If you're a man you should be squatting over three plate...for REPS

If you're a man you should be squatting over three plate...for REPS

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Imagine if she finished that set and then forced you to lick the sweat off her asshole haha

You really think we should feel bad some freakshow bitch can do a lot of reps with 315 lbs on squat? She's not even feminine. She probably has a micro dick for a clit due to the roids.

how random
that'd be really funny lol

Lol could you imagine? Dumb broad

> Knee wraps
>Not even hitting depth

all for 3 lma3pl8?

women are embarrassing lmao

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>She probably has a micro dick for a clit due to the roids.

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I do, and without meme-shoes, meme-sleeves, and hemorrhoid belt. What's her overhead press like?

Tourists get off MY 4channel

i've been on 4channel since 1995. i'll bet u don't even remember the pets.com raid, newfag

I've been on 4channel since the 80s. You never even experienced disco and cocaine shitposting, kid.

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all the cope in this thread lol, 315 for reps is very impressive for both men and especially women

Not if you wear a belt, wear knee sleeves, not hit depth, and have a large body mass. Not impressive at all you twink


Those were good reps, but everything else yes.

imagine being the twink who actually thinks OP's post is impressive lmao

If you think the sleeves give more than a few pounds - if that - you're drastically overestimating them.

Just past parallel. Works for me.

I can't even squat half that

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I've been on Jow Forums since 1968. You can't imagine the horrors of hiding in the bushes in Vietnam, trying to submit a shitpost using a TA-312 field phone and surrounded by Charlie, while tripping on LSD. I didn't watch my friends die face down in the mud just to have some ungrateful yuppie little shit show disrespect to my fellow shitposters.

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could squat 100kg+ first day in the gym
up to 170kgx6 now but I train for strength

Yet she still wears them for an advantage.

She didn't hit depth

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not everyone has mobility to hit that sort of depth, different hip socket mobility etc, some people literally are not physiologically built for ATG
also knee sleeves are mainly to keep your knees warm between sets to reduce likelihood of joint damage

95% percent of men would not be able to even get that for 1 rep, let alone this girl doing it for reps, why do you hate women so much?

Yes and? Are there really people on here who can’t hit 3pl8 even reddit is better than that

>She probably has a micro dick for a clit due to the roids.
What if she overpowered you and forced you to receive her micro dick clit anally lmao

Based Jessica poster. Also kek at all the cope in this thread.

If you are a man and aim to squat 3 pl8s for reps, you can start and complete that challenge easily within a year. I don't hate women, I just hate twinks who gawk after women who aren't impressive at all

yes as a man you can, but as you can see in the video it is not a man and indeed a female which makes that much more impressive :)

I am eternal

But it's still not impressive.

>knee wraps
>high bodyweight
not impressive at all... all for lmao3pl8


Seriously, fuck off

you can't squat 157.5 pounds? have you tried?

Real talk though. I've been lifting less than a year and I hit 3 plates for 3 on Tuesday.

I'm 100% natural as well.

If you've lifted more than a year and can't squat 3 plates your training sucks

Nice, lots of people don't believe its possible but they just dont train hard enough

>am man
>plateau on squats at 185-215
what do?

It's honestly incredibly easy. Find a program that has you progress ~5lbs a week, track your food, and push yourself past your comfort zone.

The problem comes after a few years. I'm not excited for the inevitable Natty plateau I'm gonna hit like a brick wall in a couple years

Semper Fi, oldfag

lol she's doing two separate movements.
bad form, it's half good morning

Should have ended on a Haha

i would workout with 315.
not like 5x5 or 3x10

multiple sets of 20.
but that was a lifetime and ruined knee ago

I don't squat at all. 100% serious. These are my quads.

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based haha poster


How strong are your glutes? Do you deadlift?


My shoulders, knees, and si joint are all too fucked to make squat pr's

Nah. The whole reason I don't squat or deadlift is because I have about 3 discs in my back that have been herniated. I have to be really careful not to re-injure them. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

Haha that would be weird

thats fucking excessive. there's no additional benefit in going that deep.
just below parallel, i.e hips lower than knees is enough

315 is not very impressive for most men unless you are extremely light


>not doing klokov 250kg paused front squats to the floor
Not gonna make it

Attached: klok.jpg (599x529, 36K)

He's right though. Squats and deadlifts are arbitrary lifts, not everyone can physically do them.
Strength-wise there's no difference between 3 pl8 squat for reps and 1.5 pl8 lunges for reps. I personally like the latter better, they're more fun and unilateral work tends to be more applicable for sports.


I'm stronger than you.

1.5 plate lunges are easier than 3 plate squats

i did 335 for a 5x10 on friday so you can suck my cock

Ok buddy

Im 19 and can do 3 plates for 1 rep. Without a belt like a pussy

No. A lunge is just the squat split in half. In fact it's harder to balance because your back foot isn't solid on the ground.

Anyone else obsessed about the idea of women using their strong legs to hold you inside of them when you're about to nut and about to pull out, forcing you to cum massive loads in her vag for potential impregnation.

No, I would hate that. That's why I take Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, they teach you multiple ways to escape the guard.

Post body

What if you know guard but still want it

Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

yeah haha

I've been lifting for 3 months and I hit 3pl8 for 10


That's Jessica Buettner, IPF wr for 72 kg. Pretty hot for muscle girl. She apparently takes insulin because of her diabetes. Wonder if it gives her some sort of advantage. I remember her posting on Jow Forums about 1-2 years ago when some user made thread about her.

desu not very impressive senpai, im 15 and i can squat that for reps too and i've been training for a year

Lol you’re cute

Imagine being a man who has lifted for more than 3 year and weighs >200lbs and cannot rep out 4 plate squats.

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rip lower back [*] also nice depth LMAO

The male equilevant of someone her strenght would be doing the same weight but on the bench.

I'm a DYEL lanklet who just started lifting and I rep 1.5 plate. Are you anorexic?

bet your form is terrible and u dont go atg

Tbh a squat from that angle is pretty useless for judging depth. Only filmed there to.make sure things moved quickly

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Tfw would bang her without thinking

okay but first tell me how to fix my hip flexors. they've been fucked for a month now. i've stopped squatting for 2 weeks now to rest that area. am i beyond help? i love squats. help.

Breh 3 plate is not impressive for men.
I squat over 3pl8 for reps and I only squat like barely once a week. Frankly I’m embarrassed when i load up 3 pl8 for a squat
3pl8 squat is the new 2 pl8 squat. You think youre tough shit for doing it until you realize its biatch weight

How many kg is a plate?

A plate is 45lb which is 20kg.

whycome she has diabetes

Those are not wraps and her depth is legit you dyel

It's 20.4kg. Most eurofags lift roughly 2kg less than their American counterparts when they bench 2plates.

Ah yes, forgot about that 0.4kg.

Fuckin dumb ass bitches
>oooo! Me can take steroids! Let’s take test and anavar!! Wheee me strong now like man!


>Not hitting depth

Are you actually fucking retarded?

>girl outlifts you
>start coping and screeching
Are you really this pathetic? Gosh

If youre a female in a gym you should be wearing fucking clothes.

This is now a gym thot hate thread

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No one cares about squats. You couldnt bench press a pillow.

Women shouldnt be allowed in gyms.

Knee sleeves can add 15-20 lbs alone
Belt can add 10-30, heel shoes can add 10-20, all 3 probably add around 50, yoga pants probably add another 5-10 to that for an easy plus 60 lbs, but let’s be conservative and say she’s getting 40 lbs from gear.
Low bar adds another 5-10%
So this chick would squat 240 or something for reps if she just trained high bar. Her max high bar squat, raw, should only be around 300-350

some of the buffest dudes I know never squat

Nah. Women can build lower body strength easily. Not even close as fast as men, but fast nonetheless.
I doubt she in particular roids.

Look at her shoulders on Instagram, roid upper body

This girl has type one diabetes. What's your fucking excuse.

What do you do to get legs like that though?