Unpopular opinion: Zyzz was not big

Unpopular opinion: Zyzz was not big.

Shredded, but not big. Like, at all.

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Hmm. You;re right.

Unpopular opinion: Zyzz was an idiot who ruined his life seeking validation from others.

Both correct. Zyzzfags just want to suck his dick.

Simply untrue, stop looking at almost naked bodybuilders every day
Pretty well known

Popular opinion: The fag that keeps reposting this thread gets a buzz off (you's) from anons because he hardly gets any validation irl.

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>"hE tOtALlY wASn'T bIG gUYs"

Why do fags like you always post zyzz when he wasn't at his biggest? Dude weighed over 220lbs shredded at his peak.

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With a shirt on he looked small. That's why he had to go shirtless everywhere like a lil insecure bitch.

post body

Based opinion: Happiness comes from people being happy from seeing you

Hes too tall, lanky proportions, you could objectively say jason blaha looked "bigger" than him due to blahas bigger bone structure but definitely not better

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Mods pls ban

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>typing like a retard meme
why do you copy what other people do like a fucking monkey

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Fuark miring miring beard too

We won’t care what you think no matter how many times you repost this thread

we have this thread every day

It's the second time today. There were 2 yesterday too.

Zyzz lived a more fulfilling life than 99% of anyone else. "Unpopular opinion" fags are as bad as militant atheists.

This isn't even a hot take, it's just true.

Dude had literal God tier insertions and proportions.
A walking shitposting sculpture.

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Nigga nice gut lmao

I'm not black

Yes, hop on the Bugez Cruze for the good life

>chinstrap "beard"

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