Are calisthenics a meme...

are calisthenics a meme? I've been doing strictly calisthenics for a month bc im a poorfag and cant afford a gym membership or any equipment. Ive seen more progress in my physique than in 6 months of lifting. anyone else experience this? anyone experience the opposite of this?

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why is Jow Forums so scared of calisthenics?

If you saw results why would you be asking if they're a meme? Different things work for different people, and how you train can affect your results as well.

>tfw nothing works my chest better than doing wide grip push ups

I only do calisthenics.

i've 50+ pullups (different variants) a day for the past 4 months and my lats have noticeably grown, so certain calisthenic exercises are certainly not a meme--mainly dips, pullups and anything ab related

Anyone with half decent lifts and a good physique incorporates calisthenics into their routine.

no i dont think so but ill have to see in a few months.
im right now experimenting with doing very high reps in multiple exercises everyday.
i want to work up to doing 1000 pushups, situps, squats, lunges, pullups, kbswings, and ohp everyday for a while and ill get back to you all.
right now im up to about 2-300 of pushups and 1-200 of everything else.
i made fuck all progress lifting weights so maybe bodyweight is my last hope
once ive done the 1000 rep stuff for a bit ill move on to harder variations like pistols and oapushups and stuff


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replace these with knee/leg raises and youre golden

>anything ab related

fucking this my core is shredded since i started planking (+ variants) and leg raises

Because there isn't an idiot proof version of calisthenics as there is one for strength training

what are your goals? is it to look like a fuccboi? then calisthenics are great.

Jow Forums is full of fat fucks scared of calisthenics that can't even do 1 proper pull up

I got most of the mires from girls when I did calisthenics + street workout

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They're fine, gains are slow and form is more important because of the relatively high reps and high mobility even with progressions. I mostly do calisthenics with some dumbell work. Its important to get gymnast rings or something you can do rows and dips on. Any sort of routine variation is generally good for gains. Like even just changing your set order will do wonders.
Please dont. It can wreck your tendons. Use progressions they're a lot safer better for hypertrophy and a better use of your time. Isometrics are also good, not for mass but getting that nervous system activation you see with higher rep ranges

Also isometrics boost test in a similar way to very heavy lifting so you can get the sort of hormonal boost out of calisthenics you see in power lifting without all the fat and danger

Pullups are god tier.

Just a reminder wrist and knee injuries are the most common in calisthenics. Dont forget your wrist mobility exercises. And use parallettes, wrist wraps, dumbells/pushup handles when putting all your weight on your wrists. Wrists are hard as fuck to heal so do everything you can to protect them.


i still do calisthenics but i fucked up my wrist badly in the first month. be extra cautious about your wrists folks

Pullups, dips and the sort will do you great, everything else is just subpar compared to lifting. Notable mentions for one armed push ups and pull ups.

how exactly does one get an excellent using weights? the reason i stopped lifting and switched to calisthenics was because i just couldnt get my core up to par.

**excellent core using weights

Fkn lmao if u think ur gonna make any gains doing super high rep calisthenics, if u cut hard n want to go ottermode sure maybe but other than that, nawww

If you do 10k push ups you will literally ascend to a higher plane of existence. Don't believe me? Prove me wrong.

Weighted Pullups/Chinups are elder god tier

How do you do weighted chinup, do you put some dumbbells hanging from your neck on a string or something? Lift a weight with your toes?

>How do you do weighted chinup, do you put some dumbbells hanging from your neck on a string or something? Lift a weight with your toes?
Attach a plate with a belt baka

I think calisthenics are more fun but they won't get you as big as weights. I'm happy with a lean athletic build

Calisthenics are how I started off, try to get some weights poorfag

>excellent core using weights
It's said so much that it's half of a meme, but if you are squatting and deadlifting properly with heavy weight you will really work your core hard.

You can always add more core work if you want more development, or if your core strength is the weak point in your lifts.

Dip Belt my guy belt

put weights on a backpack
use a dip belt
use 2 normal old belts and use one on your waist and the other on the weights, linked like chain
be creative you can do a bunch of stuff

trust me i would but i only have a doorway pullup bar and my knees are at the ground at a full hang
ive tried going knee raises but i have to keep my legs curled the entire time and my hams cramp
also tried doing them on 2 chairs like chair dips but the chairs i have are really thin at the top so its a ton of pressure on my palm over a small area

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by progressions do you mean i should move on to oapushups and stuff sooner? that i shouldnt bother with exactly 1000 reps?

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Calisthenics are good, but they can only take you so far. And if you see more progress in a month of BW than 6 months of weighted exercise it’s because you’re a moron who trained and/or ate like a dumbass

Stretch your hammies then you mong. Situps, crunches, twists and all their variations destroy your transverse abdominus(in a bad way), and will lead to a beer gut and irreversible back problems.

not op but I've tried to make leg raises my main core exercise but every time my hands get tired before I feel anything in my core, and it's still really difficult so it isn't that I'm doing a simple exercise

lanklets, when will they learn?

Yeah progressions in calisthenics are just harder variations. The goal is keeping you in the 6-8 rep range.

An example would be
Knee pushups, incline pushups, pushups, decline pushups, diamond pushups or wide arm pushups, pike pushups, pseudo planche pushups, ring pushups, rings turned out pushups so on and so forth.

You can do these like a drop set too if you're only doing one set and everytime you reach failure go down a progression until you're completely tapped out.

You should never be at full hang. Retract your shoulder blades. You can release them half way at the bottom but dont release them entirely during a set of pullups

Are high rep ranges really that bad for you if you use proper form and work opposing muscles? Over the past year I slowly worked my way up from 20 pushups in a set to 100 pushups in a set and haven't had any problem doing multiple sets of 100. I've been adamant about working other muscles groups to prevent any sort of imbalance (or noticeable one, anyways).

What you niggers think of this? I try looking for different routines but I'm mistrustful since the fitness websites/videos seems like full of shit. I try to do 3 reps of 8-12 depending of the exercise.
>Pull ups (Currently can't do more than two of my own and the rest are negatives)
>Push ups
>Knee raises

I do this shit 3 days per week, but shit is picked up from all over the place, I don't know how solid it is.

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depends on your reps/sets, but otherwise seems okay. If you can't find a decent routine, try the r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine, it's legit

What are your goals? Great for overall health and fitness, shit if you want to put on mass.

calisthenics are how you get jail ripped

best way to increase my pullup rep count or efficiency with pullups? I can only do 2 so far from when i started training a month ago, been training every other day while trying to stop being skinny fat

Because you often end up breathing hard.

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negative pullups maybe?

Include rows in your workout for more pulling work. It's not a direct translation but it will help build up pulling volume. Negatives are another solution.

Oh and when doing negatives, a lot of instructions say to "jump up" and then control the descent, but I don't like that. Jumping up and locking yourself into that top position is hell on your elbows. I think it's better to step up into the top position, then control the descent as slowly as possible.

I only do calisthenics and I look pretty good. I've noticed that when I post my body in CBT threads just stating my height and weight, I'll usually get a few compliments, at least one about the size of my chest (a few people have asked what my bench press is).

However, when I post my body and say that I only do calisthenics, all I get are snarky comments and zero compliments. Therefore, I can only conclude that fitniggers are gay and bluepilled iron loving homo-niggers.

Calisthenics are good for building up your body to a certain point, but if you wanna improve your strength further, you'll wanna lift weights

>calisthenics + street workout
That's kind of redundant. But I agree with you. I'm surprised at how many people here can't do pullups or get laid. I'm starting a more calisthenics heavy routine since I realized I can do pull ups and dips really easily after two months of a brosplit that didn't incorporate any calisthenics at all. I hope I don't end up like pic related.

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That's pretty vague. What exactly did you do that fucked up your wrist?

I did 300 pushups each day for a month.
The muscle gains were surprising for me at the time.

Lifting didn't give me the same sort of muscle growth.
Definitely not a meme by any chance.

Post body. Just curious what I'm in for. I'm switching from weights to bodyweight only with the exception of barbell squats and deadlifts.

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thanks lads ill give those a try and see what happens

Calisthenics for 2 years and for the past 3 months Ive added weights on every exercise. im working on to do a straddle planche

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>as there is one for strength training
SS + GOMAD shilling still?

>street workout
You didn't pay actual money for one of those programs, r-right user?

How have you been lifting for 6 months when you cant afford a gym, faggot. Go shill your gay shit somewhere else LMAO

Really squeeze your core and take it slow on the negatives (3 or 5 second negatives, even 10 seconds). Imagine you're trying to keep your feet up but someone's pushing them down.

To really feel the part you're supposed to engage, tap yourself hard on the belly button. You'll naturally tense up. That's the way you want to squeeze them and keep them squeezed for the whole exercise.

You can also grab a dumbell between your feet and do weighted leg raises. But it's kind of hard to pick it up with your feet and you might look like a retard until you get the hang of it. Slow negatives with a weight will GUARANTEE that you feel it.

user desu, once you have adequate strength and stamina in the basics like pushups, pull ups, dips, lunges, it would be much wiser to move on to the more complex moves like muscle ups, planche, handstand pushup, pistol squats, pushup variations...

Speaking from experience here. I'd do several hundred pushups/sit ups, w/e in a day, or a couple hundred in 5 minutes or some kind of goal like that. It's cool as like an ego thing to achieve those high rep goals but, it's a fucking waste of time unless you're in jail or starting the journey. There are no material benefits from continuing on like that. After a certain point you're just wasting food/energy/money, doing something that's masturbatory. Go for the variations and progressions and complex shit now, refocus on 1 strength-based goal or something, keep getting in a shit ton of back work and you'll make it brah, sooner than most would. You've got the right attitude.

cant afford one since i lost my job

We're all gonna make it brah

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Stop responding to trolls.

Do seated leg raises just kinda lean back a little then move your legs in like a high arc touch your heels on one side arc back to the other. Russian twists are are great addition just hold a 10-20 lb weight or a jug of water and move it from side to side. Hollow hold is an absolutely savage isometric. It finds the exact weak point in your abs and just destroys. Holds are great for even development.

If you don't plan to roid and want to exercise for fun, the calisthenics is the choice. I didn't buy any workout plan for street workout, you can mog half of the gym users by simple back lever or human flag, also there are free places with pull up bars, dip bars etc outside so you can try and if it doesn't work for you just switch to gym

I started with weights and switched to mostly calisthenics.

For upper body, you can train for years and still not come close to elite calisthenics feats.

Barbells are only needed for squats and deadlifts.

Grab a plate with your legs

No, but balance in everything.
My routine is a balance of cardio/bodyweight/weights.
Calisthenics is generally more 'functional', weights help explosiveness and make you bigger, cardio is for endurance.

I do something similar my routine is
Hiit day with burpees and pullups
Push day with squats
Pull day with dead lifts steady state cardio in the mornings on these days
Rest day

My workouts are broken up with using dumbells for isolation work and leg work calisthenics for most things that arent. Occasionally I'll switch things up and change the order my sets come in to fatigue certain muscles harder. It never really gets boring. I never stayed on track when I was doing full bodies every other day it was just too much of the same

>I was doing full bodies every other day it was just too much of the same
This was a positive for me, and I recommended for my friends but I guess it's not for everyone.
Doing always the same and progressive overload meant that I had a mission every time I entered the gym.

How do you even have the glycogen for that? I feel like when I do high weight full body work I'm just doing shit work after 30 minutes. Like I just can't push myself hard enough to have anything in the second half of my workout matter

Clench a pl8 in your arse cheeks for glute gains

lmao stop spreading the myth that crunches are bad fucking ss "just do compound movements" retard

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It's like he's never heard of vaccumes

Mine isn't really ordered like that. I just have along list of bodyweight exercises and stretches I try to do 3 sets of each gym day, and end my session with 20-30min of running.

>How do you even have the glycogen for that?
Just have to eat good and sleep well I guess.
If you don't it's noticeable on your performance.
Right now I'm doing PPL and not sleeping good or skipping breakfast isn't as critical when I did GSLP