GOD DAMMIT GUYS you made me fail my final fuck all of you NOFAP ruined my life now I might be fucking expelled for harrassment FUCK YOU
GOD DAMMIT GUYS you made me fail my final fuck all of you NOFAP ruined my life now I might be fucking expelled for...
>Can't control basic desires
>Somehow this is someone elses fault
>nofap isn’t a ploy to make creepy incels end up with harrassment charges
They are trying to bury you guys out of existance for good bucko.
Fuck off
>go to exam
>can't focus because I'm so God damn horny
>ask professor if I can retake literally tomorrow for medical reason
>she makes me explain what's wrong
>explain to her what NOFAP is and how I'm abstaining for health reasons
>professor calls campus security and I have to deal with this bullshit
I need to come in tomorrow for a follow-up meeting with the Dean. This was not fucking worth it this could mean 4 years wasted. Don't say this is my fault
Nigger you can't be serious
Jesus Christ lad you deserve this for being so god damn stupid.
nice bait
false and homosexual
No it's not
Go fuck yourself first I feel awful for a month, then I fail an exam, then I get called down by Joe Thundercock asking me what happened, then you think I'm just shitting around? Fuck you
if nofap was making you so horny you couldnt even focus on taking a test are you sure you should do it
You deserve this. If your inability to control your sexual desires can impair your life to such a degree you may express this amount of autism, you're no better then any other sexual delinquent. You need a therapy or gas chamber first, education second. Are taxpayers paying your scholarship?
You are the one that decided to go through it. No one forced you to. Do you really just follow whatever someone else tells you everytime?
Clearly he has a problem, I think he needs to find a release other than masterbation.
Maybe try lifting?
>I haven’t masturbated for a month because I read on a videogaming and cartoon websites it will give me superpowers and get me laid
Mind telling ys exactly what you told your professor? It’s not like this train could get anymore wrecked
I don't remember exactly what I said but it was along the lines of this
>professor can i please take exam tomorrow i have medical excuse
>uhh you should've said that in advance what's wrong
>it's private
>then no
>fine I've been abstaining from masturbating for the last 4 weeks I feel really bad and horny, I can't think straight please tomorrow it'll be better it's only for this month
>excuse me
>nofap November is a movement where bodybuilders don't masturbate for a month
>she hobbled to the phone and called up Joe Thundercock who then took me outside and started asking me questions
Fuck fuck fuck I'm worried about the meeting tomorrow. I also still haven't done the exam
It would have been much more simple just to shoot yourself to the face with a wepon instead
Also I don’t belive you
Fuck off
>be American male
>don't be 10/10 hyperchad
>have sexual desires
This is where you went wrong. You're not allowed to, because there's a risk a woman might be forced to have sex with you (all sex with non-chads is rape, since women would rather have sex with chad and therefore don't consent).
So did you masturbate already?
Do you feel better now?
What are you planning to say to them?
Fake fake fake - unless you go to community college or some other garbage school, there is no way you can up and meet with the Dean of your college like that without an appointment (or money/family, in which case you would not have been questioned). To add to that, you say you had your "final" - 1. if you are running on trimesters (can't be semesters due to the date), you most likely go to a pretty good school (Caltech, Union, Dartmouth, NW come to mind) thus coinciding with the what I originally brought up concerning your dean. 2. If this was your "final", and thus you run on trimesters, then your final would have been, at the very least, 2-3 weeks ago. Give me a break.
Not defending them but I'm on a quarter system and finals are happening now.
Yes I broke my streak but honestly it didn't even feel good because I feel like shit. Can't fall asleep, I'll probably have to cry in front of them and beg for forgiveness. Maybe I can claim I'm autistic and have doc verify it and I'll be good but I don't know
Quarters, and finals are this week and next week
What a fucking retard
>imagine actually falling for this pasta again
well done op enjoy your (You)s
>nofap raises your test scores
>get 0/100 on final exam
Nigger what this is just a pasta from like less than a month ago how are people falling for this
Quite a new pasta then. Do you think that I’m aware of absolutely everything that happens on this website despite being here for 13 years?
Also I said that I don’t belive op
No it's not
dean? are u a medical student lol
well if your that big of an autist that you decide to tell someone about nofap LMAO legit you could of said anything else. A close family member died i coulnt sleep for 3 days so on. have fun retaking that exam retard next year
Ok you poor triggered soul, please let all that hurt energy out, I'm so sorry for persecuting you so deeply and personally in this thread :(
Why are you making up bland stories on a Bangladeshi woodworking forum?
this sounds fake as shit, no one can be this stupid
Mein sides. Don't put me in the screen cap.
when things happen that are out of my control, I simply praise Kek
>It's another user makes up a story for (You)'s thread
you're not even good at it, I spit on you.
Top kek