Mirin general

Couldnt find a mire thread so figured id start one. Only got some minor stuff but not sure if its a mire.

>Be me, dyel
>out at the bar with some friends
>wearing a fit t-shirt showing some gains
>Sitting outside in a 4 seat table with 2 friends smoking
>a girl appears and starts talking to us
>she is friends with my friend
>Sits next to me
>glances over me here and there
>decide to go inside because its cold
>friends join me inside
>They tell me to go up to her as she looks over at me all the time just blatantly staring
might be mire idk might overthink it

Later in the evening go to a rave for the first time only with some alcohol as i dont take drugs
>Walk in see this stunning 9.5/10 qt
>start dancing with my friends on a small stage where you can see out over the dancefloor
>She looks at me
>look away and continue my moves
>look back and she is looking at me
>decide to go out smoking with 1 friend
>come back inside to try to find my other friends
>See qt, smile at her
>she smiles back
>i pass her and she grabs my ass
>i look back, she gives me a big smile
>smile back
>walk away to try to find my other friends

why am i like this

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Girls suck fuck u and ur thread

*shits in your mouth*


post body

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Reported u to the mods. Sage

>samefag mad he gets no mires

>be DYEL
>met a girl online
>we share our fb names and instagrams
>like the second message she sends to me on messenger is a screenshot of the only shirtless pic i have on my insta
>"Why is this so sexy?"

happened just yesterday so haven't escalated it too far but I'm happy:)

Were you fat as a kid OP?

As a kid i was doing lots of sports so had a normal body, but in the teenage years i was abit overweight.


>gym bro snap'd his neck after trying to bench 500kg

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Another from the gym

>doing dips with a machine that helps push you up
>friend says nice calfs
>proceeds to slap my calf

pic related

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Lot of mires from e-thots.

No one mires me in real life

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>6'3 big strong boy decent looking
>Find a job
>First day, training
>2 ugly cunts, one stupid faggot and a cute girl are with me on training day
>Catch qt looking at me 4-5 times
>3 days later at work I sit next to her using some bullshit excuse
>Can see her light up
>Chat her up
>She adds me on FB when she gets home
>Sends me some message because we didn't see each other 2 days
>We see each other at work again and she comes and sits next to me from then on
>Woo her over the next few days
>Mentions how she told her parents stuff about me
>One night messages me about some song I told her about
>Basically asks me out 5 min later
>We go out for drinks just the two of us after work
>Tells me how the girls at work are a bit scared of me because I'm always serious and big
>Keeps unconsciously giving away how much she's actually falling for me

Took me a week for the hottest girl at work to ask me out among a dozen other guys and I have other ugly whores craving my dick. College was the same, highschool too, last 2 work places too. I never once asked a girl out first they always ask me

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same, but i have autism so i avoid girls and scenarios where they could talk to me

bluepilled and gay

>work at grocery store
>go in on day off after workout to get milk
>full pump going on
>walk past qt I work with
>"omg user you look like one of those tough guys"
>walk a few more steps
>turn around
>"haha y-you too"
>do a 360 and walk away

if you did a 360 you would just be walking towards her you fucking idiot, you did a 180

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Same but dont you wonder how much hotter girls you could get if you had the courage to ask them out first?

It was a trick. I have deceived you.

Welcome to 4channel, enjoy your stay newfriend :-)

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>be me
>this chick I go to class with said I'm like a big teddybear
>Jow Forums would call me a twink dyel

one day soon brahs

there's always a newfriend. this time, it's you.

Why are you not asserting your dominance over manlets by rubbing and grabbing them slightly homoerotically?

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i can never be 100% sure but i just go on pretending you all know everyone is trolling everyone and baiting for replies

>be at dermatologist
>getting my moles checked
>no clothes on
>turns out I need to get one removed
>doc tells me after the removal I should rest one to two weeks
>I look pissed off at the thought of not lifting for two weeks
>doc tells me I have enough muscles and that I am going to survive

Feels good brehs, shame it was a male doc but eh

so weird to get undeserved mires. i used to be mega skelly and now i'm slight skelly dyel and girls tell me i'm "jacked" now and i just cringe because i'm still skinny even for normie standards.

>be me 5'9 180
>Need inguinal hernia surgery
>Female doctor is looking at me
>Your the perfect patient user!
>Lean........no fat
>Lip bite
>Healthy......., Nice veins.....
>If you was a steak you'd be a sirloin, your the perfect patient
>She was fat and weird tho

Pic related, me at 170 3 weeks after my surgery and no lift

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It's literally a 2 part meme involving two people. If someone says the 360 bit and no one gives the 180 reply then the meme isn't complete.

yes but then people need to tell the180 guy that he's new and then someone has to tell those guys that they fell for the bait but actually they were baiting as well and then you never know who's actually stupid

Shut up, stop same fagging and talking to yourself ffs.

Im too autism to see if people mire me cause i cant look at people when walking around. However when im in the library girls are more likely to sit next to me than a couple years ago.

Fuck that second one hurt me mainly because I've had similar experiences

>added and messaged girl in my class
>she accepted and responded

where do i go from here?

fuck thats hooooot

thats why its so good

block her

yeah I know.. I think there's a big difference from total skelly to beginnings of ottermode/normal and people see the contrast easier

hell yeah I've been on a roll
>be me
>rock a beard most of the year
>don't shave since last may
>also gained decent mass and definition since
>finally shave to reveal das ubermensch
>show up to work
>every girl at work basically slipping on their gyner juices
>complimenting me
>touching my face.

feels good man

>38 minutes ago
Y-you just forgot to post "no homo" r-right?

post face pls

>be me 5'9
>see hot 9/10 working out behind me
>she's like an inch taller than me
>has the nicest legs I've ever seen
>go to get my weights and she makes eye contact with me and smiles
>not sure if it's a good thing or not due to bad self esteem issues
>go back to working out and look in the mirror and notice she's staring right at me
>can't tell whether she thinks I'm attactive or I'm doing something weird
>keep doing my workout and as she leaves she makes eye contact with me again and smiles

Is she just being friendly? How can a girl an inch taller than me find me attactive?

a couple in the past few weeks:

>ran into a dude i met a few years back
>in locker room
>we're changing
>small talk
>he asks me if i'm a body builder
>im ottermode which is good for normies i guess
>says i've gotten huge since we last met
>asks me for routine advice

>presenting my research
>dont dress up often so i wore old, tight khaki slacks
>i didnt realize but my dick print was pretty visible
>2 thots come up to my poster and i explain it to them
>1 is giggling/smiling the whole time and the other keeps looking down at my dick as im talking to her
>idk if they were even paying attention to my explanation

>qt small asian girl in my class came up to me 3x now
>tries to start small talk with me but we're both shy
>im not sure if she likes me or not (autism)
im thinking of asking her out next time we talk but idk if she's just being nice or what

bump. also interested

She's looking at you cause you made her feel like prey and she's worried you are gonna rape her right there at the table.

Kinda like how a deer looks at a hunter before it runs off.

Chill out user.

Nice bro, what are your stats?

Looking good, bro.

>hey, it’s really nice to meet you

At friends girlfriends house, never met her roommates before, this is what one of them said when she walked down the stairs and saw me

See ya later virgins

>assisted dips

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a a am I Chad

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if girls are all over you I guess you are. Congrats you made it

Don't fall for the height meme, sure it may be the 'rule' but there are always exceptions so you're best not thinking about it. Assume there's always an interest unless explicitly stated otherwise.

sirloin is a shit cut
>change my mind

>Don't fall for the meme
>It is the rule
>But there are exceptions

So since something is generally true you should ignore it because it isn't always true? Dumbpilled

I'm saying it should have no influence on your behaviour you lowiq retard, up your reading comprehension.

Why are mire threads so satisfying?

It gives you hope and someday it will happen. Atleast thats how i see it

It's fuckin true though. One of the worst.

>People at my college gym are so used to me benching, squatting, and deadlifting more than everyone else no one cares.
Feels bad man. Oh well, hope you enjoyed my 425x3 squat today whores.

>Out of town for training
>On bus back to hotel
>qt brunette with glasses sits next to me
>She's adorable as fuck
>We start talking
>She has the worst fucking valley girl accent I've ever heard
>"OMG yaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh"
>She gives me all kinds of openings to get her snapchat, meet her for $2 beers at the hotel bar
>I just make small talk until the bus stops >Go back to my room
>She makes doe-eye and lip bite faces toward me the rest of the week
I coulda smashed, but I could not stand taking to her for even ten minutes.

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Lol this guy is a faggot

Hahahah Id say this anti-mire basically counts as a mire. Dat jealousy

Faggot lips

write her a love letter and send her some flowers ;)


send her boipussi pic

>im thinking of asking her out next time
yeah that sounds like a good idea man!
fellow autistico here so I feel your pain and awkwardness.. Good luck!

Stop thinking and just type whatever, ask her if she wanna do something in 1-2 days if she responds with yes then tell her to bring a pen to the date. She asks why and u say u'll see.
further on into the date ask if she brought the pen, if she says no simply say too bad u missed something really awesome, this will trigger a response from her "what did i miss" "tell me" etc. Play it cool keep it swaggin

If she brought the pen just laugh and say cool, make her go to your place and make her write some bullshit on paper or something and tada you are 1 step closer to fucking her like u are already at ur place/hers just move it from there.

Bro, just be urself :^)

are you retarded user?

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haha i fucking hate my lips
used to have this coworker who was a fucking monster
always called me pretty lips and slapped my ass
I always hoped he was joking but never knew forsure

>be me thicc bear-ish mode
>come back to the office every night after lifting to finish up work
>3/10 chick in my office that works nights is always there when I come in
>always greets me when I come in
>gradually notice that she does things differently since I've gone up there (i.e. taking off her glasses, doing her hair differently, etc.)
>we're always the only two up there at that time
>catch her staring at me and smiling when bend down to pick up some stuff that fell on the ground
>feels good even though 3/10

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If you do it right, she doesn't get ten minutes of talking in.


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>bring a pen
Nigga what

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It brings a mystery to the tale also it helps with conversation starters fuck do i know make her bring something with her, an apple a banan everything works

alpha as fuck

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>be with gf at spa to relax
>full blown roided body 190cm 110kg including body dismorphia and body image issues
>gf tells me i get checked out constantly
>blissfully unaware
>start noticing lustfull glances from girls
>start noticing hatefull glances from there boyfriends
>feels amazing
>get rekt fat dyels spa is mine now


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