Fembot here

Fembot here.

Would you date a girl who can't have children? I suffer from bad side effects from birth control so I'm thinking about just getting my tubes tied. I didn't plan of having kids anyway.

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If you were an actual fembot you'd have no use for birth control

GTFO whore


>Would you date a girl who can't have children? I
Hell yes!

Just because I'm on birth control doesn't mean I'm having sex, idiot.

>birth control

Fuck off slut.

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No. Fuck off in a very original way

>No children
Absolutely not. I intend on having children.

If she's willing to adopt. I'm still holding on to the notion of starting a family. But I'm sure there are hundereds of guys where being able to nut in their girl with 0 risk of pregnancy is a mega perk

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This sounds like satire. Are you gonna tell us it was "for my acne and period pains"?

Yes children are fucking awful and I never even want to be around them, never mind have one of my own. Fuck those little niggas.

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i would not only date but also marry a girl who couldn't have kids. i'm middle aged now and i don't think it's a good idea to try to raise kids when i'll probably start seeing health issues arise soon.

independent of that, what problems are you facing from birth control. also, are you fat?

Sure, if you're a KHV, and also fat and very hairy?

I guess adopting is okay...maybe. As long as they're like 3 years old or older. Anything is better than carrying around something in my belly then having to clean their poop for months on end.

I have insurance for my apartment even though I don't plan to have my stuff stolen, idiot.

Why would you rob yourself of the ability to create life? That's like, one of the main reasons you exist as a female, to reproduce.
How about you stop taking (((birth control))) and buy a pack of condoms. You never know, you may change your mind and want kids once you meet the right guy. And honestly most guys want a family eventually. You get your tubes tied before you have kids then you may be doomed to the wine aunt/cat lady life

>Fembot here.

Fuck off retarded slut

I hate the smell and taste of latex. It's gross.

Yeah, my genes are shit anyway, they shouldn't be passed on. Only my memes.

If she looks like pic related then fuck yeah my guy.
But in all honesty I am so on the fence about kids and am at that age that I do not care if I do or do not have children in my life. They are not needed to have a fulfilling life.

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I thought you couldn't have children because of some disease, but no. You want to be a whore. Oh well.
There's no use for a woman past 28 who can't have children. Ride the cockcarousel all you want.

i'm an antinatalist so yeah, that's kind of my ideal woman desu.

>I have insurance for my apartment even though I don't plan to have my stuff stolen, idiot.
Holy shit, you should have just told me it was for your period pains. I would have actually accepted that. What you've actually provided is just baffling. I have never heard of a woman taking birth control because it might one day prevent a rape-induced pregnancy.

>most guys want a family eventually

pfffft ahahahahahahahahahah

>adopt cute girl child
>homeschool her and prioritize ingraining all your memes
>release her into the real world as a beautiful young woman
>she is a total meme prick to everyone

Be the hero.

>I suffer from bad side effects from birth control so I'm thinking about just getting my tubes tied. I didn't plan of having kids anyway.
How about using a condom?

>I have an apartment that I use
>I insure it so I dont get robbed
>I have a vagina that I use
>I take bc so I dont get pregnant
Was this the intent of your analogy? Because that is what I am getting from it brainlet

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I'm 6'3, good-looking, work out, and have money. Please date me.

No, latex smells and tastes disgusting. Plus condoms aren't 100% effective.

Sigh. The point is that I prefer to take precaution even for things that aren't necessarily likely.

My bf of 5 years is fine with it and I met him on Jow Forums. He knows I'm just on birth control until I can get my tubes tied as well. Not impossible, don't give up hope. Also, never date a guy that is unsure about if he wants kids or not- that means he wants you to change your mind. Learned that from my ex, haha

how would you feel about dating a guy who had a vasectomy?

Starting at 3yrs old wouldn't be too bad. I'd take it.

Yes I would, I'm not very interested in children, and I honestly just want someone to love and hold.

Literally half a man.

literally how? OP specifically says she doesn't want kids. a guy who has been snipped solves all those problems.

Not op but that would be fucking awesome. Wouldn't always be paranoid about getting pregnant, would make sex more enjoyable and fun
They are trolling

Judging from your replies you seem like a huge cunt so it's probably better not to date doi regardless of what you do to your tubes

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aka larping faggot. kys

Honestly? It depends. To me, children represent the purest of bonds with a loved one. To not ever have that with my significant other, it just wouldn't be the same.
Of course, If they agree and are happy to adopt, then I would say yes. I've often thought fondly of adoption.

Literally my dream child.

Asl and interests please.

>Would you date a girl who can't have children?
Yes, no problem.
>>Would I date you?
Absolutely not you seem to be the worst kind of insufferable cunt.

>I prefer to take precaution
So you admit that the birth control is for unprotected sex? Im not saying youre a whore but Im sure you get laid at least semi-regularly

>only replies to anything that would go against her
>ignores most encouraging things
YUP, it is a woman.

>Sure, if you're a KHV
I guess this was the problem?

Birth control does have secondary functions which decrease complications during menstrual cycles and mitigate hormones. It varies from person to person, but if you're insisting birth control is primarily used for just one purpose, you're mistaken.

>but if youre insisting birth control is primarily used for just one purpose
I am not. OP used an analogy of renters insurance for her apartment as to why she takes birth control. It was a poor analogy IMO because it inferred two things:

>OP is uses her apartment a lot, hence the insurance. Therefore OP uses her vagina a lot, hence the birth control
>OP gets rentors insurance because there are a lot of random guys entering and leaving her apartment. This is the same reason she uses BC

Maybe don't fuck around like a stupid slut.

Only if you would want/bear our kids at some point, otherwise it's an absolute deak breaker.

I don't want kids but also refuse to wear condoms so that would be ideal let's meet up

Plz be my gf

original comment: that's the ideal.

Not OP but I plan on getting the pill just to see how my body reacts to it. I'm a KHV and plan on staying one for quite some time.

I get hating other peoples babies but how could you hate your own baby? Thats your own flesh and blood. Almost an extention of yourself.

I would be find dating and marrying an infertile woman but you have to be open with me getting other women pregnant so we can have kids eventually.

Don't do it, it fucks with your head and other bodily functions. Why would you do it?

They'd still be annoying little fucks. It's not an "extension of you." It's an entirely different person.

Id prefer it honestly. Not having to worry about the possibility of kids would make sex a lot more convenient, and I'm not interested in children anyways. And like some other user said, in the unlikely event that somehow changes, we could always adopt or find a surrogate.

Because for some women it does good. If you take it without the week of placebos then you can almost entirely stop your period which for me are like an actual fucking flu.

The baby will share a lot of your physical and mental traits. I look and act just like my dad. He will look up to you and call you dadda.

>what is PPD
I know for a fact that if I ever got pregnant I'd abort, and if it was too late, I'd kill myself. If by some horrible circumstances I had to birth the thing I'd probably kill it in shock/anguish of being forced to have a baby. You don't understand what it is like in the mind of a tokophobic or mentally ill individual, you only know the norm. Pic related, this woman tried to flush her baby down the toilet at McDonald's just a few months ago. Shit like this makes me wish sterilization was more widely available or even encouraged for people. Some people just shouldn't be parents but they like fucking so they get babies.

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It's normal to have periods Jesus Christ what the fuck are you even doing. Why not just cut out your uterus. Holy shit.

Failing to reproduce is unforgivable.

Your interpretation of the analogy being expressed does not make sense. Nobody gets renter's insurance on their apartment or belongings because they use it a lot. What fucking sense does that make? Have you ever needed insurance, because that's not quite how it works. I believe you're mistaking insurance for a warranty. I could be 1000 miles away from my apartment on vacation and if it burned down and I didn't have renter's insurance, I would be fucked as far as my personal belongings go. It has no association to whether or not I use my belongings frequently or not.

I act nothing like either of my parents. They hate my guts and I hate theirs. When they get too old to wipe their asses I'll send them to a home and cut off all ties with them.

I tried that shit and bled for a month straight and my emotions were all over the place, fucking nightmare.

Another septum pierced roastie crying that shlomo robbed her of the ability to reproduce by feeding her pills that destroy her uterus.
Nothing to see here.

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fuck children desu


I wish I could user but doctors don't want to do their jobs because of feefees. It's not normal to shit and vomit for 7 days straight you fucking lunatic. My "natural" state is a fucking nightmare.

It is perfectly normal. I can't believe that women hate themselves this much now. It's unbelievably sad and I want to help you become normal but I know I can't and this kills me.

What the fuck, have you ever been screened for endometriosis? I feel so bad for you, I hope you can find a good solution to that.

>it is perfectly normal
>shit and vomit for 7 days straight
Pick one. Are you even a woman?

Have you ever sat on the toilet for 3 hours with shit spewing out of 4 holes at once? It's not pleasant. I can't get a job because of it.

I have but it's not the cause. They suspect it's caused by my hormones signaling the contraction of my digestive system in addition to my uterus.

No but I would bring you icecream and clean you up and cuddle with you for a week straight.

What I suspected. Seems most who hate babies/children had shitty childhoods/parents. By taking out your anger on children/babies you are emulating your parents in fact. So you do share traits like them.

I suspect ppd is the result of a woman having a child with a man whom she regrets having sex with for whatever reason. She didnt want his genes

I had a great childhood. They didn't start acting shitty towards me until my mental illness started rearing its head in my mid teens. After that they turned on me because I couldn't be the perfect kid they wanted.

Wow, you couldn't be any more wrong about PPD. A lot of the time it happens to women that wholeheartedly want their children and love their husbands, it's a hormone problem. After birth a new mother's hormones drop DRASTICALLY and it can cause feelings of detachment, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.

No I wouldn't, It's a dealbreaker. Especially when self-inflicted like you.

No. It's the result of the hormone's effects on the brain combined with sleep deprivation and the trauma of birth. Women who are happily married still get PPD.

>my mental illness
Try not being a shit person instead of looking for excuses.

Dumb post and you should feel dumb. Dummy.

Oh sorry user. I'll just will away the depression and voices by being a not shit person. Wow! I'm cured! I can't believe I never tried this!

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Your interpretation of my interpretation is equally retarded

Do you think OP got birth control because her body is functioning normally? Not a heckin chance.

Shes on birth control because she has sex like any other normal girl and would like to remain not pregnant

For the "depression", yeah, you could. If you legitimately hear voices, why are you not in an institution?

I've gone. I'm medicated. I still hear them. It's just easier not to listen to them.

If there was emotional closeness between you and your parents they wouldn't have turned on you. This lack of closeness is what I suspect the cause of your mental illness. Parents weren't emotionally available. They maybe bought you material things which is why you believe your childhood was great but they weren't very close.

I'm just talking from personal experience. It never happened to my mom who was madly in love my dad. The women I know who suffered PPD were all single moms who had their dad run away.

You need to stop making stupid claims based on your experiences and feelings, because they seem to be mostly incorrect.

My parents were genuinely good to me. They didn't have much money so they didn't buy me stuff. My father would take me with him when he drove trucks. My mom was a stay at home mom for my early years and was attentive but still let me have freedom. My mental illness was genetic in nature. My grandfather suffered from it, and my father's been depressed for nearly his whole life. Neither of my siblings succeeded in life so I was their last hope. They were hoping to bank on me. Once it was squandered they turned their own shortcomings on me. They took their anger out on me.

>I've gone.
But you didn't stay. If you're really insane, surely at least you have enough self awareness that you understand that you shouldn't mingle with the general population and spread your shit to them? So why are you here instead of at least in self-imposed isolation?

Only if she agree that I buyed some arian eggs to have superior genetics white children. Actually that would still be bad, since my children would have to be raised by your crazy ass, so its a no.

I haven't gone outside for months. If you don't want to see me you can just hide my posts or leave the thread.

If you put a trip on, I'll happily filter you.

No thanks. I'm not gonna tripfag just for your feels.

See the problem? You inflict your insanity on others on purpose.

>95 posts

I don't feel the need to have kids and I'm 30, so not much chance of changing my mind now. not an issue

No problem with dating girl who can't have children here.
Just take care of yourself OP and maybe try not to post such personal stuff.
Jow Forums can unironically function as sort of mental trenches and Jow Forums as a whole isn't getting any better. So best of luck out there

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nope, want kids and family, if you dont have the ability to have kids thats sad but unfortunate, but if you actually willingly chose to have your tubes tied then i would be fucking disgusted and would never be intimate with you .

Sure, I don't want kids