Be me

>be me
>have nose piercing like pic related
>the part of a piercing that sits in your skin always smells weird
>every time i move it, everything smells like shit
>move it on purpose
>smells horrible
>do it again fifteen minutes later

The fuck is my problem

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Get rid of your nose, it's the only smart solution.
trust me, i'm an engineer

Shit you didn't. Let me go find an angle grinder

Why would you get it in the first place?

*shit you right

Fuck auto correct

toss the ring in the trash and grow the fuck up. No one gives a shit about your snowflake piercings or tats. just makes you look desperate.

Because it looks good. Are you one of those people that hate piercings?

Ofcourse i'm right, i am an engineer
And i also suggest using haircutting scissors for the removing nose part

Who said anything about snowflakes? I know tons of people with this piercing. Also desperate for what? I'm not a grill.

You seem a little upset. You ok buddy? Need someone to talk to?

Get rid of it.
Nothing is more beautiful than a girls natural face.

I'm totally a dude. Google just turned up mostly images of women when I searched this.

Its a bacteria infested hole. Ditch that stupid thing.
One time a girl took her piercing out and told me to smell it, i did, unaware. How disgusting it was, i wanted to vomit, lost my desire for her forever.

Attached: http _fc05.deviantart.net_fs40_i_2009_010_2_f_Perseus_slays_Medusa_by_madameLEOTA.jpg (292x390, 13K)

>looks good
Not him, but it really doesn't

You're a fucking faggot. Take that shit out and stop trying to be edgy you cringeworthy retard.

>septum piercing
fucking DROPPED tbqh

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Jeez it's almost like people have different opinions. Crazy world, right?

You do realise there's zero females on this board, right?

>tfw no bacteria infested stinky fembot gf

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>Because it looks good

It doesn't, desu

THeres a girl that's into me I see regularly at starcucks with this shit, it's why I intentionally call her by the wrong name.
Grow up. Or don't. If you're too childish to see your own stupidity then leave it in so I can tell just from a glance.

But how do u blow ur nose with that piercing?

Not him but i am one of those people who hate piercings. I dont mind em on other people though.

Septum piercings are bad enough on girls.
On a guy? Holy fuck kill yourself you deadbeat loser faggot.

What did you expect? It's a wound that your body is trying to close, you attention-whoring retard.

Guess you are as stupid as you look OP. well done, pls don't have children.

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I have the same piercing. Try changing it to surgical steel one.

Faggot bitch twink.

I have the same piercing and kind of nose ring but it doesn't smell at all??? I wonder if yours has healed properly because the only explanation for it being smelly is if it's infected.

You must have gotten told how to clean it when you first got it done so maybe get back to doing that for a few weeks every morning and evening to help the infection go.

>having a nose piercing
>having any sort of piercing besides the ones needed for earrings
>having any sort of piercing as a guy

This ain't it, chief.

Your nose is rotting.

its normal for the septum to smell that way. its the cartilage in your nose.

t.ex septum piercing