Itt: worst injuries youve ever gotten?

ive fallen down staircases maybe thrice but never have broken a bone, have gotten a ton of cat scratches but never have been infected, etc.
the worst thats happened recently is this wolf spider bite. (the two marks are both of its fangs - not separate bites)

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Cut thumb wide open once, almost lost part of it. Also fell off of friend piggy-backing and landed on opposite thumb when I was like 7, completely bent it back and snapped it.

probably scraping my knee bombing a hill on my skateboard. I've never really gotten injured too bad it seems you have to be a special kind of retard to do so.

Worst was probably breaking a wrist.
I think it was either the capitate or scaphoid.
Would not recommend.

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Nothing major, just breaks and simple injuries here and there.
>broken nose x2
>broken arm
>broken fingers x5
>fractured knuckle
>broken toe
>small knife wound in hand
>smashed out teeth x2

What did you fall down the Mount Niesen staircase or something?
Also rate in order of pain please

My FWB kicked me by accident when we were 69ing

Nah, I was just an active youngster. I got a lot of them from street-fighting as well as actually competing. No idea about the pain rating but arm was definitely the worst, and I don't remember the teeth as I was babby

I punched a wall once in a fit of anger and shattered my knuckle. It wasn't that grave but it did hurt for like a month after anytime I would grab something. The first two hours or so were also the worst pain I've felt to date.

>Chopped through thumb nail
>Didn't go through
>Think it hit bone
It healed fine

>Sliced the corner of my index finger off
>through the nail
But the flesh came back

Both happened while chopping bell peppers.
I get flashbacks whenever I have to do them.

Maybe the worst painwise was a stupid challenge we did as kids before youtube was a thing.
Spray yourself with deodorant pointblank for as long as you can.
I got pretty serious coldburns with that. The pain when it blistered was incomparable.
Skin was numb for months/years after. 10+ years later I still have scars.

Problem with that "challenge" is, it only hurts for a while when you're doing it.
Eventually the skin gets frozen solid and you don't feel anything so you can keep going.

Fractured both wrists and four of my fingers on my left hand on separate occasions.

Did that once as well lol
It ended up as a big dot in the back of my hand.

Worst injuries:
>fell a whole staircase once bc was drunk and a even drunker dude fell on the top and tried grabbing me for balance knocking us both + some people down.
Lost my phone bc it fell out my pocket and spent the rest of the party searching for it. It sucked. Ended up kissing a asian/spic white girl

>Got my foot burst open in the middle
Was playing soccer inside and kicked with all my 11yo strength had in its body the corner of a wall and it had a spiky thing in the corner so yeah. Coudln't even stitch all of my foot back again so it healed all fucked up but ended okay

>Broke my finger
Was playing as a 12yo on a waterfall and jumped on a rope to land on another body of water. Ended up holding the rope too weakly and it fracturated the finger. Father didnt do shit, so it healed in like 4 months al together or I just have diabetes

>Bruises all over leg and knee from skate

Thats it OP

Once got shanked by a bitch in the arm in art class. She was carving something out for printmaking and the carving tool she was using slipped and I was in her blood-circle. Still got the scar to this day.

>20 years on earth
>Still haven't broken a single bone
Drink your calcium kids

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Someone picked me up and threw me on the ground and I had a fractured nose.


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I got bit in the face by a dog when I was 7. I still have the scar on my face. I also have a lot of self harm scars. I had a buckle fracture on my left arm from from falling on the pavement at 10 PM when my stepdad chased me with his belt. I was like 9 then.

Liquid aluminum down the boot.

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Yeah, had a retard moment and forgot to make sure my pants legs were over my boots before starting to weld under a truck body.

im nursing a knee i dislocated last week. this one was pretty mild, ive done it a few times.

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set my leg on fire for a lil bit

shot in the side in iraq
broken rib, collapsed lung, muscle and tissue damage, nerve damage.