>full Crusader steel plate armour with flexible gloves for easy reloading >Shield on back just in case I need shield bash in close quarters combat >One dagger again for close quarters >2x 9mm glock semi auto with extended mag suppressed >1x ar-15 with mid range scope extended mag suppressed >backpack full with oats and whey + as much extra ammo as I can carry
The only issue is when I need to sleep, they could tie me up and cook me. Would need to establish a secret camp on the island before starting to invade or have a boat pick me up and drop me off every day.
Fail- once they see one of their fellow clanmates heads explode they will hide in their jungle and you will need to go in to eliminate further tribesmen
Adam Bell
>drop one of these babies off on the island infected with an outrageous disease >hope Sentinelese kill and eat it >wait 12 months >everyone dead >deforest a bit of the island >convert into major party destination >surrounded by babes who want to suck me dry because I single-handedly conquered an island and invaded an entire army
all died virgins butt were ass molested by sentinalese tribal poles before death LMFAO
William Green
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on why this island has remained untouched for so long?
Eli Gutierrez
Yes. That shit just bounces right off. You're gonna have a hard time killing anybody in a full suit plate armour without a gun. At most the shitty caveman bows will slightly dent the thinner sections.
Luke Carter
Because theres nothing there worth taking and the natives have got anti-vaxxer tier immune systems.
Jackson Lewis
Oh fuck they all have autism? Who know this was Jow Forumsisland
Wyatt Torres
Ian Russell
so im basically a god if i wear full plate and have a gun.
Jonathan Roberts
Couple people have tried going there and have gotten killed. Most, if not all, countries just kind of agreed to leave them alone. Fuck that. Just drop some wild hogs there.
Eli Thompson
>Most, if not all, countries just kind of agreed to leave them alone.
Not us *sips* ... not us.lets gettum fit
Dylan Scott
Not against somebody else with a gun but against bowlets yeah.