Find this kinda hot

>find this kinda hot
kill me

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Can you just fucking imagine how people would react if a man imposed relational demands like these on his female partner?

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I kind of want this too

Are girls with BPD etc like this?

I find this really hot and it's exactly the type of gf I want.


>Mo is to NOT hang out us every time we hang out

tfw no bpd stroke-having gf

I used to have a friend who got a girl like this. He became really lame and cut all contact with our friend group so his gf would stop bitching.
Real letdown that fella.

Cucks all of you are cucks. You disgust me

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Based Austin making sure his pal remembers the "bros before hoes".

>get this kind of gf
>play along for approximately 2 weeks, long enough to learn her weekly habits
>during her downtime viciously turn on her, beat her, rape her etc
>set her up for Schadenfreude
>spend the next two weeks doing this until she's 100% addicted to your abuse
>write up your own list of rules and make her agree to them

how the tables have turned

It's only hot if the girl is a 10/10, a dominant, freak in the sheets and has a high libido.

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>>during her downtime viciously turn on her, beat her, rape her etc
>>during her downtime

Neck yourself asap cuck!

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>You're NOT to bring up Tyler,Noah,Deven,or Josh every again
Retroactive cucks will still defend making non-virgins gf.

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During her downtime, when no one is asking for her and she doesn't have any obligations so you won't get the police or her family looking for her

>You are not to ask for sex
This is great if she knows when you REALLY want it and gives it to you without asking

I think this plan stems from your downstime.

>he typed this, thinking he was making a witty quip
>he didn't know what downtime was

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>Tyler, Noah, Deven, or Josh
I'm assuming those are her previous boyfriends.

>First gf tried this give me your passwords and ask premision for shit
>Droped her right there

I might be a masive fail but no cuck

I want a slutty domme girlfriend like this. I wouldn't be allowed to talk to any other girls and she could control and check on things as much as she wanted and she could do whatever she wanted herself. Like fucking other soft sub guys she likes and chooses.

And she'd pack your lunchboxes too?

Your kind fucking disgusts me i aint even gonna give you a (you)

Omg yes that would be the best

It's ok you don't have to, but I don't understand why it's such a big deal to people. Some people just like having these kind of dynamics in a relationship. And like I said it's not like she'd fuck these annoying alpha males.

She wouldnt be yours fegget shed share a buch of you lil fags and never conecting to sigle one and what kind of love is that one sided realy

I wouldn't see her as 'mine' like that anyway and you can love and connect with so many people there is nothing one sided about it. If I had a really smart and slutty succu gf I would trust her to select other soft sub men like me and those are the kind of guys I'd want to share her with.

>I want a slutty domme girlfriend like this. I wouldn't be allowed to talk to any other girls and she could control and check on things as much as she wanted
Hot man
>tfw no gf ever

Wish all these soft boy cucks would submit to a MAN like me, they deserve to be used and abused especially if they are heterosexual, multiply the suffering caused by persistent sexual unease... sometimes i would bring over a sadistic dominant woman and we would tease and torture the cute little r9k cucks together.

this is a chad restraining order and makes me sad

>t. 400 pound man who wears wigs

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So does he get fucked by a strap on every night

talk about being whipped, fucking hell user

are you sure user isn't an actual masochist though

I'd accept those conditions if a girl accepted to be my gf.

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I still dont know what it is.
Why are you autistically repeating this word like everyone says it? Are you that un self-aware?

Your hand never demands any of this from you

Keegan must be the guy who told him about Tyler, Noah, Deven and Josh.

I was okay with this until the previous boyfriends were mentioned
>tfw no pure yandere gf

She still fucks at least one of them, also that list is just one big shit test.

I'd throw that bitch to the curb. Sounds like she's batshit crazy.

>actual masochist
An actual masochist would want physical pain, like biting, scratching and slapping

This is just emotional abuse and possessive behavior

You're both autistic, "downtime" is a common word but the way the first user used it was dumb.

Oh so me pointing out that his usage was autistic makes me autistic?

Youre autistic you nigger

The question if you are submissive or masochistic can be answered easily. Just ask, do you want to give her all your money? Do you want to be stepped on?
Yes/Yes Submissive and masochistic
Yes/No Submissive
No/Yes Masochistic
No/No neither

>you now realize that r9k is a cuckold containment center

This user: making himself look like an ignorant asshole ever since his mother shit him out back in 2001

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Why would you want a woman to overrule you? Men weak like you don't deserve pussy.

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I have a bpd gf who is basically like this, not as extreme (and minus that retarded you can't get mad at me for anything ever thing) she doesn't exactly realize she is like this, but slowly but surely has been getting upset at me having friends. She is a friendless shut in and thinks since my buddies are single they get drunk an go to strip clubs every night. She is incredibly paranoid about this so I send her pictures of where I am every hour or so. She doesn't want to be a nutter so she hasn't asked me to do that like it's the law but it makes her feel better so I've volunteered to do it. She tries hard to not be like ops pic honestly but her insecurity is extreme and I hate to see her suffering. That being said she does "abuse me" She searches my phone when she gets the chance and stalks the social media of people I know. Rage fits and crying if she catches me using Jow Forums (me looking at porn straight up makes her hurt herself). Soooo She doesn't impose crazy rules and basically let's me make my decisions and doesn't take things out on me, but she will fuck herself up and cry in the bathroom and shit, so in a shitty uncontrollably passive aggressive way she has me by the balls and I have to behave or things will get bad.

no it is you who is the autistic one

what the fuck is downtime

It is basically a time she is willing to do things. Common expression where I am from. "Hey user you want to go to a concert tonight?" "Yeah dude I'm down". So I guess that was a good time psychologically for that guy to abuse his gf. Shut her down and dominate her mind when she is feeling good and wanting to do things and have a good time. Pretty fucked up and I'd beat the shit out of him if I met him, but manipulation is a good skill to have if you want to get anywhere in life so there is something to learn there at the very least.

I refuse to believe that some girl made this unironically.

how did you meet her? is she cute? why are you still with here?

>Borderline Personality Disorder
Anyone who finds this hot has never actually experienced a woman with this disorder. They're soul sucking monsters that should be put on a registry for men to avoid.

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Can you please explain? Asking as someone who has a friend that is talking to a 23 yo girl that has BPD

I'll post some screencaps. Tell your friend to keep his distance, or just fuck her and leave her. I dated a woman with BPD and she ruined my life. It's what they do.

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Here's the second part to that first one. It's really an excellent assessment of what it's actually like to be in a relationship with someone like that.

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Well I have BPD and I'd love to have a bf that follows these rules

She's fucking other guys, dude.

My ex, eerily similarities. Makes me shiver to think.

We met on a music forum. She is very very attractive, like, objectively an 8/10 but she is convinced shes a 2/10. Threatened by other females to the point of wanting us to stop watching TV, using the internet and going outside. But... I love her. When she isn't in crazy mode or isn't being reminded by why she hates herself she is a fun, caring person. She doesn't want to control me and doesn't direct much shit at me but I have to be very aware of things and tread lightly so she doesn't hurt herself or have mental break down in the bathroom which she tries to hide from me but, yeah. I refuse to believe she knows what she is doing and a master manipulator, atleast I hope not. Her behavior has fucked me up more than I like to admit, and it would literally crush my soul if it was all apart of some plan to ruin me and make me her puppet. Which is a classic BPD move... Ugh. But anyway, more than half the time we have a blast together and she tries to please me and is a good house wife type. We play loads of videogames and love music and laugh our asses off and it feels good. She has done a lot of good for me, was the only person there when I was dealing with a bad drug addiction and didn't give up on me. For every shitty thing about her personality there's two good things. It's complicated and occasionally hell, but caring for someone and having someone care for you is worth that hell somehow.

>tfw recovering bpd freak
I've never had this intense jealousy of other people or fear that someone was cheating, I've just been a horribly manipulative person who says hurtful things I don't really mean. I have this intense fear of being alone and yet this constant need to distance people by whatever means necessary. I've said some horrible things to my family, and pushed away friends I wish I could reconcile with daily. Fuck this shit dude

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I think you are my ex. If so, have fun dying alone you fucking rat cunt. Things you say matter, even if you don't personally mean them.

Sounds like me desu (male, 34 yo)
I manage it through voluntary hermitage; it's been since January that I've interacted significantly with anyone that isn't my mother or a colleague. Life is dull and depressing, but better than exploding at the people around me for no reason, mull it over for a week then feel shitty and full of guilt for another week.

I don't think my ex browses Jow Forums, you probably have the wrong nutcase

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Are you worth it though? If so sign me up.

fuck how do I write like a girl

I can just tell this is written by a chink girl, like that disgusting one from the cover of that new Netflix show, with a string of skinny fuckbois who have all blown massive loads in her and she thinks she's the king of the world. In ten years this girl will be swatting this guy across the face screaming I WANT BABBY and he'll either regret his decision or be too deep in the yellow fever to blame anyone but himself.

>If I catch you around girls I KILL YOU
you can just tell lol

Who else thinks shes fucking Keegan?

She's fucking more than just Keegan, it's what girls like this do. So riddled with inssecurity they expect the guy will cheat on them anyway or believe he has despite no evidence.

So he doesn't answer a text for an hour or so and she goes and fucks big cock ex behind his back.

Just kill yourself you rat fuck.
Yeah, at least you feel guilt dude. Get yourself checked out. Go see a professional, actually listen to what they tell you, and don't get stuck in a loop.
>not saying you're BPD, you might not be
The biggest reason why psychologists don't like working with BPDs is because they get stuck in a loop without ever figuring out the root cause of the problem and coming to terms with it. Not to mention the fact they never like to admit being wrong about anything. They do mental gymnastics to justify every shitty thing they do to someone else and they don't accept responsibility. Instead they just blame blame blame blame. They rarely want to seek out help because they don't want to see themselves for what they are.

I hope you sort yourself out, mate.

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Post more Rei
but please do it as originally as you can

She doesn't go outside or even knows people.


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Didn't that happen for like... centuries?

Wait, is bpd bi-polar disorder or borderline personality disorder