ITT: Each user adds something new to pic related

ITT: Each user adds something new to pic related

Attached: health-wellness_body-mind-spirit_sleep-issues_are-non-prescription-sleeping-pills-unsafe_78178831-10 (1024x768, 100K)

ok i dun it

Attached: 1538961271855.jpg (1024x768, 112K)

>tfw no manly ayy lmao gf

Attached: 1538961443653.jpg (1024x768, 107K)

>rap'n dab
>lil peep is dead

Attached: ayea2.jpg (1024x768, 301K)

i gave her a sexy eyeboob

Attached: Untitled.png (1024x768, 509K)

have fun with my addition lads

Attached: 1538962131460.png (1024x768, 55K)

here's my addition

Attached: npc.jpg (1024x768, 253K)

The drugs have started to take hold.

Attached: 1538962131460.jpg (1024x768, 608K)

everyone needs a companion

Attached: 1538962386291.jpg (1024x768, 275K)

I love this dirty stuff

Attached: ayea4.jpg (1024x768, 317K)

I don't know what I'm doing man capcha

Attached: 1538962329447.jpg (1976x1452, 216K)

Phoneposter dropping in

Attached: EA06FD6B-D868-43A5-A7EC-319537F1695C.jpg (1976x1452, 224K)

Needs less color

Attached: 1332407843044.jpg (1024x768, 949K)

xd lamao

Attached: 1538962538074.jpg (1024x768, 275K)

Combined both into one

Attached: both.jpg (1976x1452, 958K)

Cleaned it up a bit for you guys

But forgot to include the pic

Attached: 221538962747437.jpg (1976x1452, 343K)


We would turn this into a fucking wojak
The superior timeline has been chosen

Attached: what.jpg (1976x1452, 201K)

This one is cooler so I added to it instead

Attached: bog.jpg (1976x1452, 445K)

Would any anons like to color?

Attached: 25.jpg (1976x1452, 224K)

>removed all the best edits

Attached: 258011734111158.jpg (580x508, 16K)

>"ITT: Each user adds something new to pic related"
>removes almost everything
for what purpose

Attached: edit.jpg (1976x1452, 486K)

Here, this is the best I could do as an apology

Attached: 4555.jpg (1976x1452, 216K)

I do not like this pic one bit

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1976x1452, 455K)

it wouldnt be r9k without the jew.

Wojak is my little roach

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1976x1452, 541K)

Now balance is restored

Attached: what2.jpg (1976x1452, 616K)

unapologetically unoriginal

Attached: Untitled.jpg (2300x1900, 275K)

Minor addition. I hate everything about this image.

Attached: 1538967238263.jpg (1976x1452, 940K)

Ate too many olives

Attached: yak.jpg (1976x1452, 1.14M)

could write something that make sense but this thread doesnt

Attached: 324234234.jpg (1976x1452, 601K)

Modified for you anons, but he dropped the smoke and got some puke on the hand

Attached: hand1.jpg (1976x1452, 1.25M)

Blacked is protectively shielding Deformed Pepe from Stonerjak's olive puke. It's almost sweet in a way.

didn't think drawing thumbs up would be so difficult

Attached: 1111538967599430.jpg (2300x1900, 342K)

This was easier

Attached: pizzdispenser.jpg (2300x1900, 362K)

fuckin saved, quite originally

took the first try down because jpegs can't be transparent, fug

Attached: pp.png (1411x1250, 292K)

jus' some minor tweaks

Attached: peethmb.jpg (2300x1900, 540K)

Most probably won't even notice the change

Attached: file.png (2300x1900, 472K)