Tfw very clingy

>tfw very clingy

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Mado is so cute, I wish she'd cling to me...

very clingy girls are great. the problem is being a very clingy guy who needs as much physical touch as possible, and a bit of reassurance from time to time. girls fucking hate that. which i think is retarded because two clingy people getting together is a really good solution.

>am a clingy tsundere
>born a male
Why is god so cruel

One of them would always be more clingy than the other

will you be my clingy gay bf

i don't keep up with anime. i've seen the name tsundere before but it means nothing to me.

that's straight logic tho. usually i've been more clingy than the girl.

It's not just with relationships though, even non sexual/romantic ones

normie attention whore
normie whore


>le vernacular

Hello, reddit.

how can you be clingy to someone you're not crushing on? for me that's reserved for a crush/gf.

Give me a clingy partner ILIKEBENIS#0720


Simple, just replace the romantic and sexual aspects with platonic ones, my self respect is engraved in how they act towards me

the platonic stuff is a chore to me and not really worth it unless the feels are present. if it works for you, that's cool.

No. Clingy girls are fucking horrible because they will forcefully turn all your attention and free time towards them. It may not seem like that at first but later you will start to notice how much time and energy they drain from you.

>t. normie
i've only found one girl who was as clingy as me, and it was FUCKING AWESOME. we didn't work out for other reasons, but i can assure you from experience that it creates a positive feedback loop that continually reinforces the relationship and it is a thing of beauty.

G00d its not like I have any0n3 else to talk t0 anyways yov fucking NPC

>they will forcefully turn all your attention and free time towards them.
I don't see the problem here. It's not like I have anything better to do besides work.

What if they interrupt you at work

having work
git gud tbg

fuck i'm tired and making mistakes. that was meant to read as
>having work
get gud desu

Why do n*rmoids hate clingy girls? They're legit the best thing that can happen to an arcanine

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>who needs as much physical touch as possible
they clearly don't know what isolation can do to a man.

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it's soul crushing, user. i wouldn't wish it on anyone.

>Tfw possessive and clingy.

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oh god that's even better

I don't know so much if they hate the fact that they're clingy, it's more the implicatino of that. I think a girl that is more clingy is more likely to have mental and/or daddy issues. So I guess it's a red flag that goes off in your mind because you don't want you dick chopped off in your sleep or a knife in your chest

those skilled in the arts can prevent their dicks being chopped off

Its possible to endure it if you have clear conscience which is the main reason to exile oneself in the first place.

I'm an extremely clingy male and it's a hard life. I honestly just love being able to make another person happy and feel like I'm important to someone. The problem is that I hold onto them too tightly and in the process, push them away.

I don't understand these people who are just desperate for sex on this board. I want that deep emotional connection where I can 100% just be myself and have someone to come home to.

"normie" is objectively more reddit than "normalfag"

How so? I just want them to myself and don't like them talking to others or about others, it's weird and dumb and stupid and I should just die.

when i said it's even better, what i meant was if i could find a girl who was both, it would be better than if i found who was just clingy. or the flip side, if a girl were capable of appreciating a guy who was clingy, she would have the ability to also appreciate the possessiveness.

if you are a male and clingy fuck off you faggot. we don't like weaklings so you better start sucking dick or go trans

This is called co-dependence and is pretty gewd folks.

it is /comfy/ as fuck. breddy guud indeed

>you will never have a big sister to cling on to
this is suffering

100 percent this, I love knowing that I make the people I care about happy.

And the second half has always been my dream relationship; I want a partner I can devote myself to.

>not including sex into your clinginess

>tfw have big sis but can't cling to her or cuddle with her or fug her
I know, I tried

Not that user but for me I feel like that is a given.
Sex is a given in a relationship but not the same as ONLY wanting sex.

>not the same as ONLY wanting sex.
agreed. perhaps i misread him.

>tfw ywn have a clingy yandere gf

clingy girls are pretty alright in my opinion, though my problem is that i'm just a distant person, so i have a really hard time providing needed attention which naturally causes problems

>the problem is being a very clingy guy who needs as much physical touch as possible, and a bit of reassurance from time to time
Are you kidding me? I love that. It's like having a pet. I love being able to be touchy as I want with someone. I love this kind of thing. It's a shame I can't find more of it.

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Luckily for you, you're posting on a board full of those kinds of people. Ask for their discords, and I guarantee you'll get tons of (you)s

In a relationship I would constantly be craving skinship with my partner, just feeling her warmth next to mine.
Resting up next to her, laying my head in her lap, etc.

I like feeling close to the person I love.

Unfortunately none of them are cute traps or wanna be girls, otherwise I would. I just want someone to spoil both affectionately and with cute clothes and girl stuff. I'd love to have a doll that I can dress up as my own and take care of.

Im a very clingy female and so far ive never found a guy as clingy and possessive as me

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I await the incoming (You)'s to this. I'll take a shot for each.

these are bait, right? they have to be. like i said, i only found 1 girl who matched my clinginess

You're on Jow Forums, the fact you ask is funny to see.

when i'm feeling vulnerable i can't tell ;-;

If you were interested in males, I'd be glad to take care of you.

Not a trap but I'm kinda effeminate with long curls and like both crossdressing and pegging.

Do I count?

if i were interested in males, i would have found a fembot gf(male) ages ago

>ive never found a guy as clingy and possessive as me
oh yea? ill marry you right now

ewww hell no. curls are disgusting.

fuck off. i was here before you faggot

you fuck off bitch mother fucker shes mine

i'll fight you IRL bro. i ain't skeered.

too late, *teleports behind you*
nothing personal kid

Yikes, imagine being this desperate.

Can't change what I was born with.
Could always easily straighten it.

Personally I hate curls on women and a large time disliking my own but grew to like them when they grew out and down.
Suit yourself.

>it's a fat femanon gets jealous post

>it's a loser trying to make a funny greentext

you forgot to unsheath your kitana. fucking amateur

>it's a fat femanon gives me a boner for calling me a loser post