>eat healthy >try to maintain a solid routine** >try to get adequate sleep >high stress life
I get sick often. Every other month is a fair estimate. Usually more frequent. It puts me down for a week at a time and zaps me of gains. It throws off my routine and effects my ability to maintain my routine.
How do I fix this shit? I'm over it. It's been this way for years. It effects my fitness goals. My work. My other responsibilities.
Does anyone else struggle with health and fitness with health issues?
DO NOT eat vegetables, you likely have some kind of digestive issue and poor metabolic health. Eat raw meats, collagen (bone broth/gelatin?) and possibly simple sugars/dairy (if you can tolerate it) if you have some sort of thyroid dysfunction.
Ryan Wood
I need to get blood work done.
I eat chicken and fish. Only eat red meat once or twice a week. Low carbs. I love spinach and broccoli. Zuchinni/squash. Asparagus. Pineapple, grapes, oranges.
Might indulge in cookies or brownies once a week. I dont eat junk food or fast food.
I work night shift. I average 6 hours of sleep. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.
Sebastian Perez
Anecdotal, but since I started taking ZMA (zinc, magnesium, and b6) I haven't gotten sick. I'm around a lot of sick people too because my retarded coworkers are always sick and come into work anyway, and we work in close proximity.
Kevin Thomas
pick up yoga
once I started doing vinyasa yoga regularly I stopped getting sick
do you live in a city?
Bentley Morris
I'm white living in a 3rd world country and my immune system is like iron I eat questionable street food and out of sorts meats all the time yet never get sick anymore even drink the water now with no issues
also get tons of Sunlight and eat super healthy now as well as work out every day
Jackson Price
Try a fasting mimicking diet for 5 days and some beef liver pills
Jack Sullivan
Yeah definitely get blood work done, and if that doesn't give anything see a eoctor that specialises in immune system problems
Aaron Jones
sounds like cancer unironically
Adam Martin
Brody Cruz
I used to be like that too and it just improved on its own. I feel for you tho, good luck man.
Nicholas King
I've tried vitamin d3 and zinc. No noticeable benefits I live in the city. I've considered yoga. Has been a lingering thought in my mind. This has been an issue for probably 10 years. I'm just over it
Brody Williams
Compromised immune system is not a symptom of cancer unless you are at an advanced stage, in which case he would be so sick there'd be absolutely no way he hadn't already seen a doctor.
I used to be like you, man. Always gad a sore throat, got sick every time I used the fucking sub. Know what cured it? Contrast showers and cold exposure. Wim Hof is legit as fuck, watch the youtube shit, or find the pirated guides on the archive, some user posted them a year ago or so.
Kevin Smith
same here man. ive always been gettin sick very easily. if someone was sick at school or jerb i always get sick. im now getting allergies checked out soon. since ive been having a stuffed nose for awhile. ive looked up on sinusitis cos doc was thinking i had chronic that. there was that 20-30 percent of people who have chronic sinusitis have also lowered immune resistance.
dunno shit sucks
Nathaniel Nguyen
Tried supplementing/increasing garlic intake? It's supposed to be very effective for preventing colds
Parker Young
not op but i eat a lot of garlic in food and doesn't seem to affect. also the bad breath part makes it social suicide. a vitamin affects immunity too i think. for me lifting and whey helps a bit.
Brayden Torres
vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of sun. let me guess you are pale as fuck and unironiclally like being whiter looking