/skelly thread/

Your family is worried edition

>Visit parents
>"Oh my gosh user, you are so thin..."
>"You're scaring us user, please eat more."
I dont even think I'm that skinny, 5'8" 113lbs

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i'm 6'2'' and 130 lbs. When I was at my highest power level I was 115 lbs. I eat a lot and run regularly so I don't really know why I don't gain weight

6'4" 193cm
155lba 70 kg here
used to be 100+lbs heavier but been thin for years now. still hear family and friends tell me im too thin now

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Skelly boys are hot.

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honest question: why don't you try to gain weight?

for me i was much heavier when younger and enjoy being thin now. i think a lot of perma skellies think they're genetically cursed but they just dont put enough effort into it. know a lot of thin friends who hate it but and when i ask them if they eat enough teyll just tell me about how they ate a greasy burger yesterday. odds are thats all they ate

5'10 58kg.

Going gym every morning during uni.
It's the safest time to work out.

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I have in the past and made decent progress, but its not a high priority for me. I dont really like eating and I dont really care about my body.

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How do some robots even reach anything less than 130lbs?

I'm 140lbs and can't imagine been any more skelly

I've almost graduated from skeleton class. 6' 140, was 130 about 3 months ago before I started force feeding myself and lifting every day. Goal is to be 150 by the end of the year then just maintain that. I think 6' 150 lbs is a pretty healthy height to weight ratio. I can't wait to see my friends/family at Christmas and blow them the fuck out of the water for mocking my physique my whole life.

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I'm genetically cursed with a shit metabolism. I've been consuming approximately 4000 calories a day in addition to whey and lifting for 2 years and I've only gained 2.5 pounds, now weighing exactly 140lbs. My only hope is that my metabolism will slow with age (I'm currently only 20)

I'm 5'6 and my weight changes daily anywhere from 113-115. I'm just starting to work out but previously wasn't ever in shape, metabolism op. But yeah realistically I never ate anything unhealthy and didn't eat much of it anyway and it's kinda kept on like that.

then im truyl sorry. there arent many people who can claim that but since you are trying and are being held back by actual genetics i applaud you for puting in some effort unlike the rest of the fat/skinny fucks in the world trying to lose/gain weight respectively. since you are young you still have a chance, and i hope it slows down enough so you can build a decent body user

>100 lbs - 98 lbs
Fuck this gay shit I swear, what sort of joke is this?

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You need medical assistance probably. have you seen a doctor?

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>Genetically skelly
>Pigeon chest
Thanks Jesus.

If you don't balance it with calisthenics then you just end up as skinnyfat.

I'm extremely jelly, user
anorexic here, 5'6" 106 and I'm trying to get below 100

>decent body
I'm already very toned and my body looks good, but that's not the thing I was going for. My goal is to look like arnold, but bulking is impossible for me since my metabolism prevents me from putting on weight, and going above my current 4000 calories a day would be seriously unhealthy and I'm not looking to get diabeetus. Like I already said though, I'm still young so hopefully my metabolism will slow down in a few years.

shota tier

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yeah if your goal is to becime jacked you'll have a long way to go and i hope a few years wll help your matabolism and body get to a point where you can get real muscle user

5'10, 122 pounds reporting in.
I can't gain weight, man.

6ft 105lb skele reporting for dooty. Ate 3 full meals for the first time in forever on saturday, but was not hungry at all yesterday so lived off only a fruit cup..

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how the fuck are you not being force-fed in a hospital right now
that's a BMI of 14.2

Nigga my hip bones are sticking out and I can see my flipping ribs. It is not a nice sight it's fucking annoying knowing how small I am.

6'7 59 pounds
I am oof incarnate

Not user but I have a BMI of 15. Something, 14 shouldn't be that bad well not to the point of hospitalisation.

173 50kg here
started doing 100 pushups, 50 3kg dumbbell lifts, 75 situps and 50 whatever it is called where you go with your ass towards the floor and up again plus some weightlifting stretching and picked up running. Im impressed how easy it was doing all this every day for 2 months now and im 26. Long hair kinda work well too. Just my two cents, get at least fit


6'3" 145lbs.
To other tall skellys, this is a friendly reminder that people on /fa/ buy special platform shoes so they can be nearly as tall as us.

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6'2" and 150 here.
Being taller makes people notice more, you should thank god for that. Holy fuck, I need to practice more my english.

being tall is great but you also need social skills and a decent face bro dont make it out like we need just height. i dont hate on shorter people for wearing platform shoes if they need to but being a manlet is a state of mind more than anything else desu

You need help lad because anything below me is gonna look real fucked and will likely greatly fuck you up

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What the fuck man I'm 5'6 119lbs and I'm a walking stick. 18.7 BMI. You must somehow look even more shit than me.

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It is not exactly about what I wrote, but what I understood and read about this thread. Thanks for the comment!

>Mom threatened about calling the hospital again if I didn't eat.
>Sister keeps complaining that I'm not eating enough.
>Just wanna be skinny.

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I look pretty much like the OP file

am i gay if all i can think about is how nice her hair is?

really, I was thinking the opposite?
she needs to get a better colorist because her highlights are too cool and make her look like she's graying

finally reached 50kg im proud
5'7 btw

lol weak ass faggots....
I'm almost getting a six pack(already have a 4 pack) and my BMI is over 25.
And guess what, I lift a lot and heavy.

Get big or become a weak cuck faggots that soon just wants to become the gf.

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you are clinically underweight you nig nog

haha fucking manlet

At my worst I was 110lbs and 5'9". Family thought I was depressed and to be honest I probably was but I denied it. Eventually I got a manual labour job and since working there and forcing myself to eat more I've gotten up to 130lbs and look so much better than before. It's not easy to eat a lot but I'm pretty happy that I got into the habit of overeating constantly.

I eat about 4,000 calories a day and when I try to eat more I end up vomiting.

>faggots that soon just wants to become
Are you okay user?

Have you ever seen a professional runner? Do some strength workouts.

>faggots that soon just wants to become
Yeah, faggots that end up wanting to become the gf, it's the slippery slope argument/meme. I don't have the pic of it, but it definitely rings true when to guys around these parks(betas, anime posters, etc) you know... weak males that have no prospects in getting pussy any time soon so they become trannies.

Don't run if you wanna gain. Lift some weights and eat more.

My stomach is so weak that I have trouble keeping food down if I eat too much, and I have to eat slowly. I have been eating as much as I can without it hurting, but I can't break past 125lbs

It's cool bruv your English is quite good and judging by your comments so is your understanding and comprehensive skills. Hope you get better at it.

Sincerely, your fren

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In order for me to eat at a caloric surplus I have to eat until I feel sick. I don't have the appetite to gain.

it feels like im literally incapable of gaining weight, i'd also rather not be skinnyfat

Last time I weighed myself it said 87 lb
I'm 5'5

5'4" 130lbs
Am I a skelly or just short?

both? hoping you are a girl(girl) at 5'4" though, otherwise theres no hope at all in your life

according to bmi calculator, you are normal weight

6'1, 155lbs

Can't gain weight to save my fucking life, from 8am until I go to sleep at 12-1am I eat every time I feel even slightly hungry. Usually I'll cook a huge pot of chili mac, with like 3 boxes of Kraft mac n cheese, and refrigerate it to eat later when I'm hungry, which I thought would be pretty filling and fattening. Nope. If anything I've lost weight.

I've tried working out to gain muscle mass, because muscle tissue is denser and therefore heavier than fat. I've doubled the servings of protein powder I consumer and mix it with about 8 grams of creatine (suggested dosage is 5 grams). Been at it for 3 months, 5 days a week.

I'll be a skinnyfag forever

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Thats only like 1400 calories maximum.

2 servings of the protein powder is supposed to be about 1340 calories, and chili mac isn't the only thing I eat every day. Shitloads of peanutbutter and turkey wraps, lots of homecooked meals like stuffed peppers and teriyaki chicken.

I thought I'd be larger by now

HAHA fuck you skellies

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because i don't give a shit
why should i

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do skellies like thiccer girls? i'm 5'6 and 135 pounds. i love the way skellies look. so nice.

I like thicc girls :) 6'3, 150 pounds here

ugh fuck. no skellies around me have gfs realy.

Damn you fellas make me feel bad. I'm 5'7 and 156

I'm 5'7 155 and I'm pretty thin. A couple years ago I was 133 though

115 6ft coming atcha whats up brethren

why do you like skellies? a lot of the girls near me don't like my body type :(

>I eat a lot and run regularly so I don't really know why I don't gain weight

You eat a lot relative to your eating habits. You do not eat a lot relative to other people or relative to whatever bar exists to gaining weight


being 5'10.5 and 104 lbs. is complete ass

I prefer girls around my bmi so it doenst look weird, but having a slightly thiccer girl sounds much warmer at night desu

>hide thread

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It's a dumb meme. The only people who tell me I am too skinny and should eat more are fat themselves. Don't let old fat hags try to take away what makes you superior to them.
(5"5/164cm, 112lbs/51kg)