Is there a bigger unlikely-Chad than Jordi?

Is there a bigger unlikely-Chad than Jordi?
>awkward Spanish boy streams games
>acquires a following, mostly just people watching because he’s so awkward
>people tell him to do porn
>he actually does it
>becomes the biggest male pornstar in the world
>goes back to streaming vidya and vlogging
>gets millions of followers
>still awkward
According to Dick Bush, major porn director who posts on /tv/, Jordi “seems mentally challenged when you meet him, but he does everything you say. Ideal, really.”

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Other urls found in this thread:ño_Polla

>being duped into a Jewish run degenerate industry

yes, very Chad-like

>fucking the sexiest women in the world for money

Seems p based

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>porn stars
>sexiest women in the world

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Pornstars are mostly just average women who lowered their bodyfat, got fake hair extensions, fake tits, fake lips, fake ass, and bleached their assholes.

You would be surprised how crazy a transformation an average woman can make by just doing what I mentioned. They go from 4-5//10 to 8-9/10.

There are no 9/10 pornstars, what are you a 12 year old virgin? Take any trailler trash tatted up bitch, give her a fake tan and fake tits and boom she's a pornstar.

he streams?

Just view some pornstar before and after makeup.

wtf this guy looks like a midget? how does he do porn with a midget dick?

Someone link his twitch

Most pornstars are manlets

Dick size is inversely related to height

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JordiENP on youtube.

he was a streamer?

posting from your private collection, white user?

>no 9/10 pornstars

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3 million subscribers?!

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His profiles everywhere say 5'8, but thats a fucking lie. These girls tower over him

surprisingly she hasn't done any scenes (at least that i know of) with niggers

No, it's directly correlated

I'd say he's not a Chad, but a comfy guy nonetheless

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She sucks off a nigger in a club its on pornhub

I doubt he can even do a push-up
R9kikes are weaklings who have to project their flaws and shit up other boards to cope with their shit lives

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Most pornstars getting mogged by everyday women lol.

implying there arent a shit ton of white cuckolds

Jordi's a pornstar that zoomers can insert themselves into a scene as. He's genuinely there to draw in teens who haven't finished growing up yet.

I know there are and they’re invading this board, people who are into cuckshit are pathetic and self hating
If you suddenly died and no one would visit your funeral you’re visiting r9k


most irl cuckolds are on reddit actually

She has herpes
She even does lesbian oral scenes with flare ups on her mouth
This slag is a walking disease vector giving people a lifelong disease

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>awkward Spanish boy streams games
what the fuck is this bullshit? he never streamed any games and he's been doing porn in his third world country while still being underage

I heard a bunch of Reddits got nuked including that incel (actual ones who earned the title and call themselves that) shithole and they moved to r9k

Slaanesh, like all chaos gods, rewards a moments pleasure with eternal pain and misery. That’s why when I cum, I always shout, “for the emperor!”

>not drinking your pee to be immune to all disease
Not going to make it user

Shit like this makes me wish the synagogue shooter targeted a porn studio instead of some literary who’s

A popular-ish pornstar went to my university. I honestly don’t think she’s very attractive on screen, but goddamn it’s way worse irl she’s like 4’11” and has a beergut. She’s also retarded. So I just assume all pornstars are ugly thots irl, because actually hot girls can just get a sugar daddy and retain some self respect. Also totally reported that hoe to the IRS lmao

>implying that poster is not a shilling jew to brainwash white society

>implying Jews are not shit testing whites
Misunderstanding that Jews can be great people, and that there are great people that are Jews, just like there are great and awful people if any race, is retard unaware NPC tier

Those women are wearing platform heels probably giving them an extra 6 inches to their height. And I think they always have him fucking amazons to enhance the illusion

Who was it? I'm sure thousands and thousands of people have gone to your uni so it's not like we're going to know who you are user.

It's not because your dick isn't part of your skeleton, but the guy you're replying to is still an idiot. It's not reversely correlated but porn actors are all giants and the girls are barely above 5'

Say what you will about Jordi, but my dude is packin the schmeat.

Good for him.

>women who sell their pussy for money are sexy
The porn Jew has really taken ahold of this generation

god i loved that scene, is he, dare i say /ourguy/?

If it wasn't for porn I'd kms. Unironically has saved my life many times over

>not all x
I don't think people are falling for this anymore.

t. pic related

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>Eww, men are so gross watching their 'teen' and 'barely legal' porn
>Jordi vids extremely popular among women


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name of scene

If you’re not into /ss/ because you were molested by grown women as a boy you don’t belong here.

'cumming to america' my friend, enjoy, its all yours

Dear fellow user sir, would you dare to provide me with a link to said video? Thank you very much.

ask me how i know you dont lift

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you can't even get free sex from a 4/10 and you call pornstars below average

major cope

Certainly not.
Johnny Sins or Tommy Gunn

Sir, I implore you, I don't find the specific video on said website on neither of the names of this nice lady.

>reddit spacing and projection

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literally a 7 in eastern europe

>be jordi
>some arkward, dyel dude
perfect match to the average fitizen, as far as im concerned

Mate I'm 6'4" and my dick is 7.5" long 6" around, fuck off with your bullshit

>ottoman officer explaining the harem rules to the new balkanlar concumbine - colorized

Pornstars are actually very gross. They have no ass, bad skin, wear tons of makeup, use oil and angles and different positions to make their ass look better when in reality they are very thin, lack muscle, and use implants. There are tons of examples that can disprove this but that is only looking at the top 1% of actors.

Porn is so bad do not every start watching it it has been impossible to stop.

Porn actors are mostly very small with the girls being even smaller.

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jeez what a perfect whore. god damnit.

Imagine having a dick so small not just you get off to nigger porn but need to spam it everywhere

Imagine being so insecure that you're bothered by a webm posted on the internet by a stranger and immediately project your own shortcomings in your reply.

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imagine pushing kike propaganda

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Imagine going to a fitness board and trying to derail them because your jealous and cant fix your own problems
plus every blacked viewer has a small pecker unironically from their own words

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It’s mostly Jow Forumslacks. They’re the biggest down low cucks of everyone in this site. That’s why they’re so obsessed with race.

is he deaf or what

>le eastern european women -meme
They really don't look that good lol
t. Ukraine

That's just a zit in an unfortunate location bro.

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He's Mexican.

In the USA 72% of the population are infected with HSV1 or 2
Worldwide it is 60 to 95%

It is mostly dormant if you are immunocompetent and healthy

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Read the OP carefully.

He’s not.

Okay he's Spanish.ño_Polla

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The Fuckboy life;
zack and Cody

Check my doubles tho

Mate, I'm 6'0 and my dick is just over 8" and thick. (don't know how thick, never measured). Your height don't mean shit to dick size. Cope more

>cake faced whores with prolapsed anuses are sexy
good one


>bleached their assholes
Assholes are not supposed to be tainted, that's just bad genetics. Good genetics have naturally good looking assholes.

Doesn't that mean that in fact porn is very very good if it can make even ugly people look sexy on camera? From a technical point of view.
P.S I don't watch porn either (it made me very depressed after cumming), just chiming in.

OK so I googled this guy and most if not all thumbnails seem to be him with ugly milfs. Unless it's a popularity stunt for him it's a lose-lose

There's only one option retard

you are right, try central-eastern europe

Who dis?

>he didn't fuck all of his friends moms while he was in high school
this is why you're a loser and can't relate to the videos