Sup brahs

sup brahs,


Attached: IMG_0165.jpg (1334x750, 198K)

What’s your favorite animal? Mine’s people.

Is that pic original content? Link some nudes


nah bro im sweet

Are you gay or African?

How are you dealing with AIDS? Do you feel like your quality of life now is lower than before you've contracted it?

Stay strong!

my favourite animal is the beast i unleash within me at the gym,


Then what's the point of attention whoring? You give pics to get attention, that's how it works.

t.15 year old dyel

What exactly are you trying to achieve here or prove? That you’re just another degenerate who contributes to the fall of western society ?

GaY, want to suck my bbc ?

lol virgin

>nah bro im sweet
Why are you pretending to be a nigger? You just have a tan, your neck is literally red.


How’s it feel being a poorfag, with a whore?

>ayo OP why tha fuck u screencappin’ mah snapchat stories dawg? i know ya cracka ass aint spankin it to my bitch!

if i wanted to attention whore id give you my ig and yt handles nub

just unleashed 3 massive nuts after 32 days of no fap brahs

Wow dude you have sex, cooooool. Teach me how to be alpha like you (,:

im kurdish, so brown, but respect for checking me out bro no homo/10

Nice larp faggot, post a time stamp.

You are literally attention whoring by creating this thread brainlet

i can sense the sarcasm and the half srsness in this,

fucking is literally the most alpha a man can get

>attention whore
>user thread

pick 1 fgt

>sand nigger
even worse

99% sure I've seen that pic before without the world aids day shit on it

lol i have the pic saved w/o it on

Typical nigger, if all you care about is sex I really feel bad for you kiddo.

Post it


i have more pics/vid dunno if im ganna post them tho

Attached: IMG_0164.jpg (750x1334, 228K)

post them or link them

That’s so gay

honestly? i live for raves with the bros, rolling my ass off. dominating festivals trenned out of my mind. enjoying life, sharing experiences and creatine memories. and ofc the sloots bro, raving with rave 10/10 sloots while ur rolling on molly and on tren is a feeling like no other. every chick is literally out of ur league, and every moment with the bros is orgasmic. its sick. and i live for it. catch me at EDC 2019 brah, ill say whats up. but at the end of the day, no woman can top the moments you have with your bros. srs.

lol i have full permission to post them wherever too,

u mad u cant see my dink?


can you post a solo masturbation vid please? :)

with feet too :D

mad we cant see some mutilated arab dick?

not really

Gay, got get a PhD degenerate

if i need money for tren ill hit u up

Okay. What does this autistic thread have to do with fitness, you DYEL retard?

u can ask me how to get as aesthetic as me

True, I COULD ask you that and make this thread fitness-related. Or, I dunno, YOU could make fitness-related posts in the future?

i bet youre great with chicks at parties lol