I'm a neet in europe who earns 2kEur/mo for life so long as the EU exists. ama

i'm a neet in europe who earns 2kEur/mo for life so long as the EU exists. ama.

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Is it inflation-adjusted?
>Ruh-roh shaggy!

Howd u do it fren, wot contry btw ill move thx

That's only 24k euros a year dude

But I guess, Europeans can't afford nice trucks and things anyways lol

>Europeans can't afford nice trucks and things anyways lol
They don't need a nice truck since they have public transport.
They can afford healthcare and education, unlike Americans.

Sounds like sour grapes. I love owning luxory automobiles but I guess public transportation doesnt seem so bad compared to shitty 2 liter engine EU cars

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Where do you live? If I was disabled tard in a wheelchair, I would get 250Eur/mo from my country. Neet life is not an option

this is what I get desu

having a job you like and earning more money is way better

>job you like

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>shitty 2 liter engine EU cars
like pic related? which you can actually drive at full speed on empty stretches of the autobahn

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Tbh in Denmark where I'm from this is pretty easy to get if you know what memes to pull

Yeah just like that race car I'm sure you own and/or can afford

>I love owning LUXORY automobiles
'Murican intellectual.
Let me guess, your "Luxory" automobile is a 2003 merc C-class.

how much are you putting into crypto?

Yeah my luxory automobiles are 2003 Merc C class why it's dope and it'll last another 100k miles easy

I drive a BMW 5-series, which I bought in cash.

I think the burger user was referring to pickup trucks, which aren't luxury automobiles unless you're a hick who's easily impressed

Congratulations, now buy real estate and a nice truck or 2 and you're in my league

>real estate and a nice truck or 2
>a nice truck
Lmao what are you even talking about? Trucks are for the working class.

You might not understand the difference between a 5.3 liter V8 displacement and torque vs turbo charged mid range fourign cars. Why not streach for the i7 at that point anyway, I understand the hybrid motor is quite nice almost as fast as a Corvette.

2k seems high for neets. Norway, Lux, or Switzerland?

What's the source though?

842 Euros/month converted from Britbux.

Its kind of a group mentalt, or at last where i live. Most people try to blend in, and not stand out with unessary big houses and fancy cars.

After expenses, how many prostitutes can you buy per month, Hungarian or otherwise?

Isnt that homeless tier for Europe?
American cry when they earn 50k a year, and you are not even half of that.

For a NEET 2k euro/month is more than sufficient. Personally I could comfortably get by on 1k euro/month and less if I wanna get a bit uncomfortable.

Do you have to tax that? if not I suppose it's quite good for a NEET?

This, what the fuck, who can live on that.

range rovers are for the working class?

European NEET here as well. I receive $2,200/month, which allows me to live pretty comfortably. I have a 750SF, two bed room apartment and spend $1,100 in total on rent, electricity, water, sewage, TV, Internet, Netflix, and gas, taxes and insurance for my car.

I save $465/month and have $635 left to live on, out of of which I spend maybe $240 on groceries and beers (I'm a beer connoisseur and buy at least 25 craft beers per month). The remaining $395 is freed up to spend on hobbies.

I don't need to save as much as I do since my country has a cradle-to- grave social safety net.
I used to make $465/mo payments on a car, but I drive less than 6,000 miles per year, so I didn't feel like I could justify it. Now I'm just saving that money instead. I could choose to blow it on frivolous entertainment, but I already have more money than I need as it is, so I may as well save some.

lucky fella

How the hell do you get so much and why do you even need a car

How much you spend on food?
In my country eating is expensive, its not hard to eat 1/3 of your salary.

a range rover isn't a truck. that's an SUV.

I can live on 1k/month and save couple couple hundred a month.

>be burger
>get no neetbux cuz boomers rule the economy
>work 60 hours at McDonalds and have no health benefits and no way to get education
>owe $60k because spent 3 years trying to get an associate's degree
Why did I have to be born here? I could have never had to work. But now I am unironically on the verge of starving to death and dying of exposure because I can barely pay the rent. They also arrest you for not paying student loans too

>2kEur/mo for life so long as the EU exists
Once UBI becomes established this will be the pitiful existence of the vast majority of the population. We'll be given just enough to fulfill our economic duties as consumers.

>European NEET here
>my country has a cradle-to- grave social safety net
This isn't going to last anywhere near the rest of your life. The end of Europe in its current form is within sight.

Kek, try Latinoamerica.
You work as a slave, while the government openly robes you and the local niggers try to kill you to get their next fix.

>The end of Europe in its current form is within sight


At least you have an excuse. You aren't literally the richest nation on Earth. That's what makes North American life so bitter. We are involved with all of the wars, at the center of the world when it comes to politics, but for some reason it would kill the US government to enforce a 40 hour work week and make minimum wage something I can actually live off of

Yeah but rich white men need their 12th home and 5th yacht, money should go to job creators amirite

What do you mean what? You really haven't got the first idea what he's referring to?

I was granted lifetime disability benefits at age 19 on the grounds of an autism diagnosis. I need a car because I live in a small village with no stores.

Hardly anything. I don't have the patience to cook, so usually I buy a kilo of pasta for $1.50, or these boxes with four portions of rice for $0.75, or a kilo of frozen vegetables or potatoes for stir frying for $4/kilo. Occasionally I'll mix it up a little and spend $4.65 on a single meal consisting of fish or a bowl of salad with pasta. A $3.25 bread will last me a month if I put it in the freezer.

I suppose I spend around $125 on food.

I can think of two things: Brexit, and the influx of immigrants. But neither seem to be that significant.

He's a neet on the dole, sleepwalking through life. I doubt he has the first idea what's going on around him.

Damn you are right, the gap just keeps getting bigger. Fuck this country

>It's only a few cancer cells metastasizing throughout my body. It doesn't seem that significant
Once they reach 10% you're going to see a lot of changes.

But you love that shit.
You always vote for the next liberal jew that wants to kill middle class, and any social policy is consider some kind of demonic ritual.

The sad thing is that you have a huge leverage with any company, threaten to leave or restrict the access to your market and they would bend over, but for some reason, you still let the companies rule your country and write your laws.

>implying any republican bootlicker would ever raise the minumum wage or enforce a 40 hour work week for retail cucks

That wasn't me responding, but I'm inclined to agree with that user's sentiment; I don't see Europe going down the toilet.

I'm from Denmark. In 2017, Denmark took in the lowest number of immigrants in nine years. I.e. fewer than before the Syrian refugee crisis.
Brexit doesn't seem to affect us much.

My biggest concern is the fact that there will be +2 elderly people on social security for every young adult of working age in the near future (and plenty of young adults like myself are living on government gibs as well). But according to economists, the impending senior boom is already factored into the national budget and we're only going to keep getting wealthier as a nation in the future.

Both parties are economically liberal.
One with a social democracy mask, but they are just different puppets of the same puppeteer.

Denmark (and the rest of Scandinavia) is in a good situation economic policy wise since your leaders rightly concluded that they could stave off the population problem with an extremely educated and efficient workforce.

kek you're going to have an interesting next couple of decades then

How the fuck are you getting 2k+ euros a month. What is wrong with you both? why is the government giving you so much money? and why are they not making you work?

I've worked full time for 2 years now and I've had enough of it, why the fuck am I working hard as fuck every for you cunts.