Do you hand out candy on Halloween?

Do you hand out candy on Halloween?

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Not really.
I hand out viagra.
And other sexually stimulating drugs

Blacks ruined Halloween on my block so no one is really enthusiastic about it anymore. They don't even live here.

me and my family tried doing it a couple of years but there was pretty much 3 kids a year so we just stopped

It's the only day of the year I leave the house, I wear a costume and nobody knows I'm 28.

I have a bowl of candy for anyone who comes by, but in my past 5 years I've only ever had two kids come by on the one halloween i wasn't prepared. I ended up giving them some like individually packed bags of Cheez-itz which they got mad excited about.

I wish I lived someplace where kids actually trick'r'treated. I really love dressing up and decorating, with my parents we would make elaborate house decorations every year and crazy costumes and a maze like path they had to walk up to get to the porch with several fog machines going. I'd like to do something like that again some year....

Yeah, for a price.

I pick out all the candy i want and i put the undesirable/invalid/jewish candy out on the porch in a bowl
>and they dont even live here
yeah they do that alot

Mom and dad won't let me do that anymore after I sperged out 2 years ago in front of some kids

please elaborate i need the details

I live in a suburb next to Detroit and every Halloween the streets are filled with cars and vans just unloading people. There aren't that many lights on these days compared to when I was a kid, so now they pile out and go to a house for candy, then pile back in and drive up to the next house.

I'm pissed off you can't hand out candy apples or anything that isn't pre-wrapped anymore. All because of some dumb razorblade myth.
That happened, like, ONCE, and it was the kid's uncle or some shit.

there is no law saying you cant, hand em out if you want.

You know what? You're right.
You know who sucks? The lady who hands out chick tracts. You know who's awesome in a way? The lady who hands out chick tracts.

When I was about 16 I was helping my mom hand out candy on Halloween and I thought it would be funny to give a little girl a rock like Charlie Brown. But the girl was using a fucking paper sack instead of a plastic bucket/pillow case and the rock broke the bottom of the sack and her candy got dumped everywhere. The girl started bawling, her mom looked at me in disbelief, and then my mom came to see what the commotion was and told me to "get the fuck up to my room." It still makes me cringe.

no i either

>put on a costume and go LARPing as a teenager to try and get candy
>put on a costume and go out with friends
>go to some friend's band's show
>go to friend's haunted house
or sometimes all of these

>tfw not a 5ft manlet able to RP as a kid and aquire free candy

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>go out with friends
>go to some friend's
>go to friend's

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i turn off all the lights and hide in my room, been doing this for the last four years

i can pretend to be their friend but they know very little about me aside from what i want them to know

you know roachmaster wojak? that is me with people

>be me, halloween
>no one home so i have to answer the door and give the candy
>but i dont wanna answer the door because autism
>doorbell rings all the time
>when im on the shitter it rings
>when i'm jacking off it rings
>when im eating tendies it rings
>its driving me mad
>so i have had enough and answer it
>group of kids and parents "trick or treeatt"
>i screech at them like a bat and shut the door
>they ring doorbell again
>i open it and say FUCK OFFFFF as loud as i can then shut it again
>next day mom "i got a call from the neighbor she said you swore at some little kids wtf is wrong with you???"

Why are you acting as if it's your patriotic duty to hand out candy on halloween? If no one else was home, they wouldn't notice that you turned off your lights so no one rang your doorbell. Then you eat the candy to destroy the evidence that you didn't hand it out while they were gone.

>work at a hospital as security guard
>bring candy to work 3 years ago for Halloween
>think "if kids are stuck at a hospital on Halloween, they'd really appreciate some candy"
>get weird looks from parents
>rumor now around hospital that I'm a pedophile
Never again.

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The only non-pedophile way to offer kids candy is if they come to your door on halloween night.

>parents either working or at a halloween party
>"hand out some candy user while we are gone"
>turn all the lights off
>eat all of it in my room playing WoW all night
>"y-yeah we had lots of kids"

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If you're a single, childless man just avoid kids no matter what unless they're your relatives. I tried to help a kid in my neighborhood who was crying because she was lost and didn't know how to get home or contact her parents and it ended with the roasty cop who responded to my call treating me like I was about to kidnap and rape the kid. I wasn't arrested or charged or anything like that but I really didn't appreciate being treated like a potential pedophile for trying to do the right thing. The lesson I learned that day is just mind your own business wherever kids are concerned and let somebody else deal with it.

the past couple years have gone downhill.
It used to be just the surrounding blocks of japanese children, but then mexicans started coming by the van loads and their "kids" just grab as much as they can leaving nothing for the actual children and egging houses.
So people stopped handing out around here, and we've quit too. Not worth our time anymore and I sort of "stand guard" against would-be eggers and knock knock burglaries
Always here to protect grammy

I tried. Nobody comes but like 2 kids in the entire neighborhood after it's been a few hours.

suteki desu wa Sakura-Chan

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Halloween is dead in the west. All the little shits go to the mall and businesses for candy.

Fuck off, there's no ulterior motive to shit like this and I hate how it's assumed just because I'm fucking male. I wasn't the only person that handed out candy, but the nurses that did so (female of course) weren't called pesos. It's fucking bullshit.

His parents most likely had told to neighbours that they were gone but that their son would hand out the candy.

>he calls hijak "roachmaster wojak"

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>>get weird looks from parents
>>rumor now around hospital that I'm a pedophile
I don't get it why'd they jump to the pedo conclusion? especially your parents of all people. What is wrong with them man.

How about you tell your mother its not your problem to hand out shit?, or better yet this Old cunt not to go running to mommy. I was in your position once, everybody had one eye on me and one on the phone just -waiting- for a chance.

So all he had to do was kill the neighbors. No one would notice until the next day because they'd think the murder scene was Halloween related. Then when police start asking questions, he'd have the perfect alibi, that he was handing out candy that night.

Anyway, here's a black woman stealing the Halloween candy.

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