>Mortality was three times higher amongst users of AAS than amongst nonuser controls (hazard ratio 3.0, 95% CI 1.3–7.0). The median annual number of hospital contacts was 0.81 in the cohort of AAS users and 0.36 in the control cohort (P < 0.0001). Acne, gynaecomastia and erectile dysfunction affected more than 10% of the androgenic anabolic steroid users, and the prevalence of these disorders was significantly higher than in the control group (P < 0.0001). The results could be replicated in a similar cohort
Fraud on suicide watch
That's because steroid users are naturally risk takers proven by the fact they use steroids in the first place. Hence far more likely to die doing Chad activities because we aren't passengers in life we are in the drivers seat looking in our rear view mirrors at all you sheep.
>Gyno and ED
I'm driving the ambulance
you can dress it up any way you want sister fact is you die faster because you're unhealthy
doesn't exist due to steroids
Gyno is only if you have a weak estrogen style generic makeup with naturally puffy soft skin, like an Asian or Indian. Then youre a prime candidate for gyno.
ED is caused by bunk gear or using gear poorly, impossible to have ED on good quality hormones in the appropriate doses.
>Inject chinese compounds on ass for years
>We die because we are naturally risk takers
Found the nattys living their lives in fear, scared to stray from the beaten path, roiders are broken free from the constraints of their human bodies
yeah so basically you stick a needle in your butt and think it makes you special.
shame we can't know what they were using and how their doses increased over the years.
>(hazard ratio 3.0, 95% CI 1.3–7.0). The median annual number of hospital contacts was 0.81 in the cohort of AAS users and 0.36 in the control cohort (P < 0.0001).
>one sided test showing statistical significance
>retrospective cohort study
literally zero clinical significance]
trash paper
there are far better papers that actually have some level of scientific proof for their conclusion
>implying i would rather be alive and small than ripped and dead
This. Is this the Dutch scientific standard? Laughable, it doesn’t even list amounts of gear or types, length of abuse, comorbidities, medical hx, nothing.
Shit paper.
"risk taker" aka highly impuslive behavior which is linked to all kinds of not too fun mental disorders. most roiders who get their roids somewhere else than pharmacy with a recipe use other drugs aswell, amphetamine, ephedrine, etc. stimulants super common
Post body.
Better to live like a god and die younger than live longer on your knees as a natty.
cope some more nattys
This idiot actually thinks you can have a life after 60
So guys life after 60 really sucks unless you planned everything you could but once those health issues hit from being your 60s you're kind of done and not working much anymore anyway
You have no idea how life is after a certain age
It fucking sucks
Fuck off drama queen. Both my grandfathers lived fulfilling lives into their seventies.
>be future 70 year old
>stuck in nursing home playing your ancient ps4
>browse Jow Forums out of boredom
>give insightful advice
>get called a newfag
>get depressed
>everyone around you is insane and or making retarded references to vines or doing a fortnite dance while fat black women hurriedly try to put them back in their seats
>hear thrashing and screaming from one room over every day at the same time, dude was estranged by his kids and wants to die
>you haven't been seeing your kids or grand kids around much either
>you don't even know if you have great grand kids but its possible
>it's getting harder to remember shit
>you have around 2 or 3 more decades of this shit since lifespans are better than they were in past generations
Sounds like you can't handle the fact that some of us are badboy risk takers. And by risk taker I mean we stick a needle near our poop shutes and then shit post online all day. Badboys (TM).
Kek. One of my nuts is bigger than the other and it's been like 8 months. I'm about to run another cycle I hope it pops back I'll pct this time. Im 20 and I jerk off like 6 times a day so test hasn't dropped yet. Probs will after this next cycle I bet but I got bigger problems in my life rn