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She looks like the tranny from shrek
Anyways I want to get roughly the size of a barge
Plus ashwaganda lowers cholest

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Based Gaston poster.

based and bargepilled

isnt your brain mostly cholesterol?

>"In the list of questions we asked we saw you answered with "2+ eggs everyday" sir."
>"You can probably see why you should stop doing that, right?"

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Lol suck my dick

Based and Gaston pilled

Yeah. Hoping to die by 46

poached and yolkpilled

Yeah, like 98%
>canned pork brains
>1800% daily cholesterol

that's my mom lmao

Cholestrol over sugars anyday just dont over do it

cholestrol responsible for
>synthesis of sex hormones, growth hormones
>cholestrol make up most of the cell membranes and imagine how many cells you have in your body....
>eat good cholestrol HDL and less of LDL
>brain is basically made of fat and can prevent alzheimers etc if you get enough cholestrol in diet. not enough that our body synthesis it on its own.

shut up mom you literally have a bowl of jolly ranchers on your desk

Time for you to read the newest literature doc

>mom refuses to cook meat
>"I've seen on tv that it gives you stomach cancer"

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literally breathing gives you cancer choose your poison user just dont become a vegan :)

I'm eating 2 big pork steaks and another 500g approximately of pork bellies. 250g pasta + half a stick of butter. Gotta eat big to get big and cholesterol is essential for test production and I am natty.

>tfw fiancee got me some chickpea protein powder instead of my usual whey chocolate stuff because she "didn't want me to destroy my kidneys"

I tried some in a shake and I nearly hurled. Chickpea powder tastes like fucking cat shit

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>muh egg industry
i don't believe this. don't know how it is outside of the UK but there's piss all money in eggs here (I run companies in agriculture). egg companies funding studies is a ridiculous concept to me ,alrhough I am 100% willing to reconsider my opinion on this if someone can provide examples from countries from which egg/poultry farmers are government regulated to provide a centralized point of reference

i spoke to a surgeon friend of mine about this recently. granted he had

enjoy salmonella

>Be 25 year old boomer
>Hear all my life growing up that red meat will give you a heart attack and blah blah blah
>See all these carnivore diet shills
>After some independent 'research' if you can call it that discover sugar and excess carbs are the real diet devil
>Now I'm eating steak all the damn time and it's usually like rare.
>Dad complains because I eat steak and he doesn't,
>Tell him it's from the grocery store and costs me like 5 bucks (Canada)
>Still salty

i've had 5-10 eggs a day for over a decade with 0 health problems. maybe this is bad for most and maybe i am an outlier, but for the moment i reject this.

UK eggs are salmonella free m8

I dont understand the crusade against cholesterol. I mean I understand why it started, but shouldn't it be more widely realized by now that cholesterol is good for you??

But do you have an egg loicense?

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>not cooking your own food and buying your own groceries

Never gonna make it