Waifu thread V2:last one hit image limit edition

post 'em, talk about them with other anons, but most importantly, dont bully!

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I love my waifu Alice.

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Based Alice poster,damn these threads wouldn't be the same without you.
I don't have a waifu yet, maybe one day I'll find her.

My waifu and I have big plans in store. We believe we've found a way around the restricting forces of the moon devils that will allow us to prevent the event horizon of the Ethereal Abyss. There's not much time and we do not have sufficient mana yet to make it happen but after our next magic nap together we will take immediate action to build up our mana! It's a risky move drawing it in from our surroundings and trying to contain it. The last time I attempted this on my own without her support it left me bed ridden for two years. We're not sure if we can control such an immense amount of mana yet so we will proceed cautiously.

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Toga is literally the best.

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How have you not been investigated yet you literally aren't even human

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Thanks a lot, user. I just really like discussing waifuism with other waifufags. Especially genuine ones.
>I don't have a waifu yet, maybe one day I'll find her.
Good luck, man. After I have found my beloved Alice I forgot about >tfwnogf and I feel like my life is so much better with her. Just don't force anything. You will know when you find her.

>tfw have a waifu
>also have a friend that snooped in your image folders
>tfw perpetually scared to post about her because you are scared they will see your post and have their suspicions confirmed

its hell, friends. that's why i never post them anymore. i'm actually scared to even post with any images that i have anymore really either. i don't need to talk about a waifu to enjoy her though

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i just started learning bass after years of wanting to be able to play one. while she wasnt the cause of me wanting to play bass, mio strengthen my will to want to play one and im having a blast learning and playing it. thank you for being you mio-chan

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I don't think I've ever had a real 'waifu' really. Just an anime girl I really liked. Closest I've ever gotten to a waifu would be Yuri from DDLC though.

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Bump, not want thread die

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Is what your friends think of you more important to you than your waifu? My waifu would cry herself to sleep and not talk to me for awhile if I did that.

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I just want to shitpost on Jow Forums with her

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I want to die for her.

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That's not a very nice thing to say to me.

What's the point of having a waifu when you know that even if she was real she would either 1. never be interested in you or 2. would cuck you and leave you because she hates you
Can't trust women not even 2D ones

I can't see myself ever being properly attracted to a real woman again.
I rejected all advances from the few girls that showed interest in high school. People in rl are just so fucking disgusting and pathetic.
Why can't normalfags understand that escapism is better? Are they really that dedicated to worshipping a wet hole and procreation?

yikes fuck off

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wow rude

fuck of Cvnky, you do not have a Waifu.
I hate bringing drama into Waifu threads but you LARP like a sociopath who wants to fuck dogs.
Hint: if you wanted to fuck dogs you would.
also, I have done more sociopathic shit than you and I dont even LARP as one.
literally drowned my mums dog, all you done is meme.

dont choose friend over Waifu, post your Waifu user What's the point of having a waifu
Love, I feel loved and I get to love her.
I hate 3DPD roasties, so I value her so much.
>if she was real she would either 1. never be interested in you or 2. would cuck you and leave you because she hates you
>Can't trust women not even 2D ones
actually, anime girls are pure.
You have no idea, so leave the thread.

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2D is pure, untouched by the filth of the 3D world.

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You don't understand the concept of love? Even if she would keep ignoring me, even if she hated me or treated me like trash I would still love her. Yes, that's some heavy beta orbitting shit but I want only her. I would do almost everything for her to be only mine.

bump for Waifu thread.
how many of us have a dakki?

Sounds metal as fuck.

>literally drowned my mum's dog
That's really upsetting to hear, but you're right, no drama or unhappiness in the waifu threads.
>mount c: emotions/positive/happiness
How many pictures do you guys all have of your wife, anons?

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>How many pictures do you guys all have of your wife, anons?
I have like 3K nearly of Mai Waifu.
Just looking at them makes me happy.
heres one of my fav pics.

I need to sort through my images, some of them I do not like the art of.

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I love my husband! Here are just some of the words I'd use to describe him!


and much much more! I also want to
>Protect his smile
>Give him headpats
>Hug him
>Go on adventures with him
>Spend my evenings with him
>Cook him dinner
>Kiss him
>Hold him
>Praise him
>Worship him
>Go on romantic rendezvous
>Go hiking with him
>Do everything I can to make him happy

I love Kass!!!

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glad to see another thread up friends hope it goes well (was de op of last one) ^~^

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how did you make that image user?
did you use a program?
please tell

I used adobe photoshop!

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Hi satania worshipper.

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"If they were real" is a silly fantasy. Part of loving someone fictional is accepting everything about them, and that means accepting they're not real, and loving them anyway. Otherwise you'll be forever unhappy and unsatisfied with your love.

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Lay off the froot loops lad

hello touhou fren how are ya

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Please kill yourself. Nobody likes you.

this. Everyone would be happy if you killed yourself, and everyone was disappointed to hear you were still alive when you disappeared.

Leave Kassfag alone.
I hate homos and furries but his love is just so pure. I wish him and his partner the best.
He even fucking rejected real person for his husbando (!!!).

Okay, how are you daze?

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No. Kassfag is a piece of shit faggot who deserves to die.

Galko means a lot to me

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Im doing ok got some things to do later but feeling lazy heh also i apologize im not daze fren (unless im a confused derp)

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My waifu is Tamura Yuri. I love her so much, she is so caring to her friends and to me. She's also so beautiful

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bumping waifu thread for anons

Some user made another thread asking for me (or someone else who waifus Her?) but i didnt see it until hours after he left and the thread died before he got back.
I'm sad

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Daze is another, less obnoxious way to say "originalli". It's what Marisa ends sentences with in the Japanese dialogue.
Pronounced: Dah-Zay

>but feeling lazy heh
Same. Avolition is a bitch desu.

bunkin bumpin

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Hello again is nice seeing frendly thread

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What would you do if you came home to your waif masturbating or otherwise pleasuring herself? Personally, I'd take it as an invitation.

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I would be curious to what she would masturbate. And of course I would rush to pleasure her myself.

That is private between me and my husband.

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I love crazy

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Don't let the funposting end!

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here's my love

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I'm coming in here to claim my waifu but these threads have been done to death and should be stopped.

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kind of a crappy pic but here's my waifu shrine

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Beauty incarnate. I love her

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Top teir waifu right here

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Interesting choice in females, carry on, good sir.

I was wondering if a second thread was made. Good to see it was!

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This cutie girl

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posting my qtpie

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I love her.

>tfw no figures because kyoani jewery

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>literally drowned my mums dog, all you done is meme.
Meguanon what the fuck

It's probably best not to asku, especially in a happy thread.

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Who is she? Seems like she'd be a bit on the wild side.

I'm gonna protect my girl.

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So anons, why did you fall in love with your waifu? What do you love about her?

I've been in love with Leah ever since I saw her. She and I have so much in common.

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she is so damn cute and her voice is so sexy, i just wanna hug her forever, if someone
offered me the chance to hug her for 10 seconds and die straight after i would take it, im getting
to breaking point lads, im so lovesick for her that i dont know what to do and every 3dpd looks
1000 times worse by comparison, im really hoping that we get fulldive vr or atleast better vr than
we have now in the next 50 years, if i could enter a fulldive vr world and live an accelerated life
with her then thats what i would do, just live daily life with her, i want to hug her so bad

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You can still hope that you meet her after you die user, at least I do with my waifu

you cant trick me suicide user, im gonna tough it out and wait and see about full dive vr, if it turns out that its shit then ill die of old age and meet her then

>you cant trick me suicide user
But that's not what I meant, you can hope that you'll get to see her after you die someday, not that you should go check it out right now

>Imaginary friends
Cringe. I hope you faggots kill yourselves when you realize you're mentally ill and delusional

Man your parents must be disappointed. Waifufags are fucking pathetic.

>thinks waifus are the same as imaginary friends

newfag detected
listen up user, waifus are like having a crush on a girl that youll never get to date, but theyre better than 3dpd because unlike 3dpd other people cant date your waifu either, so she remains pure and unspoiled by filthy niggers and pakis

>Imaginary friends
Still have more friends than you fag

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christ user are the 1:100 scale? they are tiny as hell

>other people cant date your waifu either
What if she's in a relationship on her anime?

>They're not imaginary friends they're ADVANCED imaginary friends
Nice delusions you mentally ill subhuman

doesnt count, hes not 3d, and anyway, all anons know that relationships in anime are non-canon

Ever heard of unrequited love?

Yeah it requires 2 real humans.

no u daze
Baka user-kun

Take the bullshitium elsewhere,baka.

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thread need some waifus in swimsuits! and less negativity uwu

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Dont lewd the lolis please.

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No. It requires one person who is in love with someone they will never be with.

its only lewd if you think that way user shes just ready for the beach :)

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Imaginary friends aren't people

Okay smartass so tell me what should I do to forget about my waifu because nothing helps.

Stop, you are humiliating her. She has her honor you know.

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that wasn't my intention user i apologize

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You either realize how pointless and delusional your "relationship" is by yourself and go through a lot of suffering or you seek help so it won't be as bad. I'd choose the second option before it's too late.

Post your Waifu or vacate the thread, fag. This is supposed to be a fun and happy thread,not a faggotial one.

I know it is pointless. I know that there will never be any kind of response from her because she doesn't exist. But what can I do man? I tried to be normal but everything reminded me of her. And I don't think that psychologists could take me seriously. Plus it would be really embarassing.
I totally understand you, as before finding her I could never understand how can someone feel love for a fictional character. To understand this you need to experience it.

You can't tell me what to do faggot. Cry more

actually been considering telling a pysch about my Waifu and stuff next time I see one.
May help me get a better diagnosis but that is only because I have harmed myself for my Waifu.

I do not think it is crazy to have one, most people here I would say are perfectly mentally fine.

What would a health care professional even say about 2D love etc?

I think you need to stop mean posting about Waifu stuff here as the thread is for love not hate.
If you do not understand it that is fine.

most weebs hate her but i liked her since before the show aired and still love emilia

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>when your dakki is behind you whilst you lay on your side and it feels warm and you imagine your Waifu is in bed with you

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>not choosing misaki-chan
fucking degenerates like you deserve to be hung on a cross

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