Does anyone else here unironically enjoy leg day?
> mfw addicted to the feeling of blood pumping
Does anyone else here unironically enjoy leg day?
Wtf is leg day? I squat every single day
heard that working out your legs increases test, so i too enjoy it
Sorry it doesn't work like that.
Leg day? are you a dyel? I start my workout all with squats. Back squats or front squats I do them always at the start of my workout 3+ times a week. then I move onto other bodyparts.
The dream would be to just do hip thrusts everyday and work out no other body part. Simply make all the body's resources go into building the angus.
according to these digits, it does
Alright ya fucking T-rex.
I'm addicted to the muscle soreness for the next 3 days.
Leg day is a waste of time just squat and deadlift for lower body
Lower body day is inferior too?
i love every workout day except for cardio. fuck cardio.
Once you realize the high of the compound lift, you will start to feel indifferent toward isolation lifts. I love the rush of deadlifting and squatting.
>working out 3 times a week
Speaking of dyels
x3 a week bodypart frequency is optimal retard
Yet no one has ever got a good body doing that. All the chads with great bodies are doing splits.
and roids
>Yet no one has ever got a good body doing th-
He was actually doing splits.
Roiders do heavy compounds 3x a week. Splits are for natties.
ha nice
>I start my workout all with squats
Enjoy your CNS exhaustion before you even get to do rows, bench, or OHP. Squats/diddlies AFTER upper body compounds.
>CNS exhaustion
>d-d-don't do compounds first, your CNS will fall off!!!!
imagine being this much of a cuck
If you don't think it's a thing then you don't work out hard enough.
I squat twice a week, bench, deadlift and OHP twice a week. Every now and then I have to just take a break as I'm completely fucked and it's counter productive.
Try Squatting 160kg 3x8 twice a week, benching 140kg 3x8 twice a week, deadlifting 200kg 3x6 twice a week and OHP 90kg 3x10 twice a week, with loads of other isolation exercises in between, during 5 days of working out, every week, all while trying to improve these lifts, and then tell me CNS exhaustion doesn't exist.
You don't feel it because you don't lift anything
your program probably sucks
>You don't feel it because you don't lift anything
You feel it because you're a weak old boomer.
>l-look at all these exercises im doing!!
Nobody gives a shit. I always do my compounds first and hit PRs on bench/OHP/whatever after. Have some fucking faith in your body.
jesus christ source for the love of god
>he trains legs only on leg day
lol, if you're not roiding enjoy remaining a DYEL for the rest of your life
> Enjoy your CNS exhaustion
Do you even know what you're talking about? How is it possible to exhaust your central nervous system? Can you explain what happens exactly or did you read it on the internet and say that to describe feeling fatigued and tired? I also do upper body compounds before squats and diddlys because otherwise I'll be too tired for my presses.
> All the chads with great bodies are doing splits.
False, Chads with great bodies are mostly roiding and whether they're doing full body or a split doesn't matter
Leg day is the fucking best workout in existance
especially leg extensions
>mfw two huge muscles basically doing curls but reverse
What the fuck is that neck? Jesus Chroist.
Leg days like the only day I can almost max the weights on the machines. Cycling background..
Please do not blaspheme, this is a Christian-friendly board
>tfw hamstring doms