Is being white and sub 12% body fat all it takes to get girls?

Is being white and sub 12% body fat all it takes to get girls?

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t. white 10% bodyfat loser going on a year with no vagina in sight

6'2"+ and you'll be drowning in top tier pussy

Being white and not retarded.

hey man don't put yourself down, I believe in you.

>barely get by in school, lose scholarship though
>almost get kicked out of house but pathetically begged to stay and now i stay but pay rent
>spend almost all income on rent, protein powder, and weed
>was a beta orbiter for a few days for this girl before i snapped out of it
>now have literally zero people to talk to who aren't disappointed in me and think im a loser

i try but it's hard senpai

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I wish that was the case

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>iberian skintone
>currently bulking
>still have the hoes flirting and messaging on fb
so no fucktard, it goes face, height, skintone for pure physical attraction.

I see hot girls walking around with their “dad bod” beer belly boyfriends all the time on my campus.


I think the biggest things that help are:
>be lean
>be tall
>have a good face
>have a big dick
>have your life in order
>be good at socializing and making people happy to be around you
>actively ask the girls you know out on dates
Of course, you can not have a lot of those traits and still get girls. You'll just have to go after girls that are as lacking as you are.

Take me for example:
>would have a good face if I lost weight
>5.5x4.3 dick (slightly below average)
>barely have my life in order
>real good at making people happy
>only willing to ask a girl out if it feels like a sure thing or it's on an online dating site
Even with all of my deficiencies, I was able to get a girlfriend at 18 and it went real well. She wasn't very pretty, she was fat, she had literal schizophrenia, but she was fun to be around and her pussy felt as good as any girl's. I haven't had a girl since her, but that's just because I'm not putting myself out there again until I've at least lost all of my weight.
Good luck, fren

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LMAOING your life. Frame is before skin tone, retard.

lol her belly button looks like a tiny dick clit

>actively ask the girls you know out on dates
This is a fucking meme, I get flaked on all the fucking time by fatties.

How attractive do you have to be for girls to make a move? I used to get cold approached on average 2 times a year as a skelly. Since getting Jow Forums I FEEL like I have half a dozen girls into me but all they ever do is subtle shit like sit near/next/behind me, pass me walking with an exaggerated strut, stalk me and try to appear where I go regularly, work out at the gym on the same days as me and usually in my line of sight etc. They never talk to me they just kind of linger hoping I'll approach them.

Or at least I think they do. I already embarassed myself once by misreading signals so I just get anxious when I think a girl might be sending me signals. Ive actually become extremely paranoid around women because I feel like I'm getting a lot of indirect attention and am not used to it.

I am 5'6". Just fucking shoot me.

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I like how we get made fun of for being a bunch of autists when girls do this autistic shit all the time and wonder "OHHH WHY DIDN'T HE NOTICE ME DURRRR"

Don't know what to tell you. I've never been flaked on, but I also always talk to the girl for a while before setting up a date.

Only super horny thots will come up to you or message you first. If you're decently attractive women will go out of their way to talk to you, be around you, the likes. It's your job from that point to actually engage like a human being, gauge who she is, and ask to chill. You have NOTHING to lose. Don't do this women at the gym though, because don't eat where you shit.

I don't know, I'd blame the mating ritual more than I would the girls.It's just not normal for girls to chase after guys. You have to be an abnormally attractive guy to get girls to do so.

I'm afraid you'll have to actually develop a personality, user, sorry.

You know fucktard, I agree. If you had anything rattling in that skull you'd realize I didn't even list frame, and skin tone came last. Turboautist ass nigga

Same, but wallowing in your misfortune doesn't get you anywhere. No one has a good live. We are all miserable pieces of shit who stumble around for 80 years before dying. Get over your self pity and do something with yourself.

>>almost get kicked out of house but pathetically begged to stay and now i stay but pay rent
find your own place, mang

I'm not memeing when I say that it's 90% personality. Just open your eyes and look around you. Most guys in a relationship don't look attractive.

>100% full ride scholarship to Ivy League level uni
>parents love me and always ask for me to visit and offer a place to stay despite me being out of state
>income goes to investments because no payments to make, started off with 20k my parents saved for college
>Willing to fuck most attractive girls but don't overly persue anybody
>large group of friends to hang out with, friends with all the popular kids
>Good body and face
>Still a KHV
It never changes user, no matter how easy or hard life is. It's essentially luck at this point whether you get pussy or not.

No, you also need to be funny. But thats it.
Being able to make a woman laugh is 50% of attractiveness.

>>Willing to fuck most attractive girls but don't overly persue anybody
>why don't I get pussy?
Might as well throw that college degree away, you're officially a dumb cunt.

>ottermode despite never going to a gym outside of Pokémon
>decent job
and yet get like one match per week on tinder. and those all think they're to good to talk to me. it's because in a ginger isn't it.

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>it's because in a ginger isn't it.

Yes, sorry for your misfortune.

t. brown skinnyfat manlet

No u need money style n game too.
Most normies are 10-15% with some style n game an they struggle to get lucky

Tbh its easier to be nonwhite if u got game now a days

face and height is all it takes to get initial attraction, after that personality determines if she'll stick around.

Good face
Good height
Goid build
Good complexion with lil melanin at least
Ya ull kill it

Got a pajeet friend thats a fit doctor 6ft light eyes with olive skin an his med students hit on him

Hes like the near 10 in the group

>be poor west virginian
>parents love me but drink a lot
>go straight to work at 18 full time
>go to college full time at 20, massive debt
>get laid frequently and drink a handle of rum a night on weekends
>large group of friends, heavily involved in MMA
>glorious aryan genetics
>dating a 5'9, blonde haired brown eyed Brazilian volleyball player
>Planning to have multiple kids by 30, no longer drink, go to bed at 10PM (only awake now for the UFC)
>free time consists of practicing Portuguese to communicate with my girlfriends family
See user, your problem is you're looking for sluts. To sluts you're boring because you're well adjusted. I'm boring now to them now too, I wake up go to the gym, go to work, go train BJJ, come home to my girlfriend, shower, eat dinner and spend time with her; repeat ad nauseam.
The girls who you can put your dick want the asshole who's gonna not give a fuck, chug 4 4lokos and see where the night takes them. Because they want to tell all their friends. But when you find a girl who wants that stability you'll be set for life and have an actual meaningful caring relationship which is worth more than any amount of one night stands and dysfunctional relationships. I met my girlfriend when I was a physics tutor, because women who don't mind stable actively pursue better grades and see tutors. So when we started going out I ended up giving up drinking and we never talk about all the fun shit I did before we got together, because to her it would just be embarrassing but the excitement of me winning NAGAs and IBJJF tournaments does get talked about because it is interesting to her. When she calls her mom/sisters/friends it's all about "user and I did..." or "user won...".
Women want a guy they can talk about because they're boring people. A slut doesn't want to talk to her friends about your family, your grades etc. You need to look for a girl who will brag about your stability.

yikes. sorry on your loss.

Your problem is weed


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But attractiveness is 50% of making a woman laugh.

DO NOT smoke weed if you don't have your life in order. That's advice from someone who is high right now.

You're a tard if you think nigs get less girls for being nigs