How many women have you approached?

How many women have you approached?

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Since I started uni, just one. I actually managed to hit it off with her

first just wanted money
second didn't like me
third psycho-tortured me
yeah im dying alone

human interaction? whats that.

0 woman approach me

>Asked a girl to prom, she said no.
>Asked a girl in a club for her number, she gave it to me, but I was too shy to text or call her
>Got a match on Tinder and had a nice conversation, but was too shy to ask her out
I dont think I am ugly, but I am so shy, I dont think I can go on a date with a stranger.

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Zero, I'm legit scared of women
I mean just look at them...

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Zero, really.
Let's see: in high school I asked out a girl and we went to a date at the school dance but never kissed or fucked.
That same year, while trying to "get over" that girl I gave my email address (no phone at the time) to a girl at a national competition I went to when I was asked to bring her a pin she was supposed to have I wrote it on a piece of paper and folded it up inside the bag.
At that same competition a girl I was on a team with from another state came in when I was playing piano in the basement while my friend was gone, and we were chatting it up a bit. Then my friend came back and made me get up so he could play an actual piano piece, and also spilled chips on me.
I orbited some girl for 3 years and tried to commit suicide when she rejected me. Ignored her repeatedly after she got a new boyfriend, twice she messaged me months later to talk to me again. Finally we stopped talking after a drunken conversation.
At some point my friend met a fat girl on Tinder and didn't want to fuck her. He set me up on a date with her and she picked me up in her jeep, she wasn't that fat, honestly pretty fuckable. I got sweaty waiting for her though so she thought I smelled weird and wore cargo shorts so she didn't want to fuck. She even had a blanket rolled out in back of her jeep. I put an arm around her but she shrugged it off. Then spent the next 3 weeks texting my friend begging him to fuck her.
I asked out a girl at my job, first tried to call her then she texted me asking what I called her about so I asked her out then and she said she was busy. Then a while later invited me to go hang out at some club/mall place with her friend. I said no because fuck that.
Another chick I worked with quit and a year later I got sick of jacking off to her so I asked her out over Snapchat so she'd reject me. She did.
My friend's gf offered to set me up with a girl over a year ago but she's gone now.
I am not a 24 year old kissless virgin.

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Please explain what you did and the results...

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>approach zero women
>cry on the net about "women's standards" being too high

Checks out

Zero, girls never give me signals (and not because too autist to notice, Im ugly and weird) and I dont want to be called a creep (besides, why try when you know it will fail?)

4 without anyone's help. Still a virgin but I haven't givien up yet.

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I've never approached a woman before they've approached me.

Some for small talk and stuff, but I don't need more on my mind. Happy alone and don't need any extra dead weight right now.

Once in 2013
Never again

during the past 2 years about 12 girls
during the past 2 years about 3 girls approached me tho
Still no gf and still a kissless virgin.

I have a 100% success ratio, but with just one amazing woman.

We're married.

On top of that, I type fast.

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approached? like women you dont know? that only happens in your pick up artist videos, nobody actually does that. if you mean in clubs and friday night drunks, thats different

That's why I'm not in jail

Like nine cold approached. All rejected. Had female friends who I would warm approach. Always got friendzoned.

I'm going to waste my time for the last time and give the best advice you'll see on r9k about this even though I know none of you will do it.

1. Wash your ass put on deodorant
2. Go outside
3. Get 10 rejections from women

You don't get to go to your dungeon chamber until you get all 10. If you complete this, tomorrow you will no longer be scared of girls

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I am 21 years old and have never approached a woman in my life

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I never approach anyone

user, you are a black dude. Girls at worst will give you a cold shoulder or a pat in the back.
If a white men does it, a weird one at that, things get ugly.

How do people itt approach women? Where do you get the drive to do it? The only time I felt like pursuing a woman was when I was 11 or something.

Every couple of months I get a random burst of not hating myself and thinking even literal autists deserve love. It never last long but I make the most of it

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You would not get even 90 on type racer.
Trust me lmao.
>any website but type racer
>simple, short text (and even over all of this, only 136 on an irrelevant obscure website)
At least it's 100% accuracy, must've been hard to type out ''glum'' and ''expression'' hard, right? Fucking troglodyte lmfao.

I'm over 6ft tall over 200lbs and I'm black, girls at worse will call the police, (this has happened) you have no idea what you're talking about but that's besides the point. The point is you need to shock your system with so many rejections so quickly that you no longer care, your GOAL is hearing "no" bonus points for cringe

I've been rejected more times than I can count and I'm still afraid of women tho

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>You would not get even 90 on type racer.
>Trust me lmao.
I barely tried and TypeRacer suspected me of cheating. lmfao

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I'm sure it would be higher had I not just woken up and if I were on my desktop's keyboard. Fuck laptops.

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Do people usually keep track of that? Sure data collection is good for analyzing later on but for something like this it's best to just go for it. When it works I'm happy, if not I just move on. I only want one at a time so it isn't worth the effort to put any time into performance reviews and tweaking the process. Either she is receptive to it or not, pretty black and white. It's not something that can be faked.
I dumped my girl of 7 years for some discord qt that doesn't like me yet can't stop thinking about me. I took my ex back as a spare tire just in case, but I see the qt next week. Super excited for it, traveling to other side of the country for, gonna stay two weeks, got job interviews lined up. If she isn't awkward in real life I might move thataways.Playing hard to get is cute but I'm getting old. So is she. I'm looking to settle down. There's two coworkers I keep things flirty with and another girl from church. So I guess that's two pretty seriously approaching right now and three sort of kept as soft possibilities.Any girl is as good as another for guys I think. Main thing is that they are attractive and trusted. I'm easy enough to please.
This new girl is trouble though. She's made me do some things I should feel bad for. I'm a nice guy, but since meeting her I"ve been downright cuntish just to get a reaction from some girls, and their reactions only reinforce the cuntishness. I guess even 30 year old boomers are still learning about themselves.

>This level of butthurt
Its okay my dad was abusive too

If you've been rejected to your face 20x over the span of 10 years that's not enough. You need to shock your brain and force it into rewiring. 10 face to face 'fuck offs' will get that started and then you can talk to women without spaghetting everywhere

I've had sex with 15 girls/women.
I've been married twice, divorced once (obviously).

o n e


Actually, I have to change that.

I DID meet several of them (including my wife) on dating sites. I guess that counts as "approaching".

i count 7 retard

At least 10 times not counting straight up cold approach. no gf still a virgin lvl 25

Over 100 probably close to 200. Out of all those I've got two girls to go on a date with me, one of them ended up dating for a month. So about 1-2% success rate. I'm a decent/average looking guy, it's all a numbers game, and having to be prepared to be rejected mot of the time.

i think about 2 or 3 in my life. each were okay but not great. most other times i was lucky enough to have the girl approach me desu. lacked self-confidence even after working out and losing weight until i realized people thought i was okay

meme advice lmao
I like how ugly men are expected to borderline traumatize themselves in order to experience basic human needs such as love and affection. What a time to be alive

Around 20.
One became a short time gf, one got off to a ONS, two told me straight up that I am too ugly to date, one that I am too boring, rest were just not interested.

I can beat that, I'm 27 and have never approached a woman in my life.

You guys know you're supposed to approach hundreds right? Over the course of several years, not all in one week like some weirdo.

That's something that males do in middle school..sorry no father figure taught you basic things as a child and now you're a grown man thinking everything is meme

>before uni
Several, maybe 7. Got turned down every time
>just started uni
lel as if I'm gonna make that mistake another time

I approached two.
One declined.
One was a bj in the ending party for HS when everyone graduated and there was lots of booze... I didn't drink because depression meds and couldn't cum as well but it felt nice, got my first and only kiss from her... At least I didn't get herpes from kissing a slut
And now there's a rumor among the ones from my year that I'm hung apparently... That's what someone told me a year ago..
Now I'm a hikki with neck and back problems.

define approached, if just asking a girl at a house party or bar for her number or just walking up to her and talking some shit counts, then maybe like 50? I don't really know.

None. In fact I've never approached any people ever. It's a miracle I have any friends at all. If I lose all my friends one day I'll be totally alone because I don't know how to make new ones and people don't just randomly start hanging out for no reason past high school.

0 and I'm perfectly fine with that.
How was this not original?

0. I have crippling social anxiety because of the things I experienced in my childhood. I don't think anyone would love me anyway, my personality is way too fucked for that.

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Women don't love you for your personality anyway. They love you for your looks.

I look normal at worst. My face is average, my height is average, I'm Jow Forums and my dick is 7 inches long. I know people who are far uglier than me and have a gf. One of them is a fat ugly turk with a qt white gf and on top of that he works in Subway. It's all about personality. You'd realize this to if you had a social life.

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Asked a girl to a high school dance once back in the day. She said she would be out of town and showed up with a different dude.

Another time I asked a chick to go see the then new Star Wars with me. She said yes then brought a friend and stole my ticket.

That is the extent of the matter.

I prefer the term knight-brother to incel, thank you kindly

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0. I am too scared to talk to them. Even saying hello to them is a hard task. I wish I was normal

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> #
>That's something that males do in middle school

We're not in middle school anymore. Normal people dont want undesirable people/strangers flirting with them out of the blue.

It was back in high school and i was rejected.

I didn't approach any of them, though. I just acted like a pussy.

I think like 2
Most of the time they approach me
which isnt very often but still.
Why am I telling this
can someone explain the purpose of this this is my first post on this board

Zero, even though they show interest.
I feel it inappropriate to approach looking like a hungry dog, like I'm asking for sex. Besides, people on the internet said showing interest is beta.

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0. anxiety + fear of social consequences + extremely low chance of success = no.

I dont know what to say to a random girl when it's time to approach her or interact

Its more than interest
you are creating some sort of a foundation for potential (insert relation here) which isnt beta at all I think

Zero: I don't want to have any social relationship

Once at a concert

Lol the fuck I look like, approaching random women on campus? I don't want to be on a registry. They'll just think I'm some weirdo, even weirder than I already am. This "just approach as many girls as you can" shit needs to die in a limo accident

i'm 23, same here my bro. i guess i'll be alone for the rest of my life

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Every time I approach them I end up served with a restraining order you dingus

0. But 4 girls approached me during high school and i did nothing, most people who talk to me about this said that i should've tried something.

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probably like...10

5 fails, 5 numbers, 3 dates, banged one.

3 irl
a bunch online but maybe that doesn't count for subhumans

Why would I?
If a girl approached me I'd probably do my best to flee

About 30 so far, been trying to learn pua. I've fucked 2 girls and kissed 3 others.

None. Women are fucking awful, if I approached them I dont know if I could restrain myself from punching them in the face.

you went up to them with romantic interests in mind and communicated those interests, so yes you did approach them

Not enough, sadly.

They don't want me anywhere near them.

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i got into some girls school email, got her number, asked her out and she said no she said she was flattered at least but she was most likely lying im dying alone lel

been unironically approached by ~6
t. manlet autist

Now that I'm the one who has more to lose if the relationship fails, they need to approach me.

One. I confessed how I felt and we were together by the next week.
Now i'm alone again.

Last time I approached one was when I was 13 and we had a graduation dance.

In my life? Hundreds. I hit on girls all the time. But I never actually ask them out because I'm a faggot.

It's gonna be this for me. According to other women, I'm always flirting but I've only made like maybe 6ish serious attempts.

hitting on != approaching

Who is this?

I've already answered filter fuck

>be asian-american manlet
>literally ignored by all females
>discover sex tourism
>fuck fashion model tier females in central and eastern europe
>come back to the US
>females ignore me
>don't give a fuck
In the current climate, I'm fortunate they ignore me

I'm 25 and decently attractive and women have approached me before but I fucked it up anyway, beat that.

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1. It was at the gym and she asked me how a machine worked, then mentioned how she was waiting for her bf. I showed her how to do it and walked away. She kept looking over after, and the next few times I saw her at gym, she stared from afar here and there. Never talked to her again.

Oh I misread as how many have approached you. My bad

I've never done it. I feel like I might the next time I get a chance, twice today it's been in my imagination. If a girl made direct eye contact for a while or sat next to me on a bench I will try. I swear it now, and I cannot go back on that swear.
We all must have something absolute within us that binds us to truth and honesty. Lie at any time you want, go back on your promises, but if you swear, it is sacred, it is sacrosanct, and it MUST be fulfilled. That is my dogma.
If you want to swear as well, tell me. We can all improve together if we keep our word

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I have been approached by around 7 though. Turned all of them down.

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zero op zero what did you accept