Why don't you just get a gf, Jow Forums?

why don't you just get a gf, Jow Forums?

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why would i want one of those

>Try to initiate polite conversation with a female
>Get charged with sexual assault
Now is the worst time than ever to interact with women.

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Yeah okay just let me go to the GIRLFRIEND store to pick up my new GIRLFRIEND

The answer lies within you op, the same answer you would give if i asked you "to make a good post" You wont and you never will, cunt

because all the girls already have boyfriends you dumb dumb

This is actually true, I've never seen a single boyfriend free female in my entire life

Great concept, hard to pull off well.

all excuses and self pity ITT
just be confident and make a girl laugh for about 7 weeks and then ask her to become your gf, if not then move on to the next one

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Just a reminder that all females older than 18 have boyfriends/husbands. And if they break it off with them its because they have another guy on the side and will immediately get with them. So basically if you dont already have a girlfriend youre fucked. Literally no girl wants to be with any adult male whos never had a gf or is still a virgin (especially the latter)

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What am I, a stand up comedian?!

yeah user eat my ass like a bowl of corn flakes at 4am i would rather log onto runescape go to a pvp oriented world,into the wilderness just to slap that fucking dragon once then run all the way back to lumbridge
AND EVEN I I DID YOUR SUGGESTION,Living like a person requires the effort i do not have so the effort is wasted anyway
Its a thing that a lot of people do, when you see 69 you say "haha it sixty nine" and everyone laughs at the joke once and only once because then its just forced. Or hey what do you say when you dip a salmon in some nutella, "You got salmonella"
Also if you cover 3 of the last letters of the two words its also a funny
Also a good joke is a stand up comedian in a wheelchair,

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how do i get gf
can someone make a step by step greentext pls

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>just get a girlfriend
FUCK. I can't believe I never thought of that! How could I possibly be so blind to never think the solution to no gf was to just get a gf.

I'm a 25 year old 5'2 manlet who is dumb as shit, has no friends, has very little muscle except in the legs, shit conversational skills, and I'm a khhhhhhv. Only thing I have going for me is having a stable job that pays 13 an hour. Too bad that won't make up for everything else, especially my height. It hurts bad when I see girls acting cheery with other people, but as soon as I talk to them, their voice goes dull and monotone. I don't even know what I'm doing wrong in conversation, so I just give up on girls completely. No point.

you just have to be confident and be able to make them laugh every once in a while, like just having a simple, easygoing personality and girls will overlook your physical flaws. It's seriously THAT EASY.

because i don't leave my house and e relationships are a meme if you can't travel

The best way to start a relationship is this

>Go out to public setting. Ex. Uni, Job, Church, party.
>Make friend of opposite sex that is single. Not advances
>Talk to friend for a couple weeks and see if you connect. If not, go back to step 1.
>Once connected, start flirting if you haven't been already.
>Confess your love
>Have GF

>Confess your love
Nigger, what? Never do this. Everything at this point and beyond is kinda fine, but never "confess love" to anyone. This is the biggest turn off ever and nobody likes this shit whatsoever.

28 year old 5'6 virgin loser. No reason for a woman to pick me over any other guy. Women have tons of options and I don't see any reason for them to choose me over other men, so I don't even bother. Any woman can do way better than me and women want to be with the best men they can get. Just no use.

oh my bad, didn't realize you took things literally.

Instead of telling her you love her, tell her you're "interested."

Better, faggot?

>this is what incels actually tell themselves
and you wonder why your life never changes

>talking to a girl for a month before indicating romantic interest
NO, NIGGA. This is the coward's trap, you have to make the push way before then.

Make a push to tell a girl you like her within the first week or two is a sure sign to fall into the hands of crazy and waste energy.

I don't know how to talk to a woman in a way that entertains her and expresses romantic interest
Also all of the women who express interest disgust me, which actively destroys any self-esteem I have

I'm 22 years old and every relationship lasting more than a month I've had has been under those circumstances. YMMV

Literally how
I have trouble texting with women for a few hours, how the fuck are you supposed to prattle on and flirt with her for weeks

>I'm 22 years old and understand women.

Keked pretty hard.

Never said that lol, you're here so I don't know why you're pretending to be an elder sage of pussy

>willingly partake in extra work
>Sex is only benefit, if that
You shouldn't be so affected by peer pressure, OP. It leads down bad paths.

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By being a normalfag shitter or getting to know a weird girl who has the same interests as you. The only time I've ever talked to a girl for more than a month, was when I was learning to play fighting games with a group over discord. The real kick in the teeth is they always already had boyfriends or they're lesbian.

How do I do it without taking a chance to look like a sperglord, exposing some of my personal information online and avoiding my parents and friends finding out?

is this a recent thing, or American thing or what?
I never knew saying "I love you" is taboo, then saw it in some US show and was really confused

Literally every girl in my area is either not legal or is a fucking retarded "party animal" that con't hold their booze for more than a quick sip of beer.

cause im a big loser in my skool

>why don't you just get a gf
The girls can smell that I am just not being myself

i dont think im very likeable, and i never leave the house except to go to work, im below average looking, social skills are just about get me by aslong as i dont talk too much and sperg out, or reveal how poorly i articulate myself, so just best not to say much other than the automatic easy acceptable respose very rarly will i say anything spontanious, i dont have any hobbies to meet people and i lack much drive to do anything besides sit in my room read and play the odd video game =[

great logic op.
Why don't homeless people just buy a house???

I live at home with my parents

I did, and then she hurt the shit out of me by leaving. Thanks for the advice OP.

why get a gf when you could join the biggest tarp/fem d1scord - 4wHJTtB

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Bro if you don't make a move within the first couple of interactions you are cucking yourself and wasting your time.

Because the women who live near me are fucking ugly and I also do not want to be bankrupt economically and emotionally