How did I do Jow Forums?

how did I do Jow Forums?

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but thats not your race



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Tiddy fuck her.

Proof that education, personality, and wealth don't matter as a woman. Femcels btfo.

This board has low fucking standards LOL.

So some tall built motherfucker like you is going for an ugly ass pig hobbit woman with a harvard degree? Your sons are gonna be ugly. You could easily get a more attractive girl with your physique JFL.

don't validate these ugly women's egos

Kek. Mate, she's at least 40.

Can’t believe the link spam has made it to this board. Shuya sounds based tho

i would rather fuck melissa lee desu

Very nice.

this bitch probably has a slew of mental issues.

never date a girl in tech, ever.

they either go into it normal and come out feminist and disgusting creatures due to the environment or they go into it a cunt and remain a cunt

Melissa Lee is probably the worst woman on CNBC, no stage presence, not particularly attractive or insightful.

>So some tall built motherfucker like you is going for an ugly ass pig hobbit woman with a harvard degree?

it's bad out here

fat. but atleast she pserged out abit. fuck her only dont love her


i love seeing people talk like this, using big jargony vocabulary, but you know its still entry level pleb shit that you could probably grasp after 30 minutes of wikipedia research. they focus on this pointless bullshit like its the meaning of life. they think they're fucking geniuses, but they're too fucking dumb to realize we're not even gonna have enough food to sustain population growth within the next 20 years. they're revolving their lives around this pointless luxury shit that helps no one, shit that will be the first thing people stop caring about when shit starts going down. they're gonna be so fucking assblasted when everything collapses and their bullshit "knowledge" becomes worthless.

just imagine dedicating your life to serving the system that has destroyed your own humanity. people like this are a disgrace

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>marrying an older woman
do NOT do it

thats a rough 28

Do tell me what difference have you made user. What is it that you dedicate your life on, save for shitposting on Jow Forums


Disgusting and boring fattie. People who think they're smart are fucking pathetic, I know it because I experience it first hand at a top tier uni.

>how the porn industry drives innovation

Want to know how I know that she's just copy pasting ideas she got from psuedoscientific journals?

Anyway, sounds like dating here would be a constant competition for her to demonstrate that she's really, really intelligent. She doesn't know anything else.

They are probably just being ironic and fucking around and both are in on it. Dumbfuck

I'm a total brainlet but just from reading her bio it's clear she's never had an original thought in her life

Not just me who noticed, then

what shes saying isnt even that articulate or complicated and its not even serious talk or probably bants. yeah its reasonable to call the girl in OP's pic is a unfunny pseudo intellectual, but you guys are literal fucking brainlets lol

>making a 'difference'

not him, but who gives a shit lol

every first world country will soon be flooded by niggers and muslims, you try to make a difference and preserve something for them and they'll just destroy it anyway

live big and slam the door on the way out, humanity lost it's shot at utopia long ago

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never gonna make it

>n-nooo let me talk shit in peace, don't expose my hypocrisy!

>wanna smash?
only correct answer op

I know it's not complex, no one is saying it is. You're just assuming. Yet, everyone can see she's trying to look smart by what she's talking about on TINDER and by her word choice

no one with a brain would determine computer technology to be valuable to humanity in any way


Nah bro link is actually the key to the 4th industrial revolution and will usher the era of post scarcity by pushing all the biggest industries towards massive automations, but stay poor brainlet lmaoooo

is that actually you on the left? why are you wasting time with some fat tranny jackie chan who is 6 years older than you? worse off - her whole entire bio is one big ass fucking red flag

please pick your standards up, i am guessing you're tall, you are decent looking in the face, your hair is fine, and your physique is great, don't waste your time with 4's and 5's

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>government funding and porn drive innovation

Only shareholders will benefit from automation


this plus *cue professor voice*
>chaos theory
every.fucking.time means absolutely nothing other than they watched an old movie

kek at pic related

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The fuck are you stupid niggers going on about?

mirin neck bro

Mediocre. No profile only works if your picture emanates chad or you actually have game. Your locker room constipated looking selfie ain't doing it. If you can't smash that in a week, move on. It's a game, and from the looks of it you're not very good at it. Keep practicing.

>looking for wife material on fucking tinder of all places

Why the fuck are you holding your phone like that?

This. I have yellow fever but that’s an ugly bitch.

all people with yellow fever should go too

stop being mean about my tiger mummy

>a fucking cv on tinder just to be pretentious
>28 years old
>asian american
>man face
lowest of tiers user

Your face looks like a cunt

Looks like Chunk-li

I'm seriously, who the hell would fuck an ugly ass bitch like this? Does anybody ITT unironically consider this toad-faced fat chink touchable at all? My standards are unironically not even that high, I'll fuck chubby 4s all day, but this bitch is straight up a fuckin 2 on a good day, yellow fever or no .

Based Tedposted

imagine roiding for that.

Yeah i think the same, mech engineer here, in fact this is me every monday

Anyone else feel kinda bad for her?

The only thing she knows is her obsession over her work. She can't stop talk about it for a second, even on Tinder of all places. Her parents and mentors probably pushed her from a young age to study obsessively and focus on working towards an Ivy League school at the cost of normal social development, and now this is the only way she knows how to relate to people - everything in her life is a huge application where she's trying to show how intelligent/accomplished she is.

I honestly hope she learns to stop being so wound up all the time one day and just relax.

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ricardo posters will never not be right

I don't think I've ever run into something that some pseud normie was using jargony terms to describe that couldn't be grasped by a 5th grader after a 30 minute lesson. This kind of thing is a problem with academia in general, that there is a purposeful obfuscation of concepts of things that would be passed over in 5 minutes in an entry level uni course.

Outside of really advanced STEM courses and people with decades of experience in a given field, most of the jargon really serves no purpose other than snobbery and exclusivity.

I would smash her with the force of a million sons

Do us all a favour and increase your standards a bit bruh. Giving goblins like that the time of the day just makes everything harder for all of us.

So would I, but I still ask;
What the fuck are OP and that woman stupidly going on about?
Stupid fucking pretentious niggers using big words

>female thats older than you

never gonna make it


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That's why you'll never even have a single son

Based and Tedpilled

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They lost me at oracle network desu

Truth is a Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>we're not gonna have enough food
Nonvegans btfo.

You fucked up by even texting that disgusting whale chink

So you're telling me this project has confirmed ties to the banking cartel (Iso 20022 compliant, just in time for the Psd2 directive), the cream of the crop of global legal firms and institutions as well as some of the biggest tech companies in the blockchain space focused on the soon to be mass adopted enterprise level smart contracts such as consensys, Microsoft, IBM, docusign, Intel and Digital Asset and that the solution to the oracle problem which it is aiming to solve is essentially the God protocol as described by the creator of the smart contract concept himself, ie one of the main pillars of the fourth industrial revolution and the backbone of the future blockchain infrastructure (10% of global GDP in less than 10 years) that will allow massive automation of post trade processing, thus saving all the biggest markets such as derivatives, logistics and insurance possibly trillions in saving, AND its the only project of its kind due to its blockchain agnostic and decentralized nature and has the first mover advantage, but despite all these confirmed facts it's being largely ignored by the crypto community, although it has gone up from 120 to 45 ranking in a bear market with no marketing just in a couple of months, simply because a dozens of dedicated autistic neets down vote every possible clue about it on reddit and ACTIVELY fud their own investment instead of shilling it, because they're the only ones who realized this revolutionary project would basically replace all the lawyers with neet nodes where 1 link needs to be worth at least 5k usd in order to be sufficient collateral for the quadrillion derivatives market, the same neets who first called btc and eth when no one was taking crypto seriously and have harnessed the power of weaponized autism and meme magick to put Trump in the white house? Do you realize how delusional and insane that sounds? Personally I'm all in.

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I don't understand her bio

You both sound like ludicrously insufferable overcompensating try-hards. I’m an unredeemable autist but even I somehow manage to not namedrop every single entry - level trendy tech thing in my profile, back when I used tinder.

Japanese name.
FOB tiger mom Chinese with bloated, undeserved academic credentials

she's the new Jow Forums meme, she doesn't actually know what she is talking about, she's just saying buzzwords so normies think she's smart.

Women in tech, everyone

>government funding and the porn industry drive innovation
I know she got this from a Vox or Vice vid

Bonus points for what chaos theory and smart contracts have to do with each other

>Well, a smart contract would be you taking my dick; and the emotionals you'll experience will be a lesson in chaos theory.

Should've said been your opener.

they should ban faggots that spam reply.

>ugly chink
>insufferable personality
>porn is good
>mirror selfie
lmao@your life

Holy shit you found a bitch more autistic than anyone on Jow Forums

>ha! you only know entry level wikipedia stuff!
>we're not going to have enough food to sustain population growth

if you knew anything about population growth statistics its that they always level out when a country isnt so shitfucked that a woman needs to have 6 kids for one of them to live long enough to have their own family. population is growing in shitfucked countries because the standard of living is rising so more people are reaching adulthood but it'll level out soon

youre the dumbfuck. this isnt a geniune conversation where both parties are self actualized. fucking idiot retard

>africa is ever ever going to be un-shitfucked with average IQ levels below or around the "legally retarded" line.

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Almost every math major I ever met behaved like this.

Africans operate on an entirely different level. Their reproductive capabilities are inversly proportional to their IQ and we all know how high that is. God help us.


>if you knew anything about population growth statistics its that they always level out when a country isnt so shitfucked that a woman needs to have 6 kids for one of them to live long enough to have their own family

that's completely false, you are just taking 2 variables and pretending they are causal with no evidence.

Also if you knew anything about how evolution works you would realize this is only temporary.

>tfw no autistic buzzword spouting gf

ur a spook user, no more, no less

thats because youre fucking retarded and also youre a normie


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>clearly a smart team given that they decided to overhaul their entire framework to make sure scalability wasn't going to be an issue later on
imagine thinking that this was worth saying. lmao, this is the type of shit they right into daytime tv scripts to make le ebic women-genius seem smart

Dear god she sounds so fucking insufferable.

kys retard, you don't even get a (You) from me

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i'll give him one on your behalf

Does she even make sense? I'm not that into tech so can't really tell

You had me until food for population. Lol nice bait

it's mindless bullshit

Now who's going to give you one

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Is she frauding employment and alma mater, you think?