Tradwife guide, anyone?

This probably isn't the best place to go to but I need help, anons...
How do I become the perfect traditional gf/wife? I'm single as of now but I want to be perfect for my future husband
Inb4: >Don't wear revealing clothes
>Stay at home
>Raise and redpill your future children
>Be the cook of the house
>Be the one who cleans after people most of the time

I already know those things but that's definitely not enough desu.. also am I a lost cause for wanting to be an engineer/in the army?

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You have to live somewhere you can be happy as a traditional family. I think that's the most important part. Somewhere far away from large modern cities steeped in materialism and hedonism.

>in the army

no most of the guys are just man whores

I'm planning to save up some money and buy a small plot of land where I can build some kind of mini-farm. Thank you for the advice, kind user

I don't want to date anyone while I'm in the army desu. I'll just ignore the manwhores as best as I can and quietly do my job.

That's not how it works. Men change a lot in their behavior when a women is around (which they find attractive). I've noticed this with my past friends.When a girl used to come at our table, immediately whenever I said something which might prove the girl wrong or something similar all the guys would just give me the stare and say I'm retarded.

Men act stupid in front of women to try to impress them but fail horribly.In the army most men can feel lonely and if you're not a strong willed female then a guy will slip in your pants like rolling hot butter on bread.

in what country are you currently based?

that depends a lot, I assume US?

If a guy tries to make a move on me then I'm going to push him away. The army really isn't supposed to be about "courting females just because you're lonely". It should be about defending the country so I am going to isolate myself from the thirsty army orbiters.
I currently live in the UK, user.

Oh UK army should be fine I think. CA/US armies are infected with niggers and man whores.

How old are you? Army in UK is 1 year right?

I want a trad wife too...

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I'm currently 19 so I'm still a bit young. Sadly, I'll have to wait since I did not get my citizenship yet (I've been here for only 3 years desu).
I really hope there aren't as many niggers and manwhores in the UK's army, user... I really do

>posts some anime character most likely from a porn game
>wants a trad woman
Every time

Did you even read the OP? SHE wants to be the trad woman, you mong

No no no this is bullshit. Im not giving information to the enemy. This is the same shit why women get angry at pickup artists teaching betas how to act like chads and disguise themselves. Its the same situation but in reverse. Nobody should tell you shit on how to put on a fake persona of being trad. You little fucking roastie snake. Just like being an alpha male, if it doesnt come naturally you can fuck off and join the rest of the roasties in the pit of childless whores.

Hmm going on their website will clear things up.
Why army though? Is there any reason?
Do you currently study or work? If studying just ditch the army and go become and engineer.

You'll have to wait another 2 years since a minimum of 5 years is required I believe. In 3 years you finish a degree/degree apprenticeship.

That's what I'm doing right now and it's great since:
1.No debt
2.Free Bachelor with honors

I work for a law firm in central London and it's pretty good since you get both practical/theory sorted.

Move to Ireland and be my rural trad-waifu pls.

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>I am going to isolate myself from the thirsty army orbiters
You realize the army is 99% male? Every guy who talks to you is going to want to fuck you. Good chance you'll get raped at some point and blackmailed into not talking about it.

this, don't go to army

Rape culture doesn't really exist in the UK like it does in the US since they don't have many christcucks
She'll probably be fine

My family has a very long history with being in the army, especially as combat engineers. I simply want to follow family tradition since no one from my family wants to even try. I would like to become some kind of robotics/aerospace engineer but eh, I don't really know.
Apologies but I don't want to move again. At least, not for a while. Settling and adapting in England is one of my top priorities desu..
See If this user is right then I will indeed be fine. I've been taking kickboxing classes for a few years now just in case anything happens. Thank you for the concern though. Also, if they want to fuck me then it'll have to be in their wet dreams. That's unlikely though. If I act cold and emotionless in front of those orbiters then that should drive them away in one way or another.

I'm pretty sure you can do army + aerospace degree but.....

do you have the grades? I wanted to do it too but I didn't make it

are you slim

personally I don't want someone that subscribes to all that, just someone that's waiting until marriage and wants a family and is just a nice person

While being a dependent plain jane is attractive to men, I do not recommend it. You cannot leave yourself fully dependent to another man, you must have your own life.

>Read Atlas Shrugged
>Get into physical therapy/cranio sacral therapy, so that if your kid ever gets a concussion, you get to treat the concussion itself instead of just lessening the symptoms
>It's not just about cleaning after them, it's keeping track of their schedule and supporting them through that.
I just don't know how to reaffirm that you "being there" and being supportive, loving figure is a key factor in your household's success.
If you wish to pursue a career, just make sure you're not in a huge debt. Huge debts aren't very attractive.
Good luck

Become a Traditional Catholic, Orthodox Christian or Muslim.

if you believe in the redpill you are not wife material

I usually get at least a A- in most of my tests (though there are exceptions like history and the like)
Yes I am. Why?
Thank you very much for the advice user! I'll be sure to keep what you said in mind. I guess that I don't want to be a proper plain Jane but eh... I'll make sure to not create things such as huge debts desu..
Again, thank you for the advice, user.

I am already Orthodox desu...
Apologies for not being a brainwashed leftist.

>I did not get my citizenship yet
awful english/10 what breed of wog are you?

>not like the other girls
le ebin redpill edition. you are going to look back and be embarrassed of this period of your life.

I would rather not say since there are certain stereotypes surrounding my home country which simply are bullshit desu. All I'm going to say is that I'm from Eastern Europe.

So you're from which country originally?
I assume from east Europe.
Why the hell did you went to Londonistan?

You will get pumped and dump by Chad, then you will start to cry about how men wanting a traditional wife is a lie.

Unironically just be yourself (the meme advice actually works for woman), mantain a health weight and dont sleep around.
Thats it.

>certain stereotypes surrounding my home country which simply are bullshit desu.
Romanian spotted.

Same user, I am being drawn to Christ. Pray for me.

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Yes, I am from Eastern Europe desu... I came here for a better education, I guess. I didn't want to leave Europe so I might as well try and live in England.

ok polish or romanian?

she's polish
nothing to be ashamed about so idc why she won't say

What advice do you need? You're pretty much human gold, all you've got to do is keep an eye out for the kind of guy you want to marry.

I am not going to say whether your assumption is right or wrong, user. All the double digit IQ niggers are going to start a shitstorm anyways since I already said that I'm from E. Europe.

redpill is not real, you are being brainwashed the same but letting it happen because you think there is some truth to it
shows your maturity and critical thinking that you think I'm a leftist just because I am not indoctrinated by simple memes
I would want somebody much more responsible and mature to have children with, not someone who wants to teach them hate

If she's Orthodox she's not Polish.

Not Polish, user. Nice guess though.
There is always room for improvement desu..

why the fuck would you come here
you could have gone anywhere and you chose fucking england
and now you want to fight for """england"""?
you could have gone to anywhere else in europe and you came to this literal dystopia
the only reason I'm still here is because I have no choice
no one is happy here

>wanting to preserve your race and culture is hateful
imagine being this much of a braindead cunt.

I can clearly see that England is a bit of a dystopia. But hey, I didn't want to go too far away. Since I barely know any german I might as well go for England since I was pretty fluent in english before I left.

Bongistan was a shitty choice tho.
Either go to nordic countries or Switzerland.
All the rest is shit.
T. Swiss
I don't really care and you shouldn't. I mean if they derail the thread, think of it as a fun experience and if there's a few trolls, they don't really care about you.

what are you doing in england? you should preserve your race and culture by staying in your country and marrying one of your countrymen. you're just taking advantage of england for the better education and neglecting your own country.

well at least you didn't go full turbowhore once you got here like all the other eastern european girls
I strongly advise you to go back to romania, however, gypsy girl

i'm not even that poster; the post you're replying to is my first post in this thread.
just baffled by some /leftykike/ roastie calling people hateful with zero basis or rationale, beyond just using the word 'hate' the same way 'heretic' was used ages ago.

Don't hide anything, be transparent. Be straight forward when communicating. Never use doubt as a weapon. Trust is key. Be supportive. Be useful and dependable.

My country is pretty much destroying itself. I'm pretty sure this is old news but corruption is a real problem. At least in England I can get paid decently instead of being paid one shekel per day or something.
I don't really want to go back. I guess that moving has made me betray my country in one way or another like the previous user said but ah well.. what's done is done. Also, I am not a gypsy but I don't feel like arguing right now so think whatever you want desu

Some people would argue that if you're dead set on the trad wife thing it's useless to peruse a career you'll end up leaving once you get married. Personally I think it's always good to have a back up plan and a career you can go back to if things fail, or if you never find a man at all. That being said do not go into major debt that you can't pay off quickly after finishing your degree should you choose to get one. Engineering is great, but don't do it if you want to leave it after a year for a trad marriage and bring him a load of debt to pay off while you stay home. However if you can get grants and scholarships to cover it I don't see why not. I'm not perfect by any means but I can give you some tips.
>Learn how to do everything you can yourself. Whether it's patching a hole in the wall, baking your own bread or refinishing old furniture, doing projects that improve your home boost both your self-confidence and your family's opinion of you. Be useful.
>Learn how to literally do everything domestic. Fold towels the right way. Fold a fitted sheet. Work a sewing machine.
>Learn how to be a good host. Cooking and keeping your house clean is part of this, but so is being sociable with your family, being attentive to them, and making them feel welcome and comfortable in your home. The first holiday will be a learning experience but you will get better.
>Set goals for yourself and get and stay organized. Even if they're all inside the home, giving yourself jobs to do every day helps ensure everything gets done.
>Learn how to be frugal. Collect coupons and shop on sale. I struggle with this but when I get back on track it's really nice to see extra money in the bank.
I can't think of anything else to tell you right now. I think the most important thing is probably to be nurturing and supportive, but I think most people know this.

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Thank you very much for the advice, kind user. I'll keep those points in mind and make them my long-term goals desu..

how is that redpill, though? that's nothing to do with the meme

you're very immature and that is obvious. you have to become wiser before you even think about being a wife. army/engineering is your best bet for now.

>I am not a gypsy but I don't feel like arguing right now so think whatever you want desu
I don't actually think you're a gypsy obviously
sorry I clearly upset you

but two things to consider here
1. you are also betraying england because you're only here for money (like all the other scum)
2. do you know how many right wing Englishmen would be happy to bring back a romanian girl their family?
the answer is 0
and just lmao at all the romanian men here

I already kind of know how to be self-sufficient. Even though I am not exactly willing to leave everythibg behind and leech off a man, leaving my career would be some kind of "panic button" plan. You know, just in case I HAVE to leave my career behind. I'm not planning on creating any kind of debts desu..
I already knew how to work a sewing machine since my grandma taught me how to use one. Your other points seem very valid so I'll be noting those down now. Again, thank you for the advice

>Yes, I am from Eastern Europe desu... I came here for a better education, I guess.
You came there to be a money grubbing whore that you are. Education is about a billion times better in Eastern Europe than in any Western European country UNLESS you're specifically going to the most elite schools possible.

I am well aware that I am immature. Of course, I wish to fix that as soon as possible but sadly it can't be done overnight. Thank you for your contribution, user

Be like Christ.

No worries, I'm not upset. If you think that I am here for all the benefits and all that then you would be wrong. I currently don't claim any benefits and I don't plan on doing so in the future.
Also, as long as the man is a nice white man then I'll be happy. It doesn't necessarily have to be an Englishman

Most schools from my country are regarded as nothing by foreign countries. Going to a British school is going to give me more opportunities when it comes to jobs.

I don't think you understand me at all
on a scale of 1 - 10 how much pain does this video bring you
if the answer is not 11/10 you don't belong here

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>Most schools from my country are regarded as nothing by foreign countries.
Oh so you didn't want an education, you wanted a certificate of cuckery. Materialistic piece of shit.

You're living life on easy mode, don't overthink it.

breed black. No need to ask wimpy whitebois how to be a trad wife. Your bull will teach you.

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