So Im watching the first season of Big Bang Theory and its actually really entertaining. I like it a lot.
Why does this show get hate? Is it because the guys all got poon poon later on?
So Im watching the first season of Big Bang Theory and its actually really entertaining. I like it a lot
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Idk, OP. Youd think robots would love this show.
yeah, wait until Leonard and Penny gets married and suddenly it goes downhill from there. That's when they make girls super smart, quirky and in control and all of the guys are retarded buffoons. Raj was really funny when he couldn't talk to girls. First few seasons are the best the rest are garbage.
I've been watching every season on random for like a week, several hours a day.
I hated it at first but grew to really like it.
I've seen random episodes of this show and my impression is that it's mostly normal sitcom shit with a 2-3 well timed jokes per episode.
it helped bring noramlfags into nerdy shit, and then they proceded to ruin said nerdy shit with constant social justice whining its why we have sjw marvel, sjw video games etc
Bascially this, first few seasons were kino as fuck for incel autist robotscum, but normies hated it and demanded it be made normie under the guise of "character development".
Haven't even been able to watch the last few seasons. Sheldon was awesome as a dude genuinely disgusted by sex and not interested in it, but girls had to force him to marry and turn into a sex crazed for some fucking trans dyke kike.
>tfw Howard was still a degenerate date rapist
>tfw Raj was a foreveralone uber beta who couldn't talk to girls
>tfw Sheldon was a based gigaautist who had ascended human mediocrity
>tfw Leonard was the self hating manlet scum desperate for normie status but never making it and constantly getting cucked by based gigaautist Sheldor
The show was really good from about Season 2 to Season 5, it's fucking beyond cancer now, thank fuck it's dead.
Cancer show for low IQ brainlets.
kys OP
They dont write any new jokes. It was funny at first, but after a while it gets stale. We get it, they are nerds.
Once they all started getting girlfriends the show went straight downhill. Just became less comedy and more drama.
Understand why they did it though. Had to bring in those female views.
>Had to bring in those female views.
Yeah... had to force "female" comedy on everyone. Fucking cringe tier for half the episodes. But every girl I speak to loves that shit, all their favorite characters are the retarded, unfunny, retard girls.
bamboozle! bambino!
I like the ironic bazinga comics
You will like this then
That was actually pretty funny originally.
>explains some scientific stuff I'm too much of a brainlet to understand it
>cues the laughing track
So the joke is science?
The joke is Penny is a dumb slut.
The "science" of the show is so low that I find reading packaking labels more interesting. And the way they portray "nerd culture" is fucking stupid. Nerds don't like certain things because "they are nerds and nerds like certain things" but because they are people and have hobbies and some of those hobbies are called "nerdy" by wider population.
I've watched it a few times when there was nothing else on and I think it's pretty good. Not something I would deliberately go out of my way to watch but it's still an all right show.