Why is the STEM Gymcel a common phenomenon?

many act the same

>buff and clearly Jow Forums
>above 5'8"
> doesn't have the most sexiest or chaddiest face, but has a decent hairstyle and aesthetics
> talks like a bro and has a deep voice, vocal fry optional
> seems very extroverted
> acquaintances, classmates, girls he talks with but doesnt fuck , thinks he's a stud and parties and fucks a lot of girl
> friends know who he truly is
> turns out on friday nights and weekends, he just plays video games with random people and shitposts online , probably still a virgin too

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Yeah I know the type. Usually they’re either fucking and you don’t know it, they’re gay, or they’re actually turbo religious. Otherwise, this type of guy would usually only remain a virgin for maybe 1 year of college.
But fuck, yeah, I know the type of guy, and I strongly resented them

the ones that ive come across are chill, but they can be off putting at times

One of my roommates was like this, great dude desu

>marine officer cadet
>good manners deep voice
>not ugly
>very introverted
>played vidya if he wasnt at the gym

my girlfriend's friends are trying to hook him up with one the girls in their group, since they've already got two of us to date them.

Hey you described me
But I don't really talk to people besides my gf.
Most of the "nerdy" guys at my classes are usually mean in a passive aggressive way or assume I dont like videogames and shit like that. So I end up not becoming friends with anyone because im too autistic to have outgoing friends and im too fit to have socially retarded friends

Thats me minus the stem or.college shit

That... that sounds really fun

How'd you know?

because we strive to be the best we can be, it's a genetic thing.

I'm also kind of like that, its probably why we got along well. He's in better shape than me though.

you sound like a fatty or a basedboy

The only guy I know like that was probably a virgin through hs and freshman year, then joined a frat, fucked a bunch of girls, and later came out as "bisexual" but I know the truth. It's because he lives in Seattle. All the women in Seattle are shit. I wouldn't let a Seattle woman touch my dick with a ten foot pole. He took the very based and redpilled option of washing his dick in the bowels of a flip twink no pregnancy, no degeneracy. Fuck Seattle. Fuck Seattle woman. Dumbfuck chad Microsoft software engineer UW frat boy fucking a twink flip dumb shit doesn't know how dumb he is sodomize an attractive asian female jap and k-gooks give great head dumbshit, tight pussies too.

Mostly me but builtfat. Not a virgin but became religious and turned away from degeneracy.

op are you trying to make me feel good?

because the type of person who has linear reasoning gravitates towards things that fall within that paradigm in which they see the world.

they do stem because its all linear reasoning, 1+1=2. easy
they go to the gym because
work muscles 12 times in this movement with x calories = muscles gain. easy
be nice, friendly to people go out = friends and social competence. easy

but when things start to develop into chaos and where linear reasoning doesnt work as well eg getting drunk on a Friday where things dont always pan out like they logically should. the stem gymcel would rather hide away then face the reality that there is a great portion of the world which is a complete mess.

>muh linear reasoning

lmao someone majored in philosophy

this is me actually. a lot of my friends give me shit cause i have a lot of girls all over me, but i don’t like to partake in degeneracy and i’m more interested in finding a girl that’s actually worth my time.

one of my close friends actually gives me shit cause i’m “wasting my potential.” i still party fairly often but i’d rather spend a friday night inside hanging out with a couple of friends

how the fuck did you know?! it was one half of my double degree

t. liberal arts dyel

>doubling down on never finding employment

Get a load of Nietzsche over here.

nah second degree was law already started interning i think ill be ok

Fuck this is me. I'm the only buff guy in all my CS classes and I dress better than most and rock a metro sexual zoomer hairstyle. Pretty sure I got a software engineering internship due to my aesthetics because I was offered it on the spot without a formal interview.

There's also that one 9/10 STEM Stacy who has a posse of beta orbiters at all times and is a total attention whore with a so randumb sense of humor. She has no other female friends and I think she has a crush on me because she sits right behind me in my classes every time without fail.

Stay assmad brainlet

goddamn this is my life. the few close friends i have say i'm wasting potential and should game my uni acquaintances that i see occasionally but i'm too autistic to really know how even when they show clear interest. would much rather stay at home playing vidya or w close friends than say, the club or a bar

also this is accurate as fuck. it's hard befriending people in my major bc they're all elitist cunts trying to one up each other academically and assume i'm retarded compared to them OR the other crowds assume i'm not the type to play vidya for hours on end. all probably based on a first impression of me

lol yeah fuck this guy

I am not in STEM but a lot of that applies to me, and like points out I am a Christian too. Don't know other people similar to me, probably because I have been putting off going to Church although I am sure I have seen people like me

>they’re gay
I have a bingo, where do I collect my prize?

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on my chest

Yeah, I wish I had time to routinely go to the gym and play vidya but I decided to go to an actually difficult, respected college. Cunts I know are going to terrible state schools and already have jobs lined up because of daddy, its infuriating. I'd love to live a life of vidya and gains and still make money later :(

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What sick roleplay is this?

Your probably a sexy motherfucker. Any grooming tips to suggest

Also that girl probably isn't a 9/10. She seems 9/10 because compared to the other stem girls or as the only girl in that class she's the best looking.

am-am I your roomate?

lol you pretty much just described a well-adjusted introvert

>well adjusted due to having priorities & responsibilities in order

>also well adjusted due to being capable of succeeding in social situations

>introverted due to the preference to remain alone/isolated rather than putting in extrenuous efforts to seek social events

>also introverted due to the preference to remain close to his/her personal interests, and not stray far from them, resulting in virginity/lack of truly close friends

not really a big deal, it's just the result of technology making it easy to satisfy ourselves without having to put effort into out-going situations
aka: just go to school/do responsibilities, be good with others, & stay within their comfort zone when free time permits it


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ok retard

>but when things start to develop into chaos
only for the brainlets who forgot about the 4 nonlinear fixed-points - Schauder, Tychonoff, Browder and Kakutani.

dont tell me you paid money to learn this shit

>they're gay
How did you know

Bro, if youre ever in norcal down from WA, I wanna get beers with you.


I mean, it's similar to all the asexual 11/10 instagram models with giant tits and asses.

I have a theory that, if you're attractive enough, you don't need anyone else to satisfy you. Playing with your giant tits or cock in front of a mirror is enough.

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I'm one. I'm the biggest guy in my engineering class and at the same time the most humble and shy one. I'm bros with all the other guys but I can barely talk to girls. I'm attracted to a qt Russian girl who came to Germany to study something biochem related and tried talking to her, but her German is a bit broken.

All me

It's okay, you can hate us. We pity you lower life forms and pray for your salvation every day.

Out of curiosity, why the resentment?

fuark I'm all of that, other than the >above 5'8"
I'm 5'7", but grill(lesbro tho)

You're just describing a Chad who doesn't drink and party. It's a mature life. They have their own hobbies they prefer to mindless hedonism. They usually have no trouble getting laid, they are just Chads with other interests who don't like parties.

It's a Roastie.

Hello, it's me - your lesbian girlfriend(male).

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are you me

This. You don't need external validation when you're truly satisfied with yourself.

'sup, wanna go to the gym drunk and fuck shit up?

I've met a lot of guys like this.
They're the type who "graduated" from watching PUA and redpill videos and now watch motivational videos. They picked STEM not because it's interesting but because a youtube video told them to.
You talk to them for more than 3 days and you realize how empty and shitty their personality is. They're like a bait and switch.

Yes actually, it's time to stop injecting coffee, instead finally get up and do it. Godspeed.

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I'll bring the ouzo

Me except
>> seems very extroverted
>> acquaintances, classmates, girls he talks with but doesnt fuck , thinks he's a stud and parties and fucks a lot of girl
described me more during highschool than right now

One of my class mates is one. He is 6'2, Jow Forums, dresses well, goes to partys and has never had a grilfriend. Often on saturday evening we just talk over discord while we play vidya or some shit.

Disregard this post, I thought you were talking about another type of guy.

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pos einai h peloponisos vrexi eki ?

ahahahah nai erixne prin
stin a8ina evrexe ka8olou?

implying oti meno stin skatopoli me ta orcs

pou meneis user?
elpizw oxi 8essaloniki, einai me diafora i xeiroteri poli tis elladas

Very based and redpilled post, this user knows

tfw live right above greece and we could be lifting right now

Oh shit that hit too close. Everything is just like me except "seems very extroverted". I've heard a lot of people think I'm more of the "cool mysterious lone wolf" -type. And when people talk sex stuff and I stay quiet they just say how "the quiet one's are always the one's doing the dirtiest stuff". But the truth is I have never even held hands with a girl.

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se nisi tou egeou

This is me, except I'm a 5'5 manlet

They’re called STEMcels, OP.

she's miring your shoulder width.
god i miss her

just give her a hug. you know who

>we could be lifting
no, I don't hang out with subhuman albos


This is some passive aggressive cope if I've ever read it lul

budget nisi pou pane fitites to kalokeri gia party den leo parapano gt einai gemato spergs to board

>budget nisi pou pane fitites to kalokeri gia party
pw mlk, pragmatika se lupamai, einai skoupidia oloi autoi
kai eidika oi gomenes, exoun roufixei 346245 poutsous, dn axizei kan na tis akoubiseis

also plaka-plaka paizoun gumnastiria se nisia? I home gym fasi?

sto nisi apo opou eimai 60 ton mina opote eftiaksa home gym tora sto nisi pou spoudazo 65 to trimino

You just described me 100%
Lifting since almost a decade and reached zyzzmode, but on weekends I just stay at home

These people make me fucking seethe.

I just want to do something to undermine their arrogant self-confidence.

>"lol edge"
Yeah, I know, but I am what I am.

Don't make me summon the ghost of Bill Clinton and start shoving Nighthawks up your assess you god damn Balkan shits.

neither of us is on the peninsula lmao get fucked


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ton poutso mou 8a vomvardiseis xaxaxaxax

>Jow Forums
>shitposts every weekend
only like half of these check out for me

i need her name.

@sannatorr on insta

>washing his dick in the bowels of a flip twink
>no degeneracy

>ekeino to ais8hma otan den exeis lesbia gymbro na sou kanei ton wingman

What's wrong with refusing degeneracy? Sounds like you need to repent friend. Burning in hell is very unpleasant.


I live in San Diego where they’re is a lot of engineering jobs so my gym has a ton of engineers and they’re usually always in the gym but make no gains whatsoever and are always eating Asian foods such as pho, ramen, and kbbq. A lot of them are balding, short, 25%+ bf and negligible muscle mass. Others powerlift but don’t look any different. One of my best fiends I met in college is getting his masters in EE, him and I surf together but that is the only workout he does and he’s pretty fit and he has a pretty cute gf. Most stemfags have shit genetics though it’s weird.

>avoids thots
That's called being intelligent. It only took me a few years of riding whores to realize that they drag your life down with their bullshit and ultimately degrade you as a person. After losing your virginity, it doesn't take much sex with random sluts before none of it is satisfying. So we strive to find a deeper meaning to intimacy with women, and that means searching for someone worthy of being called a "partner". A partner isn't just sex on tap or a display piece to show that you're not gay. A partner is reliable and earns an unwavering trust through consistent proof of loyalty, and then you demonstrate that same loyalty back to them. That bond is more satisfying to deep dicking 1000 thot twats.

Did that wall hurt, roastie?

Do you know how to read? I'm a guy who jumped off the thot train years ago.

>usually mean in a passive aggressive
This. I’m not a stemfag. I’m in law school but I did take math all the way up to linear algebra and diff eq and I would just ask (not all) some of these limp wristed shit heads think they’re too smart for you or some shit. The types that would try to blurt out the answer to the problems the professors are working out on the board before anybody else can to tell the class how much smarter they are than everyone. Fuck that guy. I got an A in every single math class I’ve ever taken and some of them would act like they didn’t hear me when I’d try to compare answers with them.

Well, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

This is me. I'll tell you what the problem is - autism. It's autism.

I wish I was 17 again. One day you'll be less retarded, never smart, but hopefully less retarded.

pame a8ina se kanena scape re

Just have a grounded sense of style and know what not to do. Most people either don't try at all or try too hard. Online forums like /fa/ or reddit are shit becuase they obsess over fashion and are in a bubble, separated from reality.

In stem there's always that group of guys that are able to be nerds without appearing nerdy - be like them. Figure out your weaknesses and try to work on them to be as well rounded as possible. That's a compliment a lot of fat/minority friends of mine give me, they see me as a well rounded guy who has my stats maxed out in all fields. The truth is though, I'm actually stretched very thin and am just kind of shitty at everything but I think I have a halo effect.

Youre right she's not a true 9/10 she is just the best looking girl in cs by at least 2 points

I do have somewhere between a 1.8-2.0 shoulder to waist ratio. Very similar frame body type to David laid, if he were natty.

you are smart to avoid thots, but one day you will realize no woman or man is loyal under the right circumstances