Would you settle for a brown gf?

would you settle for a brown gf?

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I would settle for any type of gf

And that's why you'll never get one.

I would settle for a brown gf but they want only white chads
T. A shitskin who live in south america

I unironically think Indians are the cutest Asians and the most attractive women besides whites.

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That's pretty much a tan white girl at that point

could really us a brown gf lads

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If I start not settling for any type of gf will I get a gf?

I'm 6'4" and white, where is my free brown gf?

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Not true. I used to smash a Chilean/Argie girl who would buy me weed and watch netflix with me and I was gross af back then.

You have shit taste, literally. The only time I want to smash an Indian girl is when I feel dirty and want to degrade myself. They're nasty af

only place that would be considered white is In Muttland. She look turk/irani/tunisian

>lower your standards you incel
>dont lower your standards you incel

When you stop caring about getting a girlfriend, when you develop social skills, and become an enjoyable person to be around you'll get a gf.

>i'm just going to make shit up like the idiot I am :^)

>tfw im from chile
Original comment you fucking robot

Hello fren. How is Chile? She said it was really nice though some areas were sketchy.

I know most robots stay out of the sun buy this is ridiculous.

>haha just be more confident bro
>just hit the gym bro
>just get a new haircut bro

>makes more shit up
>is already being an annoying cunt
>wonders why nobody likes him

I agree with him. She doesn't look white to me though I would have said Mexican or something.

A really comfy place safe and the economy is okay too
But its being destroyed. Thousands of niggers arrive everyday and this place its becoming a shithole
And when i say niggers im talking about haitians mostly
It was nice while it lasted (sorry if my english is bad)
One more thing. Can i ask how old she was?

I'd settle for a brown girl, yeah. Pic related, it's a great looking brown girl.

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Well, I hope you guys enjoy the same kind of diversity that some of us have experienced since day 1. I'm sure those Haitians will be model citizens.

Have fun pablo

she looks greek


As long as she lets me suck her toes

They are already shitting on the streets lmao
Thanks john

That's fucked. She made me want to visit. I thought Chile was kinda poorish so why the fuck are you guys taking in Haitians?

I don't honestly remember but I want to say 21-23.

I can see that but I hope you aren't suggesting Greeks are white nowadays. They've been thoroughly T*RKED

>When you stop caring about getting a girlfriend
>when you develop social skill
>when you become an enjoyable person to be around
I have lost any motivation I had to get a gf from reading this
Getting a gf is difficult

>Getting a gf is difficult
Yeah it can be. But you should want to do those things for your own happiness, not for some ho.

the caramel skin and thick eyebrows are god-tier

>making up shit
Im showing you your normalfaggot mentality, the same time of shit thats spouted by normal niggers, either you have english or are just the result of nu-r9k. No amount of social skill will help you get laid if you dont have the looks

Greeks are meds mixed with Turks. She looks brown/med but what she definitely doesn't look is white

>either you have
either you have bad*

>She looks brown/med but what she definitely doesn't look is white
stfu faggot. She's a white Goddess and my future gf

No matter how much you try to convince yourself your children will not be considered white

Its not a poor country but i understand why do you think that
Lots of inmigrants come here to get free money and free stuff because south america in general its pretty fucked
Why do we let this happen? Because the average chilean doesnt give a fuck. Our politicians..they are the ones who want niggers and cholos as the "new chilean"
Chile is dying and im scared
Also could you greentext your story with her?

>No amount of social skill will help you get laid if you dont have the looks
Other way around mate
>mother doesn't even want him
>bullied his whole life
>needs facial reconstruction surgery just to look like THAT
>develops a personality that makes him likeable anyway
>gets married
>gets laid
>has children
>is loved
>is happy despite his deformity
>inb4 some bullshit coping mechanism that allows you to backtrack whilst still not admitting you're wrong

>They are the ones who want niggers and cholos as the "new chilean"
Why tho? I thought Chile preferred lighter skin over coons. Doesn't anyone look to Brazil and say fuck that?

>Also could you greentext your story with her?
Depends, why do you want to know?

cope, that is an exception.There are thousands like him who are never finding love

Sorry one sentence was erased
Our jew politicians wants niggers here
There people against the million of niggers already here but the tv always calls them racist nazis and shit
Man its sad the streets are getting filled with literal shit sometimes because of those damn apes
Some small towns that used to be safe are becoming more and more dangerous
>why do you want to know
>she made want to visit
I have a similar story

Okay, whatever makes you feel better.

Sounds like how it is the world over.

>I have a similar story
You met a girl from somewhere else and she made you want to visit there one day? Tell me.

>okay whatever makes you feel better
this on you on Cope(TM). Its an objective fact that women only care about your looks

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Lately I seemed to have taken a like for arab / middle eastern girls for whatever reason. Just imagining fucking their brown ass from behind with my white cock makes me hard as diamonds.

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No. It wouldn't be settling cause they're wonderful.

She was an "argie" chubby """"virgin"""" and really good looking but with a really low self esteern
She was funny we used to talk a lot back then (she even used to send me nudes) and then she ghosted me
Its not one of that moments that destroys the average robot because i saw it coming. It was a nice experience i hope she is ok (she is, there are a lot of guys trying to be with her)

My girl was a chubby slut with quite possibly the biggest tits I've seen in person. G cup or something. We met online somehow and went to see a movie, afterwards she invited me to her friends place a couple of days later so I went. I liked to drink and take amphetamine at the time so I brought pills and we chilled and watched anime. Eventually she brought out the bong and I smoked weed for the first time and we fucked.

This basically became the ritual every time we met up, usually once a week. She'd buy weed, I'd buy us some alcohol and we'd take pills, smoke and drink and watch anime and cartoons. We were "together" but I don't think we ever felt anything for each other, we were just lonely or something. I dunno why she was with me desu, she had a lot of friends and I had none. Eventually she said she wanted to break up or see other people (I don't remember which) and I agreed because she was basically the opposite of what I liked in a girl (flat chested sticcs) and I'm the kind of guy who prefers relationships that aren't based on pure sex. I really appreciated the relationship or whatever it was though because it made me more sexually confident and it opened me up to a world I'd never been a part of before.

>It was a nice experience i hope she is ok
I know that feel. I hope you're doing well too, user.

>I'm the kind of guy who prefers relationships that aren't based on pure sex
Can relate
Good luck with life user

I would seriously KILL for a brown gf. I mean it.

How many times do I have to tell you guys!


I've settled for a brown asian gf and I went on one date once with an Indian girl.
If I could go back in time to my days of perpetual virginity, I'd happily date a brown girl, but like, I'm not going to leave present gf just to blanda up a bit more.

what about middle eastern females?

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>only nordics are caucasian
this is your brain on Jow Forums

She doesn't look european in the least. Afghanis are also caucasoid but i sure as hell wouldn't mistake pic related for white.

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You're literally a fucking retard.
Nationality isn't the same as ethnicity.
"Afghanis are caucasoid" is actually a stupid statement.
Some of the guys in your picture look caucasoid, others clearly look arab (as in bedouins), others look semitic.
Also the girl in the OP is clearly white by any functional sense of the word.

nope, she looks med. If she went to northen europe she would stand out, if she went to western europe she would stand out, even in eastern europe she would stand out but not in the southern europe. She'll only be considered white in America, heck even in Canada she wouldn't be considered white. She isn't white and neither is your mutt ass

I 'settled' for a filipina, she's so sweet and gorgeous and thinks the world of me, and I the world of her, you guys should try the Philippines, I just need to save a bit more so I can move permanently

>Also the girl in the OP is clearly white by any functional sense of the word
What the fuck is wrong with you? She isn't white you shitskin and neither are you. Stop being a fuckhead

Filipinas look like monkeys.

>Some of the guys in your picture look caucasoid, others clearly look arab (as in bedouins), others look semitic.

It's afghanistan, they are not arab or semitic at all

Arab girls are god-tier

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All i want is a cute non muslim middle eastern girl who likes the same things as me.

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doesn't matter, he said they looked arab or semetic

>non muslim middle eastern

Look for Iranians, I've never met an Iranian who came to the west who was still Muslim, they're all atheist or agnostic.

Unironically this, iranis are the most white worshipping arabs

Because women in general don't like me and for good reason.

Why is race mixing pushed so intensely on this board when almost all robots already approve of it?

>When you stop caring about getting a girlfriend ... you'll get a gf.
neurotypical detected. leave this place.

Oooh wait until you read the rest of what I said haha

only if they look as good as OP's pic and have a basic hygiene standard

haha stupid fag

*snap* *yikes*