This is why I lift. Fuck roasties

This is why I lift. Fuck roasties.

Attached: 1538802687087.webm (880x880, 690K)

you lift to kick roasties downstairs?

based put these sluts where they belong 6 feet under

Based. Fuck spics tho

I mean she probably did something to piss him off, like cheated on him. He targets her specifically

That's more of a 'fuck human decency' clip than anything...

nah just a drunk bulgarian

Degenerates like this should be shot execution style on spot

Very few things deserve that.

Agreed. This type of shit will only end when there are actual consequences. Law and order.

I hate women too but that's kind of extreme.

Where does the bottle that the guy picks up at the end come from?

Why spics?

FUCK you Simon!
Do you think KEELIN people’s FUCKin FUNNAYYY?

Attached: ezgif-5-8c6d4b0d81ce.gif (590x356, 2.94M)

That was in Berlin.
He got 3 years and was beaten up in jail for it lel

based and redpilled

back to r9k incels

spotted the redditor

innocent women gets assaulted and eats shit
>spotted the redditor
nigger what?

subhuman if you think that's cool

meant for