Why do I get so mad when women are talking about their promiscuous encounters and in general their ex partners and past sex life?
Why do I get so mad when women are talking about their promiscuous encounters and in general their ex partners and past...
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because its tmi, people in the past wouldnt talk about that shit to strangers, its the equivilent of talking about how big your last shit was
sure everyone shits but people dont want to hear about it
most people fuck I dont but i understand most people do but people even normalfags dont want to hear how you got gangbanged by the football team
Maybe because I'm a bitter sad man that can't get laid. But still, why can't there be pure women anymore?
because you're bitter virgin and the fact that they have access to something that's eluded you all your life so easily makes you furious. Don't worry though it doesn't last. Once that fire inside you is dead and all seems hopeless you become an apathetic virgin like me.
same reason poorfags hate richfags. envy and jealousy.
There's still some pure women, but not too many. I like listening to Allie Stuckey's podcast because you can tell she really loves her husband and I want a girl like her.
I had sex exactly once. I'm 29. Lost it less than a month ago. I still feel dead inside.
it's a story told with animals, so hopefully it will keep your interest
makes me happy because it confirms my cock carousel red pill and that all women are sluts. also more reason to stick with 2D.
I hate hearing that shit too and I'm not even single. Maybe you just have something called MORALS and COMMON DECENCY which a lot of people fucking don't. I stopped talking to a guy a while back because he would get so lewd and gross describing the casual sex he's had. I don't want to HEAR THAT SHIT, I don't even like sex scenes in movies or TV, fuck that shit. Private time is private, prude for life, idgaf
>having sex is amoral
incel mindset
Open sexuality is that which brings us closer to being animals, but when we are disciplined, we can be more like gods.
I'm sorry you choose degeneration over ascension.
I'm sorry you got redpilled. In a few years, you'll probably be disappointed in your naivety
I don't care about people having sex, shit for brains, I just think that it should be private and not discussed with friends like the fucking weather
i just get a boner desu
I'm sorry, sweetie. Smootches
What kind of insane response is that lmao. Take your meds!
Oops :x
I just, um, you know, type like this
I don't think it was a matter of purity, Satan, it just wasn't normal to discuss it in public places.
>why can't there be pure women anymore?
There are it's just they go with Chads in the end, not betas on Jow Forums.
You aren't a pure man, you're an internet addicted freak with untreated mental illness
>You aren't a pure man, you're an internet addicted freak with untreated mental illness
Yes, but let's talk about the women being unpure, not myself.
Nobody really wants to talk about your or their sex life.