Serious question: is there actually anything wrong with being a slut...

Serious question: is there actually anything wrong with being a slut? I get the feeling some robots are only against it because they arent having sex and they hate the thought of a woman being more sexually experienced than them.

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I get the feeling some robots are only against it because they arent having sex

This is absolutely the case for me. I just hate the normalization of sex. The common belief in society nowadays is that women need to have as much sex as possible in their youth and experiment with as many guys as they can match with on Tinder. It makes the act seem less important and intimate when you realize that for the girl it's just a normal thing, like masturbating is for guys.

>is there actually anything wrong with being a slut?
Yep. Irl, like outside of libshit's "muh social construct" fantasies, sluts are tremendously emotionally and psychologically damaged people. Or, perhaps it's actually just the other way around, and psychologically and emotionally broken people are attracted to sluthood. Either way, promiscuity is not merely a harmless, inconsequential choice, and the hatred of sluts is not solely rooted in jealousy like many roasts would like to believe.

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Your picture honestly seems like gish galloping. For example the correlation between non marital sex and divorce seems BS. Notice how it says non marital sex, not premarital sex, a woman who has several sexual partners after a divorce could be considered to support a positive correlation. Furthermore, most analyses of this trend agree that women with a more liberal view of sexuality are more likely to divorce and have casual sex, correlation =/= causation. Should I go on?

Oh dear

>is there actually anything wrong with being a slut?
no. sluts are awesome. the problem comes later when a slut tries to stop being a slut and expects everyone to treat her as if she has never been a slut.

Femanon here for context.

I generally agree that being a 'slut' is a very negative consequence of society at the moment. The whole liberation of sexuality movement really devalued intimacy in general - between other women opening their legs constantly for validation, and the rampant pornography addiction among men, it really seems like sex in the form of lovemaking is rare.

However, I don't think people with more than a couple premarital sex partners should automatically be labeled as slut. Robots generally label any female that has had sex as a slut, regardless of the amount of partners or the time waited into a relationship to have sexual intercourse.
Not all women jump on tinder to get a quick lay when horny, so I don't really agree with saying:
for the girl it's just a normal thing, like masturbating is for guys.
However, that is a valid issue with at least some of the populace, which concerns me a lot. Women are generally the ones to be most upset by lack of emotional intimacy, and a lot of the time the women are the ones causing their own issues. By devaluing sex, they devalue one of the cornerstones of a healthy relationship, so they fail to see the intimacy they're constantly complaining about not having.

Rough times, friends.

Women as a rule are naturally more inclined toward liberalism when they are given the chance, sexual liberalism included. Try again nigger.

>Women as a rule are naturally more inclined toward liberalism
Source? Even if that's true what exactly are you trying to prove here? It still doesnt show that non marital sex directly causes unstable marriage.

Most reasonable post ITT

I've only ever had sex with one guy, my current boyfriend, and I've been called a slut for that.

It really do just seem like the accusations have no real foundation and are just based on the bitterness of virgins.

>sex out of wedlock
>not slut behavior
Pick one

People who have sex in the real world should wait until marriage, because STDs aren't a joke and they're actually real.

Internet sluts who only have webcam sex are a-okay in my book, that's just weird but no damage done

But what if she minimizes the risk of STDs with contraception and/or getting tested?

I'm retarded
Was meant for this

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its none of my business, or anyone's business. it makes society more child-like if we're obsessing over people's sex lives.
my default response is "wait until marriage" and that's it

That's pretty reasonable, was just curious

This post best post.

Once a slut always a slut. I definitely would not try to start a family with one. Lmao.

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>most analyses of this trend agree that women with a more liberal view of sexuality are more likely to divorce and have casual sex
>women are more inherently more likely to adhere to liberalism
By your own logic it's not unreasonable to conclude that women in general are more likely to have casual sex and get divorced. Your differentiation between premarital sex and non-marital sex is a pile of casuist, disingenuous bullshit. For all intents and purposes, they amount to the same fucking thing.

>is there actually anything wrong with being a slut?

Mostly that I don't get to join

Unironically this. I'm lonely. Meh.

So, how would you cuckolds respond to the argument that 99% of women are sluts?

I've never personally made that argument. I know that all women aren't sluts. It's more like 60%. At least for the west. I know a few pure girls that are 19 - 23.

i would have given you a serious answer if not for calling me a cuckold. choices carry with them natural and logical consequences. life isn't a video game. there is no reset button, no respawn point. choose wisely.

There is nothing wrong with it but I have the right to reject all sluts for being sluts.

Would you want your daughter to be a slut? 99% of a women's value Is her pussy sorry but it's true so she shouldn't give it up easily. I don't hate sluts the nicest girls I know are sluts. but there is something wrong with them

If you can't get basic human morality, then no amount of explaining and trying to logic you into it will work.

Nothing, I just find them disgusting a detrimental to society.
As long as you let me insult you in secret and dont get near me, everything is ok.

Again, correlation =/= causation. I don't deny women are more likely to be left wing than men, but it doesnt prove that they're "naturally inclined" towards left wing politics. We can imagine a million reasons why this trend is happpening.
>By your own logic it's not unreasonable to conclude that women in general are more likely to have casual sex and get divorced
Maybe, but that hardly proves that casual sex is what causes unstable marriage as that graph would seem to imply
>Your differentiation between premarital sex and non-marital sex is a pile of casuist, disingenuous bullshit. For all intents and purposes, they amount to the same fucking thing.
No they're not you fucking brainlet. The graph seems to be redifing terms in order to push a narrative. It wants you to believe that premarital sex makes you more likely to have an unstable marriage. But nonmarital is not the same as premarital sex. If a woman has a lot of sex after a marriage, then it can be used to show a positive correlation in this case, even though it effectively had no effect on her marriage. Pic related is a graph for premarital sex, as you can see the trend is much different. I can give you the source if you'd like

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Also I must say again that even if there was a positive correlation (which there doesnt seem to be), correlation =/= causation, you need to actually show that premarital sex leads to unstable marriage

This degree of cope lmao.
>W-women who have casual sex after getting divorced once are significantly more likely to have subsequent unstable relationships and more divorces, but the same tendency magically doesn't apply to women who've never been married because muh correlation doesn't equal causation.
Pop some more amphetamines and try again.

>>W-women who have casual sex after getting divorced once are significantly more likely to have subsequent unstable relationships and more divorces
When did I ever say this? All the initial graph shows is theres a coorelation between non marital sex and unstable marriages. It doesnt say anything about divorce or unstable non marital relationships. Are you just buttblasted that you didnt even read your initial source? Also the new graph clearly shows that theres no coorelation between premarital sex and marital stability.

>muh correlation doesn't equal causation
>the amount of coca cola consumed in the us has doubled, similarly, the number of homicides has increased drastically, therefore consuming coca cola causes homicides

That's how retarded you sound user, do you actually have crippling autism?

I'm not going to spew "facts" from my mouth about this topic because I don't know much about it. However I will say how I personally feel about it.
I don't have much of a problem with sluts as I do "modern hookup culture". I think hookup culture and sluts have always been a part of civilization it's just that there was more shame for participating in that stuff.
But now you can just download an app and fuck anyone. No secret meetings, no hiding it, no lies (except if they're cheating)
I think because its become so open and seen as positive, people believe it is. Its now "odd" to not have sex. Nothing has changed but how we think and perceive the ongoing "changes".
I think in the end both you and me are just primal beings who try to belong to a tribe.

>is there actually anything wrong with being a slut?

well if you want good men to die off and to spread STD's then continue being a slut.

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good for her but I not dating her. you need to be pure in my eyes if you want to score with me.

>Posts chart literally entitled "Women Who Have More Pre-Marital Sex Partners Are More Likely To Fail At First Marriage"
>Marriage and non-married relationships are as radically unrelated as homicides and coca cola
Wtf are you even arguing, you goddamned retard? That you can turn a ho into a housewife?

This is why you dont learn rhetoric from reddit
>Posts chart literally entitled "Women Who Have More Pre-Marital Sex Partners Are More Likely To Fail At First Marriage"
Except the data doesnt say that you fucking brainlet. Can you even fucking read, or do I have to spoon feed you information? Women who've had 6-20 partners are just as likely to fail at their first marriage as someone with one partner. More premarital partners =/= more likely to divorce. Someone with zero partners is less likely than someone who's had at least 1. You could maybe argue theres a coorelation there, but you cannot say that theres a positive correlation between the number of partners and likelyhood of divorce. Again, even if you could, you STILL havent provided evidence of causation, even though I've given you several opportunities to do so, yet you've dodged the question every single fucking time.
>Marriage and non-married relationships are as radically unrelated as homicides and coca cola
Were talking about marriage failure and premarital sex. We so far havent seen any graphs comparing premarital sex to nonmarital relationship stability. What are you on about? In regards to premarital sex and unstable marriage they probably are related somehow, but you havent shown one causes the other. My analogy was meant to prove that you cannot imply causation from two different variables like this. You need to show that one causes the other. I dont understand what's so hard to understand about this.

Either stop being disengenous and give an actual source or admit you have autism and shut the fuck up.

Was meant for

>Women who've had 6-20 partners are just as likely to fail at their first marriage as someone with one partner.
>Still higher than femoids with ZERO previous partners
Lol you just wrote that huge adderall-induced wall of text rant for nothing dawg

Those are both true. Sex should not be something casual.

Sluts hurt themselves:
>statistically, you're more prone to STDs
>statistically, you're more likely to be depressed
>women have a higher chance of being harmed by a potential sex partner, having many sexual partners shows lack of good thinking
>higher chance of being left suddenly/cheated on
>pregnancy scares
>turning 30 and finding out no one wants to marry you because of your past
>loose pussy full of warts

Sluts hurt their husbands:
>statistically, your eventual marriage will be a lot more turbulent
>sluts lie about their past to their husbands, and when he finds out it destroys the marriage
>sluts are cheaters
>sluts are gold diggers
>sluts make terrible wives
>sluts are incapable of loving their husbands

Sluts hurt their children:
>sluts make up 100% of all abortions
>sluts make terrible mothers
>more than 40% of single mothers live in poverty
>the annual cost for child care averages over 40% what the median income for a single mother is
>children born from teenage mothers are more likely to have health problems, both physically and psychologically
>children without a father figure are more likely to grow up maladjusted or go to prison

Sluts hurt society:
>45% of single mothers receive food stamps, paid by tax payers who can keep their legs shut
>25% of single mothers don't have health insurance, meaning its up to tax payers to pay for her herpes ointments
>sluts demand, year after year, for free birth control from the government so they can keep on slutting it up
>sluts are causing divorce rates to skyrocket, and marriage rates to plummet
>men are literally dropping out of society because they can't find a non-slut to marry
Why do you think feminists are so angry all the time? It's not because of "muh oppression" its because they're sluts.

Why do you have to selectively quote me? I conceded your second point, but I said the likelyhood of divorce does not go up with each additional partner, therefore there isnt a a positive correlation. Even if there was you still need to prove one causes the other. Like I mentioned above, women who have a more progressive view of relationships tend to be more likely to divorce and have premarital sex, it's not premarital sex that causes divorce.

Now that you've proven you lack basic reading comprehension maybe you should give your mom her laptop back.

No, I love sluts desu. Women usually are not slutty and hold out on sex. I have rarely ever met a slut irl. You have to think that even women who have sex for money really are just trading a service for cash, many don't become cock drunk slam pigs just because they love sex so much. I want women who put out, a gf who doesn't have sex with me is just a friend


Spreads disease and promotes habits that are unstable for family life. If you don't care about diseases like that new flesh eating std that's spreading in london, and you don't care about starting and maintaining a healthy family, then go ahead and be a slut.

>Women usually are not slutty and hold out on sex.
>Pic related
>Like I mentioned above, women who have a more progressive view of relationships tend to be more likely to divorce and have premarital sex, it's not premarital sex that causes divorce.
>Ignoring once again that women are significantly more likely than men to hold """progressive""" leftist values
Eagerly awaiting your next convoluted amphetamine-fueled blog post

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If I had a wife that I was very intimate with but I also gave a good fucking to, do you think she'd like it?

>is there actually anything wrong with being a slut?
No, but I would probably never date one. Sluts tend to look at sex differently than I do. There's nothing wrong with having a lot of sex, but I prefer reserving sex for someone I care about. There's a lot of people, virgins and sluts alike, who put sex on a pedestal and it can really weaken the experience of sleeping with someone you have feelings for. To think about it and say "it's just sex" is something I'll never be able to wrap my head around. To me, sex is an extremely intimate bonding experience that has really strong potential to draw two people closer together. All the way from a passionate kiss, to undressing each other and revealing your naked self to your partner is way more profound, which is why I've been nervous, yet more comfortable every first time with my past girlfriends, because I knew they weren't using me for my body. I don't have the sex appeal like ripped muscles or whatever for a hookup or a casual arrangement short of a real relationship. And in those situations I feel there is a lot of pressure on you to be some sort of sex god for that brief time. I've never felt that pressure in any of my relationships.

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sluts hate virgins

most robots are virgins

What are you on about? I thought the whole point of your autistic meltdown was that you were trying to prove that premarital sex causes divorce. Again I acknowledge women are more likely to be left wing, and this better explains why they have a more liberal view of sexuality. But it doesn't mean that premarital sex causes divorce, and again you never proved they were "naturally inclined" towards them.

If you're going to be disingenuous and just pick and choose what to respond to, then maybe we shouldn't be talking.

Being a slut and willing to fuck guys they do not know easily raises the possibility they might cheat and they might be untrue to you.

ugly/fat girls will work with you to make you comfortable if you're a virgin.
t. Guy who lost his virginity to a fat girl.