What's Jow Forums's opinion on pink hair? I got my hair dyed and I don't know if I like it or not

What's Jow Forums's opinion on pink hair? I got my hair dyed and I don't know if I like it or not.

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Generally I don't like people who go out of their way to stand out

>What's Jow Forums's opinion on pink hair? I got my hair dyed and I don't know if I like it or not.

It's a good faggot sign

is that you, OP? it's pretty cute.

Thanks but my eyes are awful. I've been told they're lifeless like a doll's or shark's eyes.

please date me please very please please :(

If it's light pink it can be cute
Please go to /soc/ next time


Are you aware that everyone seeing that picture will imagine blowing a fat load of cum on your tongue?

That's my favorite color

lifeless eyes sound kinda cool. can't imagine what that'd look like, but the rest of your look is rad. bonus points for coordinated nails

you are a little too brown to sport that look

pink + darker skin is an attractive combo tho

>kill yourself faggot
>grow some fucking balls you pathetic queer
No. Get lol'ed

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Kinda gross shouldn't do.

are you a real girl or a trap?

original 231

It's fine for girls, but not gay men like you.

I..I feel insulted :/

Post (pink) toes

>I..I feel insulted :/

lmao gaylord

Are you a boy or girl?


You look great with pink hair

Is that you? Needs more pink and maybe put some blue in the tips. Not uniform though. Make it kinda choppy.

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Lmao nice one, larper.

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