I want to help 5 Jow Forumsers
I have money in my possession and want to give it away. If you want to be 1 of the 5 who receive money please post your bitcoin wallet, and I'll give you an amount I think is appropriate..
I want to help 5 Jow Forumsers
I have money in my possession and want to give it away. If you want to be 1 of the 5 who receive money please post your bitcoin wallet, and I'll give you an amount I think is appropriate..
can't I just have real money instead
Sorry all I have is bitcoin, but their is ways to transfer that to a debit card
keep it, fag
Hey OP, I don't have a bitcoin wallet since I haven't really had lots of money to invest, but if you're giving away a bit, it'd be awesome of you. I'll make one right now.
Anyway, I need some cash to get a car. I'd been saving, but my boss cut my hours down to 8 a week and I can barely afford to make my moms rent with these hours. I'm trying to find more work, but nothings really panning out right now since I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. I'll post wallet in a sec.
It's awesome that you're doing this
You got it sir or mam
Figure it's worth a shot. Broke college student here.
I don't believe in trips just good faith..
1 of 5 thanks bro
I'm 18 and have no friends irl, the only people I "talk" to every day are a few people in a discord group I am in
Nah, thank you! I would sincerely appreciate it!
wew, making a wallet was easier than i thought
anything you send would really help paying off student loan.
Thank you op. I were running short on money this week. You are the highlight of the evening if you are for real.
2 of 5 thank you
I'd reinvest it in this unique idea I've got, probably bullshit but a poorfag user can dream
Petty niggers should be disqualified
Would really appreciate OP.
Broke ass neet.
thex you fren
3 of 5 lol cool
4 of 5 thank you you
No problem man it's the least I could do
5 of 5
I didn't think it'd be this easy desu. Thanks OP for getting me to make a wallet
So, post screencaps i wanna see those shekkels anons
:) thx user bro
These transactions can take a while, But once it's confirmed I'll post a screencap
FUCK just a minute too late for gibs, do something productive with your gibs anons...
Nothing came through yet, but i guess this is some kinda software update i have to do with the wallet. It did let me send op my address.
I don't get the vibe OPs being a faggot, though
Aw darn, missed it. Thank you anyways OP!!
All the addresses in this thread are empty. I don't know what's up with OP.
I don't know how much you're giving away, but if it's enough for a cheap used laptop, it'd be nice to have.
Habe patients, fren
It is ok OP. We are all frens here, no stress
Thx oh-pee
Did anyone get their money yet?
I haven't yet, but I will keep ya guys updated!
You guys are so naive, it's funny
Wait, I need money, my parents don't let me have self-agency. the reply-timeout wouldn't let me reply.
I need money more than anyone else, I'm denied self-agency
Nvm I don't need it, this is fine
eff capchas
This desu. OP is having a great laugh
OP is a cock gargling faggot who did not deliver
What did you orgianollini expect
yeah, I figured I would try though. no harm was done, ya know?
Yes, OP we are all having a hearty chuckle at your joke
the only time i ever got money from this site was from /fa/ a year or so back when op would paypal shit if you uploaded pics of shoes. wierd guy but ended up getting 100$ or so over a few threads
I'm 22 and work a minimum wage job. Literally any money can help me save more so I can get the fuck out of my parents house and live my life.
If you don't give fellow broke bot money you will prematurely bald
i wish bitcoin was actually an alternative currency, it would solve so many problems
sadly i doubt they ever will
also they are probably being hacked right now as you need afaik at least 250 bucks (minimum investment)
at least if someone does get fleaced the feds will have an ip they can trace back (exit nodes and what not)
I hope the money goes to someone who uses it on themselves.
This life is the only one we get.
Well I guess I will give it a shot see what happens it would definitely help out.
i am going bald !
and what's up with that rats nose?