about more than money and status you will have to admit they're extremely superficial with limited information
You know what real cope is?
Caring THIS much about other people to distract yourself from how dogshit you yourself are.
Grow up.
So you’re either a pussy or a tryhard, what an absulote coping excuse of a faggot you must be
Similar situation, suggestions for when I’m bored out of my mind?
>flexing while playing vidya
True wisdom. This user’s gonna make it. OP on the other hand...
wow, what about just being a chad and partying instead of following homo pursuits to overcompensate your manliness because of lack of pussy just lol
Same here man. I got into fitness so my body doesn't break down.
Alpha banker with no family. I would allocate my free time towards working out and fucking models.
good choice, we need you out of the gene pool
delet this
Yes short guys who are rich and lift. HUGE COPE
This is exactly where I'm at
I work in IT and lift. IT hours are not great; I work 10 hour days usually because the smallfolk cannot turn on a monitor or replace a toner cartridge. I am currently 2/3/4/4. Fuck deadlifts; I only care about lat spread.
In their defense, your lats should be activated during the deadlift. Doing emom sets really made me realize how much they're used in a deadlift
>for 30 hours a week
try 40-50
Why are there so many Nick Bateman wannabes on Jow Forums
I work as a software engineer at a streaming service. Typical day is from 9:30-4pm with an hour off around noon for lunch, definitely work closer to 30 hours/week.
Twitch prime eng detected. What’s good Monty
kirby beans are better
>girls like "X" and "Y"
>you do "X" and "Y" because girls like it
>you are missing out on "Z"
nigger, excuse me, me negro, WUT
>doesn't manage AD
>doesn't manage servers
>doesn't manage network
Sorry to break it to you but you aren't a sysadmin. You're stuck on the hell desk.
>t. former hell desk tech, now sysadmin