>he doesn't mew
>he thinks he can make it
He doesn't mew
Other urls found in this thread:
Left is better
low test
Ask any girl, she’ll tell you left
and then go out and fuck with the right
stopped reading right there
actually right would be better the eyes are jsut too much apart
but left is handsome too
I like how you took the old right photo and shooped it to be even more Chad to raise my insecurities even further
Lookism Defence Force on suicide watch
At a certain point you have to start realizing it looks like a caricature of what dumb people think an attractive person looks like
These are the dumb people who think that’s what attractive people look like
Jow Forums subsides solely on gigachad shoops now, no wonder people here are fucking mental, this board has parted ways with reality
>inb4 cope
adjust to real life pls
I agree
you people are mentally ill
digits confirm
>adjust to real life pls
beta loser bet out
right looks like the potion seller guy
>suicide watch
t. horsefaced cuck
>digits confirm
>you people are mentally ill
wow big if true. where do you think you are?
Potion Seller, I am going into battle and I need your strongest copes
>face width is all testosterone
>pressing my tongue on teeth will give me more testosterone, even better, it will invert time machine and give it to me in womb
I spend 2 hours a day studying fucking lookism and what makes men attractive, I think I know what makes ALPHAs looking fucking attractive
post the most alpha male according to you
Based time waster
2 hours a day? for how long(weeks months years)?
Just to find out that you aren't attractive?
How beta can you be?
you even trying
Chad Pitt
Don't forget the gum! And putting your hands in your lap when you eat, like a ponce.
Brad Thundercock
bump for lulz
digits of truth. Every single girl will fuck left before right but will fuck both. Because eyes and face.
>when your mom does test cycle during pregancy
Where should my tongue be? Should i do something diferent if i have an overbite?
>newfags are still falling for homoerotic colez dogma in 2018
>that gif
based and mentalcelnesspilled
Literally every cel is in reality a mentalcel, except perhaps legit deformedcels. Also, A V E R A G E faces are ideal, not colez' hyper-masc homoerotic fantasies.
Eyes and brows are and improvement, but why did you make his nostrils and lips so wide?
Take the jaw implant pill, Jow Forums
Shitty photoshop, "mewing" won't affect cranial, or this case, mandibular growth, it will only increase masseter tissue, which is worthless, for its not hard tissue.
You're either born with great head dimensions, or not, simple as that.
nah, it works. if you have some sort of degenerative disease you will lose bone mass. your bones will try to adapt, even as an adult. It just takes muuch longer.
Can you please stop posting my picture
>watching tiktoks
>watching a pigface with no talent who cant lip-sinc even tho lip-sincing is her whole life
how beta can you be
>projecting this hard
I study lookism like it's my fucking career and I'm a NEET, beat that.
What is the point of mewing if this man can just hunt you down at any point?youtu.be
The male human body stops growing when it turns 22, so I highly doubt it, jawlets should just grow a beard, its less humiliating than "mewing".
A pic of my ascension by 2 months of religiously mewing.
i don't believe that adults doing mewing will have much effect on jaw shape
but he does hit some important stuff on tongue posture + breathing on a few talks, and how this greatly affects sleep apnea.
since sleep quality affects everything, it could be really important
fair enough, then.
right looks like a gears of war character
how did your nose change
quit making morphs of yourself if you ever want to return to (relative) sanity
Your jaw and chin grow your whole life and bones can change shape - braces are doing literally that. Mewing is basically using your tounge as built in braces. I mewed my ass of the last 2 years and my teeth are straighter and my bite improved, used to have closed bite and my dentist was stunned how it just went away. It isnt nearly as drastic as peopel say imo, if you start mewing now you can expect some improvement.
Braces are also notorious for their well-noted tendency of severely limiting the lateral growth of its wearer.
>muhhh wide face
>muhh cat eyes
>shitposting on nepalese kayaking board
Clint Walker
True, but they can change the shape of the face. And if it possible to do it via braces why not by mewing ozbiljno ti kazem bolan ovo govno radi
my chin got smaller using by using braces. used from 19-21
I have sleep apnea (treated with cpap). Maybe this is something I gotta look into.
Mew shitposters deserve to get lashed to a cross.
Holy fuck this board is a shitfest
I agree
i naturally mew, have an oral fixation, and was born with an underbite
fuck I can't believe I'm admitting this but I look exactly like left and I used to photoshop myself to right because of my absolutely shit profile
Fucking broke my nose as a kid and my face is all fucked up because it turned me into a mouth breather