30+ Thread

30+ Thread - The good old days will never come back and will be soon forgotten.

I wish I had gone to a fucking meetup.

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Must only be newfags on at the moment.

Lmao imagine being a white guy in america and still ending up a fucking robot at 30

How to start over at 30? I feel like if I don't get my shit together now, the next 50 years are going to be pure hell

>yfw you realize in 50 you will be 80

I don't know but what's currently going for you now?

You can't start over unless you kill yourself. Then there's no guarantee the game of life will start again. Your mind is tainted and redpilled to ever be a successful person.

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>Haven't worked in 8 years.
>Moved back with parents 3 years ago.
>Have STEM degree
>Roughly 3 years of work experience from a long time ago
>Zero friends

Judge me all you want, Jow Forums can be still entertaining. Since the rest of the world, and the rest of the internet, is worse right now, I don't feel so bad about this site.

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The 30+ crowd is normies here.

I guess the first thing would be to get a job, so that at the bare minimum you can at least eat what you want instead of subsisting on what's in the cupboard.

Really don't understand this delusion that Jow Forums is this niche site it's been fully assimilated into everything else.

No meetups in my area. Doesn't matter because I'm bad with other humans.

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>No meetups in my area
I was talking about the meetups of the past, where it was a bunch of socially retarded people meeting up.

Those old meetup photos always looked cosy no matter how autistic.

Have you been active on reddit, or twitter, or youtube, or the comment section of a news paper, etc.?

It's a different quality, at least for me. Reading comments on reddit makes me irrationally angry. I don't want to present a list of all things that bother me, so please don't ask why. I'm just describing my personal impression.

Yeah I know. The meetups were always far from my area. Seems like they mostly happened in like the CA Bay Area or some shit.

>Reading comments on reddit makes me irrationally angry. I don't want to present a list of all things that bother me

Let me guess, libtards this, libtards that, blah blah blah blah blah blah.

There was a point in Jow Forums where politics didn't consume the entire fucking site.

whoah it's that guy that works on google

People used to post those little cartoons but it's definitely not the same as it is now. Now the culture of the entire site is a race to see who can be the edgier Nazi unironically. And if you're not a Nazi then you must be a SJW cuckold because there's nothing in between.

Oh right.
I think people used to scoff at the idea of meeting someone off the internet, let alone another part of the world in those days.

But if you had the chance to attend those old meetups again, would you take the chance and costs to do it?

smoke weed everyday
dude lmao

That and it's sorta insane to see anons who are basically normalfags screaming
>normies get out
because we've reached a point in time where the line between ironic and unironic doesn't exist.

To still be here near thirty or in your thirties is a sign there is something very wrong with you. Enjoy it while you can, you are here forever. You think you are a robot and no one understands you now? Wait till you hit 25, because it gets worse. Opportunities close and people give up excusing how you are due to youth.

It's just not for me anymore, I just came back from an after party with hot young girls who really wanted my dick, but I know I couldn't do anything because im old and wasted..

LARPing is over in that thread.

Not larping, had a bag of coke snorted a bit and got my heart racing like a motherfucker, I didn't want to take anymore and went to the bathroom and a security asked me for a shot, gave him the bag and he returned it almost empty...

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im 28. life is suffering. im a balding old man with zero energy. i even got a vape recently just for the nicotine. its to supress my appetite, as ive gained about 30 pounds in the last 6 months. i think its doing a fairly good job

ive been more depressed lately than ever, fuck im going to meditate to help ease off this mental stress. life is suffering

You're too cool for this thread, get out.

I could be cool but I've got mental issues and that's why I'll always be alone til I die

>You think you are a robot and no one understands you now? Wait till you hit 25, because it gets worse. Opportunities close and people give up excusing how you are due to youth.

Unless that user is dead intent on ruining his life, they're gonna be alright. People like us are the last of our kind, the conditions that created us no longer exist. Once we're gone there'll be no evidence we were here. Hell, most newfags don't even know what SA is.

Ay man, you got invited/went to an after-party. I haven't even been to a before-party. kek.

Didn't get invited anywhere just showed up to where I though there would be an after party and walked in, I had a bag of coke and 300 buckz, I thought I could just ask some girls to snort some and buy them drinks but I couldn't even strike up a conversation

>with hot young girls who really wanted my dick
According your previous post you were about to get laid.

No, I could have gotten laid if my autism didn't make me avoid everh interaction I could've had there

Well, I don't know what to say. At least you went outside.

I'm 31 yo wizard living in Poland. Anyone would like to talk on discord? I like vidya, mostly autistic stuff like Sim City 4 or Yume Nikki but I also play more normie stuff from time to time like PUBG. I prefer older to new anime. I'm interested in history and a bit in modern politics (by that I guess I mean mostly tinfoil hat conspiracies and watching videos from Syria).

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>don't even know what SA is.
Thank god for that honestly, it's best no one knows about that site anymore. Talk about a massive fall from grace.


You take that back.

Give me a week or so, I'm trying to set up a 30+ discord.

Jak sie zyje w Polsce teraz jako NEET?
-t Diaspora

Yea well most of you are shitty people
>be me
>go to r9k meet-up
>talk to some of the wagies at this meet-up and actually want to be their friends
>they start talking to each other and I'm done I guess
>literally acting like they don't give a shit about me at all
You stupid fucking faggots why me. Why me
I just wanted to fit in and join your stupid group but you kicked me out just like the normies!!!!

I am one of those people who is doomed to be alone.
Fuck all of you stupid fucking faggots. Fuck you
I just wanted to fit in somewhere and I don't fit anywhere

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>will be soon forgotten.
They already are, man. I cant ever find anyone who knows the things I know. It is driving me crazy.

>the beaches and shores era
>the BZZZZZZ board
>the SQL injection saga from 2010
>how the boards used to be fun and positive
>reddit going too slow
>b telling a kid to run a magnet across his hard drive to fix the pc after deleting system 32
>that guy on v who made that video about COD and dudebro shooters and how gay the wii was and everyone on the planet took him seriously despite the fact he was playing cuts from the world ends with you soundtrack

The irony is anyone who acts like the old days is labelled reddit because the internet is SRS BSNS. It used to make me angry. Now I get sad. I miss the fun. Maybe its me. Pic related.

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myg0t rip

Goons, SA.

Not even 30 yet though, but I saw how people treated me differently once I said I'm over 25. Looking at me like 'you poor poor human, you are fucked beyond redemption'.

Fuck. It doesn't get better does it?

Why am I even still on here. The fuck is wrong with me.

What r9k meetup?

I don't think there's been a proper board meetup with social retards since I don't know when.

The only board meetups that happen now are /cgl/ but that's built into it's topic and Jow Forums seems to have one or two meetups.

Other than that, there's nothing.

Where at Jow Forumsack? Warsaw?Exactly like you think. Badly. How the fuck does one manage?

How does homestuck still exist (I'm assuming it does from a couple of cosplay pics)?

Diaspora user here. From Lodz. Is is still as terrible as ever. I was there for four days this summer and i guess they are trying to make it look nicer. Krakow was comfy but holidays don't really show how its like to live there.

Can't we use an IRC channel?

Ok, I'm looking forward to that.
Nie jestem NEETem, mam prace tylko aktualnie pracuje zdalnie. Ale podejrzewam, ze w porownaniu z panstwami na zachodzi to bardzo slabo. Tutaj dobrze zyje sie tylko pijakom i matkom z pieciorgiem dzieci. Gdzie wyemigrowales?
Yes, Warsaw.

>Can't we use an IRC channel?
We could, we'll see.

>It doesn't get better does it?
I guess if you find that one person who exists on your level, the rest of the world can catch fire.

Holy shit I just sold the ticket to a concert of my fav band because I don't even wanna go and I don't care anymore when 5 years ago going to their concert hyped me up and gave me so much energy
Nothing works anymore

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Did you at least get a profit?

Take what back? SA died a harsh death in the mid 00s due to the new mods and new culture. Lowtax still is pretty cool though.

it's ok user, I remember those things. And your pic is pretty much spot on unfortunately. Our time is past.

>SA died a harsh death in the mid 00s due to the new mods and new culture.

That was 10 years ago and it's not dead. It's in an okay spot right now.

>it's ok user, I remember those things
I dont know why this made me so happy to read. My skin is crawling with nostalgia just knowing another legit oldfag is present. I have lived and died on these boards, it is the only place on the internet I ever fit in, and slowly over the years the sense of belonging is being forced out.

>b telling a kid to run a magnet across his hard drive to fix the pc after deleting system 32
A dude told me about this, an actual user I met IRL.

>the removal of snacks
>the tom green show prank calls
>people moving chans when /i/ died, only to move again, and again, and come back.
No one will remember.

>the tom green show prank calls
Holy FUCK I did forget about this!

Somebody post the pictures of old board meetups. I want to know what I missed.

Bumping the onyl decent thread here.

tomboychan is 30 now

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>tomboychan is 30 now
I notice most of the, for the want of a better word, significant people are in my age range. I completely missed out on everything because I thought actually participating in this stuff was "too sad".

Why do you even bother making these threads?
There is nothing to talk about anyways.

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I have to. There's nothing else for me. I literally turn off videogames after they're done loading.

Also I've realised that not talking to people is really fucking with my brain. I've already come to this conclusion before many times but I keep forgetting.

This is better than nothing.

Well, I skip through various imageboards and skip through the posts without ever really reading them.
Watching some videos here and there, listening to music, and the time flies away anyways.
The older you get, the faster time passes.

buy a camera and take nature photography, it will help a lot.

there is plenty for you to do, you should be exercisinig daily and listening to psycology/philosophy lectures daily.

its not until you become physically disabled, that you will realize how much of your problems were made by your own hand, and how you will never get the chance to do things you missed out on.

Implying the guy has the energy required to do all that stuff.
He can't even motivate himself to play a game, I know what I am talking about.

He will buy the camera, take a few pictures here and there and it will get so uninteresting that he will forget about it.
The camera will be lying around somewhere and only act as a dust catcher.

>that you will realize how much of your problems were made by your own hand
I'm well aware of this, I mean, I am living through the consequences of not taking chances in my 20s.

tomboychan desu

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Any other prominent chan girls? Whatever happened to cracky-chan?

co workers (male) found out i was a virgin, someone brougght up 40 year old virgin and i said that's gonna be me.
but i'm so okay with it they thought i was joking until tonight.

then my co worker just goes, "bro, just go out to bars sometimes".
his advice is fuck drunk women. nice.

you're so fucked if you're not confident it doesn't seem right or real.

>Any other prominent chan girls? Whatever happened to cracky-chan?
still in hiding

we get some pics here and there though

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>but i'm so okay with it they thought i was joking until tonight.

Why'd you even bother telling them?

Do you happen to remember the name of a certain chan, she had sort of straw colour hair? and she had a video where she was giving an awkward strip dance on a bathroom counter and there was something written in lipstick on the bathroom mirror. I want to say her name was A[something]-chan but not too sure.


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Jesus that's the one that went super skinny right?

Match with girl on Tinder
Profile has "take me out for coffee"
Chat with her fire 15+ messages getting to know her
Sights coffee at pretty cool coffee spot in town
Get unmatched

What did women mean by this?

>Jesus that's the one that went super skinny right?
how did you guess

*suggest coffee

Fine, is she dead, hospitalised or...?

crackychan desu plox

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She was is/a ukfag right? I wonder if I had a chance. lol, I don't have a chance with anyone.

you did not have a chance, yes UK

Did she turn out to be a regular person (or what seems like most anons of that era, which is be an oddball but found other oddballs, developed social skills and became a regular person)?

>you did not have a chance
Couldn't let me dream could you?

Just turned 20, what the fuck do I do?

Go to the Jow Forums board.

>Did she turn out to be a regular person (or what seems like most anons of that era, which is be an oddball but found other oddballs, developed social skills and became a regular person)?
That is unclear. She works at a fashion place (we think) making buying decisions for a department store or something. She was a cutter and a genuinely weird and messed up girl. It seems she is doing better and she is being at least a little bit recognized for her skill at art and fashion which is nice.

>Couldn't let me dream could you?
gotta be realistic user

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i'm 23 now.
how do i avoid wasting away the rest of my 20's?
What are some regrets you guys have about your 20's that i can avoid?

>That is unclear.
Alright, what about in general? Did most of these changirls turn out to be the former or the latter?

>we think
Still stalking her eh?

>gotta be realistic user
Why? I can't even aim for the bottom of the totem pole. I mean, at least she's in my country unlike the majority of the changirls.

Go out a lot, party, bang girls, go travelling, if you can afford to move out for a bit and live with friends do that. Doesn't matter if you have to move back home after it is better to be young and live alone for a bit who gives a fuck once you are an oldfag.

spending too much time on the internet, srs, you will wake up and be 30 and just have spent years on the internet

>Alright, what about in general? Did most of these changirls turn out to be the former or the latter?
this is very unclear. Think of the sample size, mainly just a few dozen teen girls who had a few days here and there of a wild streak in some cases, girls acting out actual mental illness in other cases. There is hamtarochan who is literally going to be dead in the next 6 months from starvation and self harm and cannot walk, and cracky and tomboy who seem to go through periods of depression but genuinely try to better themselves and have talent in areas and are trying to have careers and there are a few lesser followed cam girls from /b/ I have kept up with here and there on face book who just view their time here as something naughty they did for fun and are now 100% loving wives and mothers who work bake sales and shit and just message me once a year and ask me how Jow Forums is doing

runs the gamut, i don't think it is easy to make generalizations

and there is boxxy who is just a goof

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>Still stalking her eh?
I am not stalking but some guys are and I honestly as a person will always wonder what happened to cracky so i will keep up with her orbiters

Why the fuck do you even care about what other people think? Find a hobby or something to work on, practice some basic discipline.

Jow Forums is dead now isn't it? That era of Jow Forums and that era of the internet gone forever.

Where everything was possible. And I didn't fully immerse myself in the autism cos I thought one day I'd figure out how to be part of the cool kids.

>Jow Forums is dead now isn't it? That era of Jow Forums and that era of the internet gone forever.

Oh boy, you could write a book about that

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What's so lol?

Jow Forums is not dead negro, there is a whole fuckign tab dediacted to the constant influx of cam girls

>constant influx of cam girls
a)What constant flux?
b)The few changirls I see are off-site


c)It's not really the same is it?
Sorta like how everybody is a nerd/geek, LP'er, cosplayer, lip-sync singer etc these days.

>a few days here and there of a wild streak in some cases
Even if it was just a one-off thing, Jow Forums wasn't super mainstream like it is now, so those girls may be "normal" but like they still probably came to Jow Forums through gaia or something geeky/niche.

I mean, we could get a new changirl now but it would be a cynical artificial thing.