6'5 200+ lbs

>6'5 200+ lbs
>beefy arms
>strong jaw, probably has high punching resistance
>athletic college basketball player
What percentage of "men" on here could avoid being taken down and smothered to death via facesit hold by Bry Fernstrom?

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any "man" who would resist deserve to have is balls and dick cut off

i am physically capable but mentally unable to resist

If you were big enough or strong enough to dominate her, she'd be loyal forever.

Big girls like this love to be manhandled. It's one of the few times they get to feel "small" and feminine.

I real man would be bigger than her and dominate her. Femdom is beta shit.

She could asphyxiate me with those thighs I don't mind.

>tfw turbomanlet gymcel
and I was just feeling good about hitting some new PRs in the gym

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>take out gun
>shoot bitchsquatch
bam, done, OP

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women are just not that strong user

I guess you don't want your dick and balls anymore

She would have had to have that bikini bottom custom made for her.

nobody sells anything near that size

She's more than a foot taller and almost twice my weight so I guess I'm dead.

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manlet desu

With God as my witness I will realize my goals and have several decades to enjoy it

Well women don't want the dick and balls of a man who won't slap them around and fuck them hard

She looks like she was built for BBC
prove me wrong, post her insta

Well then I guess true domination is being submissive, and making them dominate you, as they don't want to do it and thus are being dominated by doing so.

She's a foot and nearly a half taller than me, my face will cease to exist

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She probably has more lean mass than the average untrained robot. With her hulking viking frame and athleticism, she could definitely beat up some manlets, skellies, and skinnyfats.

Unf, get squished

I want her to HUG me akwardly and kiss akwardly and then squeeze too tight by accident

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I know this is really just a fetish thread, but I'm unironically confident I could beat her in a straight-up fight. Easily.
I'd let her pick me up and carry me if she wanted, though.

>implying robots would ever have the balls to fight back against anyone

I need her to peg me and then crush my pelvis into dust

Attached: d.png (1440x1080, 572K)

i want to get in a fight with her and see how far my confidence will take me

literally the ideal female body type. prove me wrong

Attached: bigdicc.jpg (500x624, 32K)

I wouldn't be able to handle her. I'm such a pathetic excuse of a man.

sounds pretty originally gay

And she's dating a black man. White women literally can't help themselves.

She literally says she's 6'4 in the bottom left picture you fucking retard

I already want to die and there are probably worse ways to go than death by braps. Lay her on me compadre, the credits are long overdue.

Why hasn't anyone posted more or at least said her name I mean FFS.

What's funny is he's also ugly as shit. White women have no standards

What's really funny is
how fragile white people are lmaoo

I'm not white though, I'm a sandnigger. White women are literally subhuman

What I said has nothing to do with what you are or aren't though

So why reply to me if your post wasn't directed towards me? Back-pedal some more

That aint no fuckin woman

I'd just take out a knife and stab them. Probably take some liberties with the body.

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I could cum to this big bitch all day tbqh

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Because I was agreeing with you? Jesus christ you retard

Nothing in your post suggested that you were agreeing with me. Just admit you're a mental midget

>having a persecution complex
wew I totally didn't see that one coming