Get job at pharmacy

>get job at pharmacy
>frequent drug tests

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>gets a job

Fuck you OP.

Jobs are easy, fuckface!

buy clean piss retard

Well yeah, makes sense, you are literally tasked with dispensing drugs for people, the least they could do is make sure you're not taking any of them.

How'd you get a job at a pharmacy

>get programming job
>9 to 5
>constant stress and tight deadlines

How do I become better/faster programmer? I want the easy money but I'm not good enough.

I should be able to smoke pot with my friend. I would never consider taking meds at work I just wanna unwind sometimes. I applied to it

Just become an alcoholic or coke head/pill head instead, even in legal states, non-wage slave jobs drug test stoners left and right. You good goy need to be sticking to true Christian intoxicants instead of the devils jazz cabbage.

>drug tests at the pharmacy
the irony

they only test for weed in burgerland ????

No they test for most things

Do drug tests test for shrooms?

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They test for just about everything, but weed is the only thing that really stays in your system for long, it might as well just be a THC test. I've had retard methheads and junkies come and go in to my job constantly, but stoners always get rejected after the drug test. Shit stays in your system for months if you don't exercise and have a lot of bodyfat, so stoners usually get fucked over hard, even if they're medical users. Here in New Jersey, I find people much rather prefer the drunks and speeders than a stoner anyway. ;_;

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Where are you from? Kratom doesn't show up in a lot of tests and is legal in some countries.

>I applied to it

Damn, I wish I was white. Then I could just apply to good paying jobs and get hired.

i wish i could blame my sadness on the pigmentation of my skin

L-theanine pills and caffeine.
Working out as well.
how did you get a CS job?

I wish I was black so I could get a diversity hire

if you fail at life as a pig skin, you are truly a pathetic excuse of a human

What is affirmative action
What are diversity hires
What is the current white people are evil narrative
Fuck you you have it so fucking easy and you bitch about >muh systemic
If you can't make it it's because you are stupid and lazy not because you have a certain melanin level

>What is affirmative action
Something that benefits only white women

You are objectively ten times more likely to be hired for a position for being white, even if you aren't even qualified for it compared to a non-white who is equally as unqualified.

>muh affirmative action
Yeah, those 3 indian girls that company hired really is something.

Autism and luck.

No it benefits every visible minority

Pharmacy is a comfy af job, wish I had gone that route instead of computer science. Constant SCRUM / AGILE sprints, deadlines, homework, overtime, learning, trainings, etc are soul crushing and it feels like you are doing nothing of any particular value for people.

You get out of development ASAP. It's absolutely soul crushing work and you will lose your mind long term. Go into management, hardware admin, r&d or something comfy like that.

Just because some workplace hires a few non-whites as diversity hires, does not mean it benefits every minority.

Look at Ubisoft's staff from 2008-present. Its literally all white women.

Here's your chance to get a hold of your life and quit being a loser. You better take it.

You only have a few months left before it's legalized

I would get so many- I would fucking have like three jobs right now if these fuckheads didn't want to invade my privacy and ask what I do on my own time.

I mean, they made Origins and Odyssey so fuck it, keep the women, these games are tight.

>any particular value for people

Fucking this. I do web shit and literally who fucking cares about that? I regret not going into a profession that actually does good in the world or helps people with actual problems.


Get this shit taste out of here.

I can't wait. These lumps on my armpits, neck and nipples keep getting bigger and bigger, I wanna eat a lot of edibles to forget about them and eventually slow my drinking down. Lets hope they'll eventually stop testing for THC as well, it's whore shit that they still test in legal states, and even more horse shit that medical users are tested. It feels real nice to sit down and play for 3+ hours again. I'm somebody who uses the cannabis to stop seizures and ptsd nightmares, it helps massively and I don't feel like killing myself nearly as much anymore. Not to mention, it resurrected my love for vidya once again.

It doesn't make miracles happen, but it's sure helped with pulling me out of the hole so that I'm happy with just existing.

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Its not too late, is it?

You could probably still train to be an EMT or maybe a firefighter or something. My former manger at Walmart became a paramedic like a few months ago and he was 38.

R&D in comp sci is comfy. I stroll in when I want to. I can't say that what I do is pure research, mostly applied. The software devs where I work, in a different department, are cancer and what they do looks awful.

>You get out of development ASAP
I wish I could, I barely have any work experience and lack a lot of knowledge. I became a programmer out of necessity, I'm not sure how to get out of it.

what drugs do they test for? im sure there is plenty of shit you can take and still get away with

Just buy a fake dick and clean piss; unless you work at a place that watches you piss, that should work for you.

That's a pretty good schedule. You start work way after the 9am rush but way before the 5 pm rush hours. You have a solid 2-3 hours where no one will come to the fucking pharmacy so it will be easy and slow. You get off in time to get a good night's sleep and you can get up early and have a good workout or eat a good breakfast. Fuck, you could get shitfaced after work and sleep in until noon and still have plenty of time to get ready for work.

Thats a really comfy shift I think.

Psychedelic drugs, shrooms, LSD, DMT, can never be detected in tests.

Be careful with mescaline, it can give a false positive as an amphetamine.

Use LSD, magic mushrooms, or DMT. As long as you do not go to work tripping face, and they can tell by your actions that your fucked up on something, they will never be able to test for those drugs.

>Origins and Odyssey
Look nigga I'm currently playing Odyssey but let's not pretend Ubisoft put out anything but dogshit since Black Flag.

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You probably shouldn't yell like that at your job, op.

No. Psychs don't get tested for and they don't even stay in your system for more than like 3 days max anyways