are women older than 30 worth bothering with? seems kind of disgusting and pathetic that theyd even be single at that age
Are women older than 30 worth bothering with...
It only seems that way to you because you are a teenager basement-dwelling incel.
Aren't you in the same boat as them?
Not really, they are fast approaching the age where having children becomes too risky. They know the clock is ticking so they are going to be desperate.
A man is still useful after 30, a women has 2 or 3 years left to have kids or you're risking problems for the baby. Men also get more attractive with age, women dont
Men generally don't get more attractive with age. Already good looking men just sometimes become a different kind of good looking.
>Teenager and incel in the same sentence
but, but, but mommies over 30
"useful"? Kill yourself
The only acceptable women past 30 is a widow. Even then, tread lightly.
This is coming from someone who's own mother remarried at 33 when she had me (16) and my brother (11). I feel bad for my cuck-dad everyday
>dating a widow
Never do this. You will never live up to her dead husband. You will always be compared to her and she will never love you. Everything you do she'll just remember her dead husband and how he was better.
What about men past 30?
Men are most attractive at 35. I'm 23 and good looking but girls over 25 have no interest in me because being young is not an attractive quality to women. Theyd rather have a guy with more money and confidence and life experience, even if that means he is uglier then me.
Now think about a guy in his 30s who has money and confidence and life experience AND is good-looking. That's me. I am getting so much young pussy now, far more than I ever did in my 20s.
Women are shallow, do you think ivanka gets wet from looking at trumps 70 year old body? She gets wet from his money and power. She knows any 21 year old guy would fuck her but she chooses the old man instead. The opposite is never true, us men just want something good looking to fuck.
We're talking about guys in their 30s. Still young and fit and goodlooking. No girl will find them too old to look at.
I couldn't give less of a fuck about money and power.
Men dont, if you're a girl then thats fine there lots of 22 year old single men working at mcdonalds who'd love to have you
I'm 29 and dating a broke, jobless law student. Couldn't be happier.
Lol lawyers are very powerful and highly paid, yes you do want power roastie whore
Yeah, ones that actually have jobs.
No OP. No one wants women over 30
t. 33 yr old woman
The obligatory: height, weight, bra size, what kind of guy are you looking for?
they start getting desperate after 28
then go marry a mcdonalds cashier they have great job security.
I'm good, thanks.
>You will never live up to her dead husband.
it's a right sight better than always having to compete for time and attention with the still alive ex husband or baby daddy
t. knower
You will never live up to her dead husband