Depressing thread

Depressing thread
Post music, images, and other creative expressions of your feelings. Pic related I'm in this tunnel right now

Attached: Snapchat-758073381.jpg (1152x2048, 590K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A vuru oruguru

Attached: 1534304660985.png (872x625, 36K)

Very simple and true

Attached: 1538164223282.jpg (1080x581, 95K)

>creative expressions
as if I make these images...

Attached: escapism.jpg (752x769, 53K)

Saw this one more recently

Attached: 1538778706257.png (500x300, 277K)

Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844 - 1930)
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16th, 1581
Oil on canvas, 1885
199.5 x 254 cm (78.54 x 100 inches)
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

Attached: Ivan the Terrible killing his son.jpg (1200x877, 336K)

Have you guys noticed how we turned into roaches.
Roaches tend to run away from light and so do we. Quite literally many of us live their lives night time and hide during the day...also in a figurative sense women and friends have been so shitty that we tend to avoid any stacy se see.
I am at the point in which I don t want to speak with anyone i know and I make up excuses non to eat with family or to go out with friends
>springtime, you made it, all is well, the ice has melted and the waters are warm enough to have fun in again with your friends, babies are being born, there will be more onions and radishes and carrots to eat, the stronger members of your community(or the cold sensitive members) who could make the journey are returning with treats from the southlands, there's plenty of time to frolic in the meadow with your sweetheart before the next freeze, and if you have time you may even sit down to make something nice to remind you of your fight against nature to feel the sun is never over.

Attached: 1522654664462.jpg (2048x1356, 234K)

it is not worth it! pls dont do it there are people who care about you and who will be hurt if something happen to you. There are also many good things you haven't experienced yet and which you must try. Please dont do it!

I was working on a song for a while

need to write the outro part and some vocals, probably samples

nothing disgust me more than normalfags like you

yeah, fuck that guy
he doesn't know who he's talking to but he's instantly convinced that he can minimise OP's situation and pain by repeating some dumb mantra that OP has probably heard 50 times.
What a fucking NPC he is.

truly faggots like him have never been in a suicidal persons shoes
some real depressing shit

That's what you see upon fatal prescription drug OD.

End me

Society will never acknowledge the monsters it creates.

Attached: a_i_a_monster_now__by_skinedkneesjuliet.jpg (328x350, 25K)

Joji makes /comfy/ songs. I listen to them while i go on 2 am night drives.

Attached: sad.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

I am trying to help him, fags
Why dafuq you dont have empathy for you fellow robots?

That's a good one. Posting one last one after this.

Attached: pepe time.jpg (545x362, 32K)

>actually thinking a random robot on fucking Jow Forums will help him

holy shit you are a fucking dumbass, just leave the dude alone

alright found it, that took a while

Attached: loz time.gif (500x282, 1.26M)

you're about as helpful as when people say "just be urself lol"
and you're arguably doing more damage by these dumb comments because when someone gives ACTUAL GOOD advice he will more likely be apathetic towards it

this one originally
but even more originally

Attached: sadist chickenman shig.jpg (427x358, 17K)


Attached: 532591BD-DEAB-4850-B4DF-042B8BAD3F8D.jpg (535x462, 73K)
Nothing but this on repeat.

Wow user sounds delightfully melancholy. Some parts even reminded me of pic related.

Attached: 220px-Slint_-_Spiderland.jpg (220x220, 12K)

Banal maxims are such low effort and thoughtlessness that they may as well be whistles in the wind.

Press R to restart.

Attached: false hope.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

Vidya and online interactions feel more real than real life. Pictures, GIF/WEBM, feel more true.

Attached: tumblr_n529sfLL7e1ruv1gno1_500.gif (500x220, 177K)