He doesn't lift while taking a cold shower on a 3 day fast while having a 90 day no fap streak and still thinks he can...

>he doesn't lift while taking a cold shower on a 3 day fast while having a 90 day no fap streak and still thinks he can make it

what is your excuse Jow Forums?

Attached: GAINSRAIN..webm (720x1280, 1.31M)

Absolutely based.

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What ABSOLUTE GARBAGE FORM! Learn to lift properly you fucking novice and maybe you'll escape DYEL mode in 2 years



Someone from this board took the time to record this idiocy solely to make a shitty thread, while looking as dyel as that. Hey kid, spend more time on your lifts and your diet rather than this bullshit and you might get somewhere.

>not mentally strengthening yourself with torture

He looks good, i would date him.
You are just a jaded incel though.

n no homo ?

t. Dyel OP after getting btfo

>no fun allowed

>Mongolian tapestry text based board

He added more worth to this board and the whole site than you probably will ever do

>t. no gains


How much do weigh OP?

>curling 25 pounds

Attached: 431FE6FB-98AD-406D-9106-9677C8BCE741.jpg (581x1024, 64K)


>he isn't meditating during his cold shower lift session

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n nani

Imagine the Cortisol.

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>that body
>making it

You natties are fucking pathetic.

oh nononon

Attached: OhNo....png (656x428, 288K)

>worries about curlin
>has no legs
No type of shower gonna fix that DYEL

Fuck the haters. Gotta appreciate the dedication to providing some original content.

I'd rather have a slightly receded hairline and a great body than look DYEL my whole life.

LMAO look at his legs


>rocking back and forth doing 25's

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Shut the hell up idiot, you're just mad you don't have the SPARTAN willpower to be able to take ICE COLD showers.

The only painful cold shower is the first one. After that, the only painful thing about cold showers is the first second of it before you get used to it. After you're used to it you don't even think about it just step in no hyperventilating no thinking im gonna have a cold shower just gonna have a shower.

this i why I love Jow Forums

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Yep, thats SIR material guys

Hes right