(18/10/10) 10th of the 10th (10/10/18)

2018/10/10/2018, it is time, brothers.

On the 10th day of the 10th month, join me for the Final Nofap. We're partaken in many Great Nofaps before, dear brothers, we've succeeded and failed, we've risen and collapsed. It's the season for good men to resist and fight witchcraft and other such evils, anons, to purge and cleanse it from this Earth.

This is a time of Satan and his minions to stride the Earth and tempt us all astray. One of the most Godly things you can do in life, as a man, is to resist masturbation in dedication and tribute to the Lord. He is our Redeemer who gave us the gift of life, we must retain that and not spill it wantonly, for to do so incurs His wrath.

But do you feel a more ancient power stirring in this Earth? As the days wither and shorten, as we spiral deeper and deeper towards the Long Night, do you feel that ancient primordial darkness, Erebos, stirring, gearing to reclaim what is rightfully its.

Gear up, lads, hoard your spiritual reserves, for the Long Night is coming, and it will be our last.

Join me at 00:00 on 10/10/2018, and swear a vow of nofap.

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already going a good week strong user and i plan on continuing

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Of course, dear brother, never forgo a nofap if you are already in the process, but I welcome you into this final one. Your energy and reserves shall fuel us later starters.

In glory to the Lord. Each day I do not fap is a sacrifice and honor to Him. Lust and feminine wiles will have NO DOMINION over me.

I am a temple, a fortress. I am a bastion of the Lord, praise Him.

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man you are making this threads about """"lifelong nofap""" since like half year. who are you kidding? you will always come back to masturbation. you arent fooling anyone

idk man at least we make an attempt to make our lives better\
also would having sex ruin the nofap im assuming it would but i just want to double check in case i get a hypothetical GF

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Some music for inner strength and resolve on our journey.

I will try to fap 10 (ten) times that day.

No. This time it's for real. I just needed the right date, and I have found it. I won't fail this time, I swear it.

>also would having sex ruin the nofap im assuming it would but i just want to double check in case i get a hypothetical GF

Sex or sexual activity does not break a nofap, as long as it is with a human female. But obviously the most optimum setting for a nofap is a total refraining from any kind of stimulation or ejaculation.

Best just to avoid women altogether in every sense during a sexual fast, as it spiritually cleanses the man of the weakness of femininity too.

oh yeah i know what you mean at least a good 90 day reboot thanks for the advice man ill l;end you my power level in 3 days

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God be with you, user.

Yes brothers,
RESIST. Praise our God. Show you cannot be tempted by your urges. RESIST. It will be difficult at first but it truly sharpens the mind and strengthens your human body. RESIST. God will not forget your achievement.

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Bless you, brother.

Libera me, Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda
Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra
Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem.

Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo, dum discussio venerit, atque ventura ira.
Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra
Dies illa, dies irae, calamitatis et miseriae, dies magna et amara valde.

Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis

Ave, brethren.
I held for thirty seven days from end of August til end of September this year, breaking it with a decadent fap on the 30th of September. It is the longest record I've managed til now. The energy past day 30 was intense. Never experienced such virility in my life like that before. I even had a female friend of mine flirt with me, feels strange man.
During the last no-fap I had some relapse of watching pornography without masturbating. I've recognized that
1) Porn addiction is really hard to break
2) Porn addiction is the only reason why I fail nofap
So this time I'm doing at least 30 days of compromise-less NO PORN during nofap. Most likely I'll commit to another month of noporn after this month has ended, and see if I can make something happen with that friend of mine.

Broke a 2 week streak yesterday. What's the fucking point, it just makes me want a gf more but I'm not doing anything about it anyway. And God doesn't answer me, I don't feel anyone there.

Meditate on the Stillness of the present moment not to get anything out of it (which would mean having your attention on a future moment)
Meditate on the Stillness of the present moment because Here and Now is the only time and place where God exists to be perceived.

I want to start nofap.
I've been masturbating every day (sometimes twice a day) and lately I feel disgusted with myself.
So instead wasting time fapping, I'll pray and read my Bible.


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Yeah I've found that with porn/sexual imagery... you have to prepare to encounter some temptation, like places such as this, but if you actually seek it out intentionally, you will almost always fail within a day or two. I try to make a rule of accepting visiting places like this, and just avoiding when I see it, and NEVER seeking out any kind of porn or sexual imagery intentionally.

If I can make at least 34 days from the 10th of the 10th, that will be a new record and from there it's plain sailing, because every day is a sense of achievement and accomplishment.

My minimum target is 44 days, but may just go until December 1st, which would make 52 in total and gets me past the 50 mark.

And then kill myself once I have hit 44 days, or 52 I guess, depends how long I can hold on to life after reaching 44 days.

I'm so fucked up I can't even meditate anymore. I have this constant urge to shut down my brain and lose awareness, it almost hurts. I have no control of my mind anymore. I can't tell if it's real or I'm just imagining all this. I've thrown myself into hell, breh.

After I fap I do not feel lonely or that I need a woman. Why would I do nofap?

Well you're obviously dead inside or some kind of degenerate, so there is no hope or saving you anyway.

Can I still play with my butt and look at anime girls?

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Nein. Unless you neck yourself after.

Guess I'll keep jerking off then, I'm not getting any younger.

Hell is living without God.

Exactly and I can't feel any connection to God anymore no matter what.

>This is a time of Satan and his minions to stride the Earth and tempt us all astray. One of the most Godly things you can do in life, as a man, is to resist masturbation in dedication and tribute to the Lord. He is our Redeemer who gave us the gift of life, we must retain that and not spill it wantonly, for to do so incurs His wrath.
>Post pic of Julius Caesar
>mfw he died year 44 b.C
>Christianity was instaured as the official religion in Rome year 380 a.C
How can I trust the health of my dick to such an illiterate op?

do atheists no fap or are you all larping Christians?

>Christianity was instaured as the official religion in Rome year 380 a.C

Who said anything about Christianity? Judaism has been a structured religion in the Middle East since something like 3000 BCE.

We're talking primordial faiths and primordial powers here.

While Christianity may not have been adopted as the official faith of the Roman Empire by the time of Caesar's death, and Jesus may not yet have been born, the primoridal faith which birthed Christianity had, Judaism.

>3000 BC
>Deluge happened at 2500 BC
>Moses wasn't born until around 1800 BC

It's beyond time for this. All nofappers need to unite in Christian harmony. The Church Militant must rise again.

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Ah wait I perhaps meant 3000 years ago, user, my apologies. Certainly by the time of Caesar Judaism was established and flourishing in the Empire.

I think Caesar actually lifted some discriminatory legislation and practices aimed at Jews.

History seems to remember him as a fairly Jew friendly or at least Jew ambivalent ruler.


[This one's for the nofapstronauts]

Praise be to God and may He give all of us strength for this task.

Yes, praise Him, user.

It doesn't matter if you believe in God or not.
The benefits of no fap are amazing.
Your mind actually becomes more clear. Increased testosterone levels and more energy. More enjoyment in the little things in life. It teaches self-control. There's many more benefits.

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Indeed. Preach, brother.

10th of october brothers. do not forget

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Nofap is a complete meme user, its not going to turn you into a chad

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i havent fapped once this year and i dont plan on it at all
you can count on me to participate

Only one question, If I do it for 30 days will I gain your respect, also, will you keep us updated with threads?

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I am not mentally retarded I know the risks of retaining seminal fluid in the prostate. This is a challenge, a desperate solution to a desperate problem. The convenience of pornography has impacted my social life personally, it removes the embarassment of having to approach women and take interest in random conversation or fear of rejection. But before I knew it, I realized it's not "NO FAP", it's overcoming addiction. People mention super powers because for once in my miserable life I will have to be the master of my fate, and punish myself if necessary. Due to bad parenting and bad choices in life, masturbation, smoking, gaming, all became escape tools from the real world. No Fap is much more than simply not masturbating. it's the self realization that we are drifting from ambition and success.

Not only will I No Fap, I will quit smoking, I will start working out, I will look for a better qualifying job, I will socialize more. I concede the notion that I am dense enough to extrapolate some random internet meme into a lifestyle, However, there's no denying that the no fap community is supportive and will give you a sense of belonging that is much needed in today's chaotic world. Thank you for reading

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Why are you dismissing it? It's not a meme at all. You should be supportive. You haven't even read that picture/no fap hoax yourself if you claim no fap a complete meme. That forum post doesn't explain everything. It can help a lot of robots on this board. There's many young men here who masturbate a few times a day just because they're bored or it's become an addiction for them. No fap is a form of self-help. Fapping too much is a bad habit really and you should learn to break it. Set goals for yourself and join the no fap of 10 october. Increase your willpower, motivation and other things. There's a lot of people who agree no fap works for them if you did some research online. You should definitely try if you think you have a problem with masturbating too much.
Just like this poster


If you're happier with out PMO that's fine, I won't try and convince you otherwise. But a lot of the "science" behind the nofap movement seems like BS.

Also there's nothing wrong with self improvement. But porn use and masturbation seems like a symptom of problems and not the cause.


(Christ be with you, anons)

God doesn't give a fuck about us. Go away user San!

>Only one question, If I do it for 30 days will I gain your respect, also, will you keep us updated with threads?

Yes to both.

NoFap is why people commit mass shootings.

Actually fapping is the cause of that, males ruined by the scourge, the toxic concoction that is masturbation and porn.

Amen, let us have strength in our Lord

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god bless this thread. originalio

Considering a week without dumping some of those hormones leaves me borderline homicidal, I would heartily disagree

Yeah the emotional turbulence subsides as you progress user, get to like the 30 day mark and your mood stabilizes.

Bump for the last chance at survival.

I bless everyone in this thread. 10th of october my brothers! Be strong and try to stay busy.

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God bless you, based mysterious user

RESIST. Try out no fap. A majority agrees it does them well. Try my robot brothers. RESIST the urge.

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I am waiting for the tide of elicit soft core porn pics to arrive.

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Thanks for makin this thread user. God bless you.

my nuts hurt