Red Flags: Male Edition

Red Flags: Male Edition.

>He acts like he's knowledgeable in subjects he's clearly clueless about
>Only thinks from his perceptive and never considers others, leading him to never fully understanding complex situations
>Can't even imagine doing anything feminine, despite doing nothing to solidify or improve on his masculinity
>Is essentially clueless when it comes to art, music, or film
>Pretends to base his thinking on logic and facts when all of his arguments are at it's core "I don't like this/I don't like that you like that"

>He can't enjoy a cocktail, or always orders beer even when at a cocktail bar.

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I stopped doing most of these things in adulthood, so that's good I guess. I was never really scared of doing "feminine" things and I always tried to be somewhat cultured, but I did used to be le rational man who thinks his own personal opinions are logic and reason

>when asked about what kind of music does he like he answers he doesnt listen to music or likes all genres equally
>he doesnt have hobbies that require actual skill (ie painting)
>when asked where to go out he doesnt have anything in mind
>he doesnt know to to do basic stuff like cooking or cleaning
>he isnt assertive

>obsessed with proof, and evidence, for absolutely. fucking. everything.
It made being around him absolutely exhausting, because no matter what opinion you'd dare to put forward, however innocently and no matter the topic, he'd demand you back it up.

Turns out, you know people who are all 'i love playing devil's advocate'? Absolutely the worst.

>all of these apply to me

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None of those things apply to me and yet most women still dont want to date me. Weak fucking argument.

>>He acts like he's knowledgeable in subjects he's clearly clueless about
>>Only thinks from his perceptive and never considers others, leading him to never fully understanding complex situations
that's like the female condition

>I don't mind, where do you want to go? :)
>I don't mind, what do you want to see? :)
>I don't mind, what do you want to eat? :)
This is someone who has absolutely no idea what a date is -for-. So I end up choosing what we do, where we go, and what we eat, and at what time, and all the time this guy is just ... tagging along, like a lost little puppy.

>>Pretends to base his thinking on logic and facts when all of his arguments are at it's core "I don't like this/I don't like that you like that"
kek i have a feeling you just got btfo by a robot and came and made this thread

>doesn't like children
>vegan or picky eater
>gets angry easily
>has had sex with random girls
>only hobbies are consuming media
>wears clothes that are incredibly thin from being old
>owns way more shoes and clothes than a normie woman
>hates nature and is an overall puss about it
>drinks a lot or does drugs

>Ordering anything but Whiskey

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>>when asked where to go out he doesnt have anything in mind

I just don't understand this, WHY do we have to hold your hand for every fucking thing. Just say where you want to fucking go, you're and adult with functioning vocal cords for fucks sake.

>I like whiskey.
What kind? - blended? single? American?
>blank look

Single malt scotch

well then better start learning some basic stuff like how to make your own bed or cook simple pasta, and grow some oppinions damn you

>Is essentially clueless when it comes to art, music, or film
What do you consider clueless? I listen to and watch a wide variety of stuff, but know little about the people who make them. I also don't tend to go to the movies that often and am usually clueless about anything new.

>He can't enjoy a cocktail, or always orders beer even when at a cocktail bar.
I don't enjoy alcohol of any form.

Well maybe I overexaggerated a bit. I can do extremely basic cooking stuff, maybe spaghetti Bolognese at most. And yes I can make my bed but most of the time I don't, not because of laziness but because toss and turn so much that the work I did is undone in 5 minutes. And I have opinions on everything but I don't talk to anyone anyway so what's the fucking point.



>he always needs to actively do something, cant be left alone with his thoughts for too long
>he doesnt like animals
>he doesnt like nature or going outside (not necesarilly social situations)
>he dresses like a child
>his mother goes clothes shopping for him
>he never lived with a female before so he doesnt understand basic etiquette around them

It's not 'has an erudite opinion about the works of Pablo Neruda', more like 'shares broad cultural knowledge of (recent film) or (song you can hear)'. It's a way of sussing out what your taste is like, and if you're all 'i like everything except country and rap' that says nothing about you.

>>he always needs to actively do something, cant be left alone with his thoughts for too long
what if you always need to actively do something but can turn the thoughts on like a faucet

>be in love
>see red flags
>honeymoon over
>see faggot for who he is
it's hard being a fembot. our bodies literally give them a chance sometimes and they fail

you ordered bourbon

Bourbon has a "key" and scotch has none, scotch is spelt whisky

>likes all genres equally
How is this a bad thing?

>car guy

Run. Run as far away as you can. I hey never shut the fuck up about their cars or trucks

>and if you're all 'i like everything except country and rap' that says nothing about you
And what if you genuinely do listen to a ton of different types of music? For example, classic rock one day, EDM the next, and then listening to Despacito ten times in a row on a third?

it means you dont have an oppinion.

>what if you always need to actively do something but can turn the thoughts on like a faucet
what did he mean by this?

I refuse to date military guys. They are weird and act like you owe them something because they fucking volunteered to do a job.

>Can't even imagine doing anything feminine, despite doing nothing to solidify or improve on his masculinity
What do you mean? Can you make some examples?
>He can't enjoy a cocktail, or always orders beer even when at a cocktail bar.
But beer (good beer) is the best and it's way more refreshing

>when asked where to go out he doesnt have anything in mind
and then this happens
"let's go there"
"no I don't want to"
"ok, then let's go here"
"no I don't like it"

>Ordering anything but Whiskey
*tips fedora*

maybe you can, you know, don't ignore the redflags?

It's nice to stay on the fence and enjoy everything the world has to offer.

...I think you misunderstood me. Listen to what you like, I really don't care. The point is being able to share what you like, and don't like, with someone, so if you *have* no tastes or preferences out of some misguided 'mustnt make them mad or unhappy!!' thing, it's a red flag. To me, at least.

I think some people expect that dating, and relationships, work like Bioware RPGs where you just have to agree with the first person in your party enough times and eventually they'll do sex with you

>out of some misguided 'mustnt make them mad or unhappy!!' thing, it's a red flag
That seems like a silly reason to put up with music you don't like.

To enjoy all genres of music is, in and of itself, an opinion. That each genre is enjoyable, albeit for different reasons. To enjoy all songs, however, would be the sign of a person with no opinions.

Can a guy contribute?
>drinks a lot because guy
>does not clean between his ass cheeks
>tries to be assertive and dominant instead of contributing
>dick pics as if it is going to improve his chances

Prefer a 3 inch attractive cock to some fucked up looking 8inch.

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It is fine to ask but when you ask and they do not know you best make your mind up right there. She wants you to be a man in charge.

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uhh I need to keep myself occupied but it's not because I can't be alone with my thoughts, I'm just hyperactive and my thoughts are too.

>She wants you to be a man in charge.
>post a picture of charlie

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i'm not gay, so this is basically just a red flag for friendships
>gets irrationally angry at video games
usually a big indicator of bigger, often hidden problems.

Gin and tonic makes for a relaxed, yet refined drink for good sipping.

>Only thinks from his perceptive
Are you retarded? Why not just say empathetic

Why do women care so much about men's opinions on popular media like music, movies, television? Sorry but men's lives don't revolve around Netflix and Spotify like yours do. If these are your hobbies and what you use to judge people on then sorry, not even the lowliest robot will find you interesting enough to even pass a glance at

Yeah I bet your such an interesting and mentally stimulating catch, user

what do you do all day that's so much more interesting?

Because it's a good indicator on what people like.
If the tastes are completely different, it probably means that the 2 people are not really compatible with each other.

>fembots here have such a smooth cerebral cortex they don't have the creativity imagine hobbies outside of Netflix and listening to the top ranked alternative songs on Spotify
>they have to question literal anons about their hobbies and interests to simulate such an abstract idea for them
This is pathetic and disappointing frankly

> he thinks compatibility is built around shared music and movie tastes
Want to know how I know you've never been in a relationship?

>Want to know how I know you've never been in a relationship?
I browse Jow Forums. What other proof do you need?
But please, tell me.

>that wall of text
your an uninteresting prick, got it. big words =/= deep

im a dude, as is everyone else in this thread, i just think you sound really pretentious and i doubt what you do all day is all that more interesting considering your're posting on Jow Forums

Not him but that's hardly a wall of text

>using kindergarten tier language and typing 3 sentences is a wall of text and trying to be deep

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>wall of text

He wrote 2 and a half lines you salty squid

>Slicked back hair
> Non-white (99% of the time, there are some decent black guys)
>Listens to rap exclusively
>Isn't strongly opinionated
>Picky / bratty
>Isn't good with kids or animals
>No plans for his (and inevitably our) future

Tons of those on this board. And they're not trying to impress you either, they talk the same way with other males. I know autism is a meme on Jow Forums, but some people here really are on the spectrum.

>listening to music and watching movies I actually like instead of new trending stuff
>Play vidya
>Try to learn to cook like grandma used to
>Go out with friends from time to time
There aren't a bunch of hobbies to be had when you actually have a job.

Isn't there anything more basic?

based femanon

>There aren't a bunch of hobbies to be had when you actually have a job.
So fucking this. I don't even understand how I should differentiate myself much more. Playing football with the boys once in a while when you all have times isn't really a hobby imo. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

I dont know why responded since he isn't the one who made that post. I am not going to list my hobbies since being anonymous I could make up any I wish and they are not germane to the fact that yours are unimaginative and boring. The fact that you felt the need to know someone else hobbies to validate the superiority of your own speaks to how unfulfilling and uninteresting they are

>Pretends to base his thinking on logic and facts when all of his arguments are at it's core "I don't like this/I don't like that you like that"
>He can't enjoy a cocktail, or always orders beer even when at a cocktail bar.
Almost got me.

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