Want to wear weeb clothing outside

>want to wear weeb clothing outside
>afraid of being shamed/beat up
What would an individual do in such a circumstance?

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If you are good looking normie will think you are confidant or ironic
If you are not then they already hate you anyway, so fuck em

Wear whatever the fuck you want also wearing weeb shit is the best way to attract an weeb gf

which is worse, a fat neckbeard just minding his own business or a fat neckbeard wearing a t-shirt with nico on it?

People will either recognize where the shirt is from and compliment you on it or ignore you. Worst case scenario people think you're weird. Nobody will beat you up.

you can just wear a sweatshirt or coat over a shirt and work from there

Both of these cases are just a neckbeard minding his own business. What's your point?

Probably the second one. Just do whatever makes you happy, though. If it makes you happy to wear weeb shirts, do it If it makes you too nervous or self-conscious, then don't do it

I would totally wear semi-obscure weeb merch to fish for conversations with people(girls), obscure enough that normies wouldnt know what it was and never think its anime related but a fan would instantly know

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Why not build your confidence by going on Grindr and having sex with girls (men) if you can do this you can wear anything

>Nobody will beat you up
Except in my slav shithole of a country you can get beat up for wearing a shirt in the wrong colour.

Because there are no girls (male) on grindr

I will tell you from XP that wearing these "weeb" clothes will attract lots of attention from other weebs and you will get hit on by sissy twinks.. BUT if you want to be a top and fuck weeb boipucci you are set, I like twinks that are subs I can cum inside them spit on them make them swallow my cum I say go for it

Not him but you could just fuck guys I would like to fuck a trap but to hard to find

I might try this user thanks for info

I got sent into a hospital, just for wearing a red shirt in Sofia.

just a plain red shirt? why would you get jumped for that

Basically the two major football teams here are represented by red and blue. If you wear either colour you have sealed your fate.

>What would an individual do in such a circumstance?

not wear weeb clothing outside

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stop shilling grindr on every r9k thread, fucking faggot

I wear weeb clothing to places where people might actually talk to me about it, like the arcade or a games tournament. Otherwise I wear normal stuff.

gotta think like them crazy trans antifa people, just think, they go outside dressed like women when they are infact 6'6, muscular and have a full beard insisting that they are a woman, if they can do that and people claim its normal then you can wear some anime shirts or whatever you want to wear

you deserve it anime poster

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animeposters are gay af

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weebs need to kys

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Not him but that website is popular on r9k because its the only place actual robots can go and get laid not my cup of tea

such boo much scared wow

How hard is it to get laid off there?

This is funny because today the autistic phillipino kid who walks through the mall where I work was dressed as luffy from one piece blasting music from the anime. I thought it was cute and it made me genuinely smile. Also I've seen huge groups of black teens dressed as dbz characters at target. It's funny and if you have autism it's endearing. Just do you people with think you're autistic.

My office job is filled with anime fans. Some of the guys have anime backgrounds on their work computers. Its pretty comfy. Theyre pretty casual though. Most havent even seen the monogataris or lain.

We had an intern who was a full fledged robot who straight up admitted to me he was into lolicon. This was before I revealed my power level to him. Thankfully I am a lolicon too but this nigger had no concept of hiding his power level.

He got fired for not showing up to work 2 days in a row and coming in late the 3rd day claiming he was drinking and forgot he had to come in to work. Its a shame I really miss the guy he was basically a lower functioning version of myself

Don't think about what others think about you so much. No one's going to beat you up. Do what makes you happy, user.

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