Weighted dips

>weighted dips

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I like them as an accessory, I can do weighted 2pl8 weighted dips for reps but I just cannot see them replacing flat bench for me. I simply do not feel like it is an adequate chest or tricep workout.

Shit thread btw, kill yourself OP.

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>maybe it will be funny if I post it again
t. Op is a fat fuck who can’t even do normal dips

>ancom flaghat
>iron cross

Does the alt right actually work out?

why do white pepole have small lips?

>behind the back inverted reverse tricep extensions

Imagine thinking bench is a better chest excercise than dips

>alt right
Reddit discarded and pic related
People who go to protests have no lives

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I would turbo stuff that cute little twink tin tin like there was no tomorrow

Goonies 2: American Civil War

in awe at the size of that lad.

>the perfect woman doesn't exis-

Post body, op
Oh right, you dont workout you just come here to spam your, incel whining, bbc shit, and show us how meaningless your life is
If you hung yourself right now you won't be noticed until 2 days later

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Weighted dips or weighted push ups Jow Forums?

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Both and weighted pullups


I do both

weighted bench press

Double dubs suggest you do both.

Cause we dont suck faggot dick

>exercise bad
>cnn say bad for shoulders and knees
>me don't need to work out because me not insecure

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That kid is bloatmaxxed af

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These kids look friendly as hell. Would guide them to a gym/10

why did you copy my post?


would fuck the one in the black on the right

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How many of these sickly fucks do you think you could take before getting your ass kicked?

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The one in the beanie behind the bloatmaxxer is the only normal looking one there

he cute tho

In parallel or series?

I believe the bloatmaxxer would be decent looking if he wasn't so fat. He has good frame if he can pack so much mass and his facial features are good.

series-parallel, three at a time

Technically all of them, they'd flee as soon as the first one got hit.

I was thinking waves of six

It literally is though

I'd fuck that girl in the black hoodie

then you are doing your dips wrong

No homo, she is kinda cute

Jow Forums is alt right

you're a memed fag

imagine the smell haha

why do black people have flat noses

dips have amazing carry over to bench press

>rack pulls above the knee

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Working out makes one alt right

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>alt right
I'm pretty sure that's a dead meme but I unironically love Hitler.

Why do niggers look like monkeys?
Oh wait, I already know the answer: They are genetically closer to monkeys than white people are.


how do I find a girl like this?

I'd take them out for beers instead and offer them dieting advice.

>coping this hard

enjoy being closely related to small beta apes, chimp

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I don't, faggot

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You are a nigger.

You sound like a shitskin? Are you a shitskin?
Your argument is also entirely wrong, Caucasians are simply more evolved than niggers and are genetically closer to Neanderthals, the Chads of the ape world.

That monkey you posted is an offshoot of the ape family and diverged from our course of evolution millions of years ago.

Keep coping white boy, your days will soon be over, the dominant race will always take over.

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Show me a 1st world nation inhabited primarily by niggers. You can't.
This is living proof of the white man's superiority.

yikes at this cope

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Neanderthals were literally closer to apes than humans you neanderthal ape. Congrats on being part ape idiot.

Based melanin intellectual

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Show me a place where white people are procreating. You can't HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Goodbye White boy, soon your kind will be gone. And my kind will live on forever, it's simple evolution, your beta kind would rather fuck anime pillows than women, which leaves more for the alpha black men like me :)

Well, at least I've got better lips than y'all

Why come dips give me elbow soreness?
>inb4 fat
I'm 160 lb

i read an article once about how apes have flat noses so they can suckle as babies.


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nah homo sapiens have breasts so its okay

im completely ok with society dying and you undesirables inheriting the earth
so i get to watch you all burn and crumple what you were given

whites are so weak, scrawny, beta. no wonder they got small lips. they got small everything. if i was white i wouldnt even botger workin out i always would be small and have a big nose small lip face

pic related

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don't bully the local twink, you faggot.

by not answering the question and moving the goalpost you admitted that niggers are inferior
good job

Fuuuuuck I would give up 20% of my total gains to fuck that nerdy kid with the hood

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The Jew fears the gym

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Large lips more effectively dissipate heat. Ergo, people in hotter climates were selected to have larger lips over time.

Compare to how cold weather requires increased planning, cognitive ability, and social cohesion. That's why niggers tend to be stupid, violent, and thoughtless.

The fat dude seems to be a chill bro. He's also classy af.

a few

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Hyde is an absolute unit holy shit

Alt Right is a term made by the Jews

Better, worse, I enjoy doing them.

>weighted dips

>posting this HERE
you fucking faggot

by the way, no arguments need to be presented to you, the evidence that niggers are worthless trash abounds in every aspect of humanity.

reminder that blacks in america aren't increasing in population but are stagnating unlike hispanics who are breeding like rabbits

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too bad you will use them only to kiss faggots,you faggot

On MY board

Lmao jk grow up kid

why did you copy my post?

Ok you Kangz & qweenz You can have humanity. I’m sure it would prosper if you were the only race on earth . Oh wait, nigs can’t fucking accomplish that, they just end up killing each other.

These are the average Jow Forums posters

>he doesn't realise when whitey is gone no one will be left to protect him from being enslaved by the chinese

>*opens thread*
>*takes a sip of vodka*
Gee, it's so cool to not be white or black

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>alt right

What is this "alte rite"?

Are they affiliated with the hacker known as Jow Forums?


how do you do weighted pushups?


Do dips normally hurt your shoulders when you first start out?

Get to like 7 or 8 and my shoulders feel inflamed

Stupid thot, that is not how you dab

>this is supposed to reassure us

hahahahha nigger faggots

what are you even talking about retard? its a fitness board with fit people here and you post a stupid graph. kys

Put a plate on your back fucking retard lmao

Look at all these little cuck white fuckbois.

Enjoy watching your women get destroyed by BBC.

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you're so insecure and the only way you can be better than anybody else is calling the race card saying
unless you're not black then idk how pathetic you can be.

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