the spooking edition
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On speed tonight for the first time lads. Got a question though, I'm bumping it in the club. How often should I do a key? Every 40-50 minutes like with ket?
3rd for our goddess Xev Bellringer
was talking to a proper qt in my class today, the nervy kind of uncomfortable being herself type
i wish lads, i wish eh
Went for thai food in the end, pad thai and some starters, still hasn't arrived yet
>Snorting it
Eat it, lad.
What's the difference? I've only know people to insufflate it. Not sure I could sneakily eat it in the club tbqh lad
always thought she was a bit gross.
pretty surprising only ebin and poleaboo (and maybe zeus) have put pictures of themselves on here
the tranners obviously makes sense because they're attention-seeking
fuck off drug mongs
You'll get a longer and better high.
Just wrap a load of bombs up
fuck off non drug mongs
Andrew has
i like are xev tbqh
Did Poley put up "The Classic" pic with beard and head in hand. Or was it posted elsewhere on chan and we figured out it was poley.
Because if it was unintentional I think most of the face pics have been to prove the weight loss etc
>be 24
>buy a can of Monster
>first time ever that I'm not ID'd for it
Being a facelet sucks
>Are you going to drive back home Sunday night?
Only the non-passing tranners haven't posted theirs
Ah shit yeah it's how I do MD, didn't even think of that. I've got about 500mg in a bullet at the minute and no rizla so can't make any bombs :(
Do you mean face pics? A lot more people have put pictures of themselves.
Trannies here are all ugly and manish apart from smol
drug mongs and non drug mongs fuck
Hello darkness my old friend...
>user, your chosen subject is 'britfeel lore'
*does a line of coke all the way into the thread*
alri' lads?
I think it was taken from his fb when he got doxxed back then.
A picture so warped with filters that it doesn't even look human.
Based titlod. Have you got mummy issues too?
are you going to drive back?
Yes but what's she implying ehre
Christ it's only Monday night lad
off mongs drug fuck non
she's asking if your driving back, whats there to imply?
>At what time in the morning was the correct time for a new thread to become a "Dead of Night" edition?
I like this post
have this you
Consume narcotics
I know lad, it's terrible but drugs are so much cheaper
she wants to know if I'll be around for the night...
which means...
not him but, he may be a weekend wagie.
my weekend started at 06:00 this morning
>Why yes, I do follow all of the drama relating to my favourite e-personalities and tripfiends on /britfeel/ and know everything about them!
Between 4am and 5am
B-buy locally sourced m-milk
Christ, imagine using that slumped, dead-inside picture as your display image.
Not sure lad, havent asked for anything. Mum keeps joking about me guessing what theyve got me for birthday, but not sure and they dont have much money. What you getting lid?
>put your dick in the severd neck of a pig
The correct answer is anything after 2, going as late as 5am would leave the morning NEETs confused.
maybe a little bit honestly
well just answer her question for FUCK sake
A slight upgrade
I haven't been to uni for a while but it sounds like something I'd have done on a dare while drinking.
"Hey Cammo, I dare you to stick your sick in that pig's mouth. Oh my god, he's actually doing it, the madman! We're now calling you the porkmonster..."
lads, would you fuck a pig if it stopped terrorists attacking princess eugenies wedding?
N-Not that i believe they will mr gchq
Alright how much then?
What am I fucking this pig for again lad?
a magical device called a vortex dome.
i've posted a vid a few times and it's not got any responses so i won't be uncouth and post another but it looks cool as fuck, IMO of course
also when i was showing my mum it she saw something called a helicone and really liked it so i've told my sister to chip in for it with me, she's preggers and moving house so thought i'd be a good brother and save her the hassle of thinking of something to get her
what could they have got you? fun suprise stuff is good, my mum sometimes gets me puzzles for christmas
why would I want to fuck the princess on her wedding day?
if you fuck a pig it stops terrorists attacking princess eugenies wedding
Really don't give a shit about this environmentalism.
I don't have kids, I'm not going to have kids. Why should I care what happens after I'm dead?
>We're now calling you the porkmonster
it will hit when your old and have noone to look after you
Oh, cool, yeah. If that helps, great. I'll fuck this pang pig.
I'm not going to have anyone to look after me anyway. No kids of my own, the welfare state has no money, I don't have any money to pay someone.
and now this is original
Yes lad meanwhile Abdullah's wife next door pops out six englishstanis
whaaaaaaa. proper good this, like proper proper
exactly so you don't want to have to deal with heatwaves and floods in those circumstances
What do you want me to do?
The only women to ever show at interest in me are fat sjw types.
Yeah lad Ive actually seen the videos you posted, looks really cool. When is your birthday? Honestly not sure, haveny asked for anything. Usually get some clothes and practical things because my flat is a bit cold, electric blanket that kind of thing. Wouldnt like to speculate. I will be happy with a nice dinner and some cake :^) take some pictures of your present when you get it for the lads
I'll be dead by the time all of that happens. Besides, before that we'll have amazing weather. This summer was glorious.
got a reinvigorated hatred for gammons tbqh lads
This is a really wholesome comment. I hope you have a lovely birthday yourself lad.
>looking on the cex homepage
>they buy an eminem cd for 20p sell it for 5 bong
the audacity
Make yourself a better man and stop the self loathing nihilistic shite
Thanks my friend Im going to eat a massive amount of cake in your honour :^)
>trade in a bunch of games in
>100 pounds voucher or 60 pounds cash
obviously I got the voucher
it's the somety somthingth of somesomeber
i like being on here on the day but no offence i'm not bothered about my birthday and it's enough to go pretend like i care when i go up to my mums i cba doing it here. we're meant to be honest with each other right?
i'll defo post it though and maybe make a throwaway jewtube account because i don't reckon pics will do it justice
things will shit about 2050 according to this source
political hate is never a good thing lad
Laaaaaaad who you haxxed? Forgot we had same birth month :^)
would you shag her Iads? I know I would
jesus christ she has a loose flappy minge
but yes i would fuck her anyway
10 quid a gram. It's such a sketty drug
fuck off is that true
everytime i go in theres some wasteman with a bin bag full of dvds selling them for a penny each, hate to be the cunt that had to scan them all and check the discs
This girl is wife material.
Shame about all the porn of massive dudes destroying her.
CEX is just a legal fence the amount of stolen dvds that get flogged in there is insane
It's speed lad, it's a poor man's drug. A gram will last me 10 sessions as well. MDMA is my go to party drug but you can only do it every couple months without fucking yourself up
Look at those devils grapes on her arsehole
Good posts lads desu
I'm a lv99 death grip so no. She needs the female equivalent of phimosis.
stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back
sponsored by Arby's
Body type: Apu
>sponsored by Arby's
Ninety-third for remove mould.
damn it i'm really thinking about that fat flappy minge now fuck sake
holy fuck that's mad, maybe swim should try it
good to have you back lid
>Laaaaaaad who you haxxed?
kek, i thought i had that title revoked after killing muh xbone. still need to ring xbonewankers but cba tonight
i do like this month as it's comfy month for weather int it, and my birthdays near end of it so gets even comfier. got a comfy fishing trip planned for near my birthday.
was going to say how great would it be for a tour of an irn bru factory?, but just googled it and they don't do them
would have to do your own "tour" with your friendly tourguide len lockpick
quick semi racist? joke. in scotland are they called lochpicks (pic related)
thanks good lad
i think tonight we should all be good lads. try keep the squabbling to a minimum
sometimes you lads make me forget for a moment and think
No worries ;-)