Be me

>be me
>21yo virgin male (male)
>girl falls crazy in love with me
>she's fucking hot
>some semblance of intelligence (I'd estimate IQ at least 105)
>says she wants to cook and clean for me
>Literally too good to be true, where's the catch?
>"I'm not actually a virgin user"
>Literally all I see from then on when I imagine my life with her is me constantly feeling like a cuck, being laughed at and mocked by the at least 4 guys she's fucked (I'm sure it's in the 10s)
>1 is too many for me
>Can't shake this mentality and so I break up with her

Did I fuck up anons? This girl really loved me and I know it's going to kill her, but I want to save my virginity for the right one, she may never come but if she does I want to be pure for her and I want her to be pure for me.

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you're a fucking idiot

whew that was close user, you gotta stay pure to yourself and remain an incel for life

Yeah you fucked up. So what if shes a virgin? It really isnt that big of a deal.

Yeah you're an idiot, falling for this stupid Judeo-Christian "purity" meme.

Consider a lobotomy you absolute imbecile.

If it kills your attraction to her, you did well. Don't stick around people you don't like.

You're not going to find a perfect virginal waifu. That's Jow Forums memes. You found a caring gf which is rare in and of itself. Be happy about that.

time to go to church like a good boy

nice self-own retard

So r9k really is the cuckold board..

How do you know she's only had one previous partner?

Yeah, this never happened. It's nice to fantasize though OP.

You are like a princess waiting for her prince on a white horse, who never comes.

>>"I'm not actually a virgin user"

Did she tell you she was?
I'd be concerned about her lying to you.

Pretty much this.

It's basically a subreddit away from reddit at this point.

It's at least 4, learn to read.

It did happen and I hate that it bothers me. I'm going to die alone having never held another woman.

It was likely a joke, she probably didn't think I was actually a virgin when I first told her.

From an user who lost his virginity at 26 y/o to a normal girl: get back with her.
My girl has been in tears before because she felt like I wanted a virgin like me and she wanted to be perfect for me but couldn't.
Bottom line is: life is not perfect user, you gotta deal with the cards you are given. We weren't born into Chaddom, we need to play this game differently.
Believe it or not a girl can still love you even if she was with guys before.

But definitively act alpha, you don't want to look thirsty to her, she has to understand that she is lucky to be with you and no the other way around. I know that if she left me or cucked me I would have no problem finding 10 cumdumpster candidates meanwhile she won't find another guy like me in her life and we both know it.

Things that didn't happen: the post. A girl wouldn't say that about virginity.

>It's at least 4, learn to read.
You didn't say that was her number, you said that was what you imagined was laughing at you.

hey atleast she was open and honest about her sinful past we can all be redeemed of sin through Jesus Christ our lord and savior. UNLESS you were planning to fornicate with her then you're just another guy she fucked another addition to the list.

not everyone is brainwashed

honestly if you were that disturbed by the fact that she's had sex before it's probably best for her that you broke up
not for you. you totally fucked yourself over lol. but at least she doesn't have to suffer thru ur shit

>being 21
>surprised that almost every girl around that age is not a virgin
user, if she's a good person, go for it.
If you expect a virgin, you're gonna stay here forever.

Probably the most constructive comment, so thanks, but I'm unsure. I've gotten back with her 2 or 3 times already because I thought I'd get over it, but I can't. Plus she has a lot of male friends she talks to and that also got to me, and she hated when I brought it up and got very defensive, even though she hates the idea of me talking to other women. I just didn't feel like she was mine. I was definitely hers, but I didn't have her, and that's really what got to me. Maybe I didn't feel like she truly appreciated me, even though I'm sure she did.

That's partly why I broke up, I could only see myself upsetting her in the future, only adding myself to the list of guys that fucked her and left her.

Cuckolding has nothing to do with virginity, you simpleton.

This user gets it in a very original way